Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Citizens’ Advisory Group for Sequim

Twenty-two Sequim residents might be forming an advisory group to work with the Sequim City Council. This would theoretically give a voice to “regular” people who aren’t politicians and power brokers.

This advisory group will only be formed if the City Council approves the idea. That’s kind of like the old joke about the housewife who wanted to take assertiveness training but she was afraid her husband wouldn’t let her.

How about a citizens’ advisory group for Port Angeles? Think it would ever happen?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha, Ha, Ha! Surely you jest, Tom!

4:57 AM, June 05, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first commenter is right. As the saying goes, "it can't happen here." A citizens' advisory group for the PA city council? LOL.

5:33 PM, June 05, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "new" people on the PA city council are quickly morphing into the "old" people on the PA city council.

A citizens' advisory group would be filled with people like Edna and other cronies. A rubber stamp for the same old, same old by the city council.

5:59 PM, June 05, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Out of curiosity what are the previous commentators mad at the council about? Is it decision or lack thereof? I haven't been following issues very closely, but the conversations fascinate me.

6:48 PM, June 05, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Previous comment (6:48 p.m.): The Port Angeles city council has a history of treating the town and all its citizens like its own personal fiefdom. A few local powerbrokers call all the shots and the rest of the public can go F#$& themselves.

The 2 most blatant examples I can think of are: driving the farmers market out of town, and not allowing the public to vote on whether they want the water supply fluoridated. There are plenty of other examples.

There's now a new mayor and several new council members, but "meet the new boss, same as the old boss."

10:33 PM, June 05, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In another topic on this blog someone said that a lot of people (the "new" people) ran for City Council promising to bring the farmers market back to down town ... now they're in with the in crowd and the farmers market is still stashed behind the court house.

When they're running for re-election they'll campaign on "bringing the farmers market back to down town."

The more tings change, the more they stay the same.

6:02 AM, June 06, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NOBODY wants streets blocked off for only a few organic-eatin nutzos...the best produce is at Safeway anyhow.

11:08 PM, June 06, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's right, that's why "nobody" complained when the farmers market was driven out of town and banished to the courthouse parking lot. And of course "nobody" patronized the farmers market when they closed off that block of Laurel Street, and that's why downtown Port Angeles was always so empty during those Saturdays when the farmers market used to be here.

Hope you're enjoying your little magic bubble world while you're shopping at Safeway.

12:24 AM, June 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The tofu eating California transplanted wackozoids need to wake up!

You can't block off one out of three north-south streets for the Farmer's Market in your "Downtown" when tourist traffic is high in the summer months and the ferry terminal drops 100 cars into the mix at rush hour!

The downtown speed limit should be raised to 30 mph and the ridiculous middle block crosswalks with no overhead warning signs and flashers need to be removed to open up the traffic bottleneck.

You can't have a pedestrian oriented downtown when you have NO alternate routes for traffic to move around it!

Wake the hell up Port Angeles and join the 21st century!

2:17 AM, June 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Downtown PA's top priority is to be pedestrian friendly so that dozens of downtown shops have a chance of attracting customers and surviving. Downtown traffic sucks, that's why we need a bypass for through traffic. That's the solution, not turning downtown PA into an expressway.

If you think closing off Laurel Street for 3 hours once a week is so terrible, you must be furious about that block of Cherry Street being converted to one way. And when the doctors office moves to that location, that block will be closed off permanently. Isn't that just infuriating?

Let's hear your rant against those $#@%^&!##@ doctors and their %$$#@@!^&*! patients who are wrecking the town by permanently closing "one out of three north-south your 'Downtown' when tourist traffic is high in the summer months and the ferry terminal drops 100 cars into the mix at rush hour!"

10:15 AM, June 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"NOBODY wants streets blocked off for only a few organic-eatin nutzos...the best produce is at Safeway anyhow."

... crack smokin' fools be usin' the 'net agin!

8:36 PM, June 07, 2008  

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