Sunday, January 25, 2009

Oak Street Property to Remain Vacant

Those two acres at Oak and Front Streets (Port Angeles) are now owned by Tod McClaskey Jr., the owner of the Best Western Olympic Lodge. McClaskey has been against every proposed building — hotel, convention center — on that property. Now that he owns it, it looks like it’ll stay empty, for the time being at least.

Local government and business leaders have long wanted a convention center in Port Angeles. The only places in town that have space for large meetings are the Red Lion Hotel (2nd floor), Naval Elks Lodge and Vern Burton Community Center. But with the global economy taking a nosedive, it’s hard to picture any large business groups coming to Port Angeles and not having enough space for a convention.

In any case, it looks like that field will still be available for kite-flyers, dog-walkers, cyclists, etc. Now, if only that nearby dock wasn’t “privatized” and plastered with “Keep Out” and “No Trespassing” signs.

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Blogger BBC said...

I've already commented on that in the previous post but it's a lovely spot to fly kites. But I fly mine out on the spit.

I think that would be an okay location for a motion theater, but not a hotel, but not at this time and in this economy.

It's wise to just hunker down and get by for now.

5:10 PM, January 25, 2009  
Blogger BBC said...

In my continuing efforts to irritate others by commenting I think it would be wise of the city to just get back to providing basic services to it’s inhabitants like a city government is supposed to do.

And leave business up to the business community instead of them promoting so much growth and new business for them to have more to lord over. To the city government of PA I say, “Mind your own frigging business and do what you are supposed to do, provide basic services at fair prices. Leave business and growth up to however it shakes out so that it can find it’s own rightful place.”

Anyone wanting this town to grow more is a frigging greedy moron, get the business people out of city government. They are serving their interests, not yours.

5:35 PM, January 25, 2009  
Blogger Willow said...

This great news makes my day! It is such a beautiful spot. Building on it would destroy the aesthetics. Thank you Tod McKlaskey! Someone with some good sense about what our area is really about.

7:00 PM, January 25, 2009  
Blogger BBC said...

Willow, stop making sense, ha ha ha.

8:18 PM, January 25, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was glad to hear this! I hate the thought of another big hotel eyesore on a beautiful vernal pond filled every winter with migrating geese and other birds. It's so beautiful, it almost seemed doomed to be built on. Good for Mr. McKlaskey.

8:49 PM, January 25, 2009  
Blogger BBC said...

But I do thank you for showing us a bit about who you are instead of hiding behind an anonymous comment.

Me? I just let it all hang out there and see how it shakes out. It's all very interesting to me.

I love the cat picture in your profile, had a cat like that once. But my current cats are dark.

And those pussies here at Polly's Honky Tonk Saloon and Whorehouse sure are lazy. :-)

8:54 PM, January 25, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too bad this blog's been taken over by the multi-posting idiot brigade.

If someone starts a serious Port Angeles forum, let me know. This one was marginally interesting, if only to get a feel for the true level of invective and ill will amongst the downtown business community, but now it's a complete waste of time.

4:28 AM, January 26, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This being Port Angeles, any construction project on that property would probably get almost finished and then just fester there for months on end. We could call them East Gateway and West Gateway.

Better that the property is left empty and beautiful and enjoyed by the public. At least until the economy picks up again and/or we get a city council that does its job.

12:13 PM, January 26, 2009  
Blogger BBC said...

Too bad this blog's been taken over by the multi-posting idiot brigade.

Anonymous, that's just one persons opinion. But thanks for stating so, your opinion is important to me, ha ha ha.

Considering how I view the world I think this blog and the comments are serving a very useful purpose.

I have every reason to believe that there are people reading it that will never comment so you won't know who they are.

That was not mean that they are not getting another side of the picture by visiting and getting different views.

2:25 PM, January 26, 2009  
Blogger Willow said...

I agree with you, the city ought to just provide the basic services at fair prices.

They have several million dollars earmarked as their "Economic Development Fund" and added more this past year. They could use some of this money to keep the pool open, but continue to choose not to.

It is time to hunker down and just get by for now.

6:47 PM, January 26, 2009  
Blogger BBC said...

I have no issues with a pool here staying open even though I have not used it since moving here because I hike to the hot springs a lot to enjoy them.

