Sunday, June 08, 2008

Reduced Federal Aid to North Olympic Peninsula

I don’t usually write about national politics at this site (that’s for my other blog). But in this case the federal government’s action (or inaction) will have a direct effect on Clallam and Jefferson Counties.

Bush was already planning to veto the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act. But the bill never even made it that far. Last Thursday the bill got defeated in the House of Representatives.

This bill would have continued giving federal aid to counties that have lost money because of reduced logging. This program is now discontinued because of the bill’s defeat.

Last year Clallam County received $1.1 million from this program. Jefferson County received $1.3 million.

Now what?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Pull kids out of public school system and home-school them.


2. Donate directly to your school instead of having them suckle on the federal teet.

6:35 PM, June 08, 2008  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

Whoever it is that keeps blubbering about "tofu eating California organic nutzos" -- You'll have to expand your vocabulary and get more coherent if you want any more comments published.

9:41 PM, June 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Republicans love to get even. This was a chance for them to punish Washington and Oregon for being blue states.

6:54 PM, June 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So double pay taxes? I dont think so. There is always secession from the idiots in DC. Might as well before their boat sinks anyway.

Think Ecotopia. Think the State of Jefferson.

9:03 PM, June 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Government "help" is always a double edge sword. They can give and they can take away, they can rescue you or they can put you in jail. That first commenter is right, we all need to get off the federal teet.

9:21 AM, June 11, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For what its worth, the mayor of Seattle just suggested secession of Seattle from the union. All this time, I just thought if you offered him a penny for his thoughs, you'd get change.

9:32 AM, June 12, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Secession is pretty ridiculous unless Washington state plans to join up with British Columbia and become part of Canada.

6:40 PM, June 12, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I can say is...ROSSI in November!

10:35 PM, June 12, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, Rossi is the answer all right! We've seen how realtors run the city government in Sequim with all their insider deals and "pave over everything" mentality. Imagine what putting a realtor in charge of the state government will be like ... you can smell the putrid stench of corruption from Rossi a mile away!

5:56 AM, June 13, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, like LAWYERS like Gregoire are any better!!

10:51 PM, June 13, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When we get this here state of Jeffertopia started I'm for hanging the realtors and then hanging the lawyers. That oughta just about settle everything.

11:22 AM, June 14, 2008  

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