I do feel that it is one of the things that this city government should provide in a town this size though.

But they are more interested in unimportant empire building crap that will put more money in their pockets.

And by that, I mean their personal pockets.

I am wondering about one thing though being as I don't know all things. It appears that it costs about 30 grand a month to keep the pool going.

Why does it cost so much when a local hotel also has an inside pool that I know they couldn't afford to keep going at that price?

Just wondering, I like to ponder on those things.

8:33 PM, January 26, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hunker schlunker...get out and enjoy was MUCH worse under Carternomics and we pulled through.
Oops, I forgot, we had a Ronald Reagan to pull us out...probably not so lucky with an Obamy.
Time to hunker down and just get by for now!!

9:53 PM, January 26, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon 4:28 am 1-26 -- if this place isn't "serious" or "interesting" enough for you, you could always fix that by making a comment of your own that's "serious" enough. But then it's always easier to just complain about what everybody else is doing instead. Whatever, suit yourself.

1:50 AM, January 27, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We don't need elitist attitudes like yours on this board, Anonymous 4:28am!

Serious ... ha ha ha!

7:58 AM, January 27, 2009  
Blogger BBC said...

Interesting post over at the CLUSTERFUCK NATION

No worries here though, being as I saw this all coming. Never mind that some think I'm an idiot.

Some of my most intelligent and wise friends think I'm a genius, I'm just willing to let the future and history determine it.

There never has been a genius that wasn't considered by some to be an idiot because they never back flush their bullshit filters and don't process things properly.

I just think of myself as a special idiot. No point in just being an average idiot like anonymous. :-)

9:17 AM, January 27, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic (but what isn't), I can't find an RSS feed off the PDN's website... Am I blind or do they actually not have one?

Same with the Chamber blog and the Downtown Association site.

11:49 AM, January 27, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Some of my most intelligent and wise friends think I'm a genius, I'm just willing to let the future and history determine it."

ROFL ... sounds like you're Dubya's scriptwriter, Billy!

12:56 PM, January 27, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Billy, that guy is a frickin liberal whacko weenie. Obama's "stimulus" plan is bullcrap...$$$ for ACORN? $$$ for Pelosi's contraception plan?? Give me a frickin break!
All Obamy has to do is 3 things to get the economy going:
1)Lower the capital gains tax.
2)Secure our borders and throw all the illegals out pronto.
3)Tell all the environazis to shut up and relax all environutz regs and immediately start to build nuclear power plants and drill baby, drill off our coasts!

2:09 PM, January 27, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why didn't you run for president, Liz. Sounds like you've got all the answers (Billy could be your Veep. He has all the answers, too).

3:33 PM, January 27, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why so serious??

Seriously, though... KONP has an RSS feed, but the city, the county, the sheriffs department... none of them do. And they don't have Twitter or any Web 2.0 functionality.

I'll keep investigating this phenomenon and report back, because I'm sure this is a topic that each and every citizen in Port Angeles cares about.

5:59 PM, January 27, 2009  
Blogger BBC said...

Why didn't you run for president, Liz.

Anyone wanting to be preznut of this country now is an idiot or an underachiever.

It's possible that Liz and I are smarter than to want that position. Well, I can't speak for her but you damn sure can't give me that job because I would refuse it.

America has to reinvent itself, it's government, its economy, it's ways of doing things, and that is going to take new ways of thinking and doing things.

Something that American's hate doing.

6:17 PM, January 27, 2009  
Blogger BBC said...

What's this new development about the city hosing you for the clean up of the old Rainer mill site?

I'm not clear on what is going on there.

10:41 AM, January 28, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be sure to post, Billy, when you get the lowdown on this important, engaging issue.

Without you this blog is nothing!

12:26 PM, January 28, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes of course Port Angeles taxpayers will get hosed. Again. Gateway, Rayonier...

Another big fat contract for a few local VIPs, and the local citizens will gladly foot the bill. And the beat goes on.

12:42 PM, January 28, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, let's leave that little "waste" "land" vacant...that'll sure help our tax base, just like the graving yard. What a waste of damn good land.
Hell, let's just give the whole damn city to the tribe, the homeless and the nature freaks...then they can smoke their bongs, have a circle-jerk and sing kumbaya down there.

10:59 PM, January 28, 2009  

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