Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Norm Dicks: No Town Hall Forum on Peninsula

Norm Dicks has decided not to discuss health care reform at a town hall-type meeting on the Olympic Peninsula, as originally planned. For security reasons, he’ll instead be having an invitation-only meeting this Friday at the Red Lion, from 9 a.m. to noon.

One of the invitees is Clallam County Republican Party Chairman Dick Pilling. Pilling organized a demonstration on July 17th outside of Dicks’ office, and predicted that Friday’s meeting will attract some demonstrators, probably along the Waterfront Trail.

He said: “I would be very surprised if people were not there trying to make sure he understood that not everybody agrees with his stance.”

Not to worry, these spontaneous demonstrators are getting their message across loud and clear.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

With some of the crap that's going on at these Town Hall meetings, I don't blame him. It's just becoming a shouting match, at the very best.

Which sucks because I really want a civil discussion on health care reform. I don't think this proposal is it, but I strongly believe we need an overhaul. What we got is broke.

I think the best thing to do is send your congresscritter an email, just "Health Care: yay" or "Health Care: nay".

2:28 PM, August 12, 2009  
Blogger BBC said...


I'm not much interested in the health care thing, I just plan on getting dead and saving the taxpayers some money.

I think that a really complete plan would break the country being as there are so many that are afraid to die and want everyone else to help keep them alive to a hundred.

Not to mention the millions of bottom feeders living off the system. If you want good health care just become a bottom feeder, they contribute nothing and live off the rest of you and have good health care.

Not that you would know it if you listened to some of them whine.

6:05 PM, August 12, 2009  
Blogger SleighBoy said...

More of the same from Mr. Dicks. Ignoring, avoiding or placating his constituents. Best to just vote him out.

9:15 PM, August 12, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I'm not a big Dicks fan it's obvious these so-called 'protests' are being orchestrated by the same rightwingnuts who brought us the teabagging 'protests'.

And I though KKKarl was too busy lately lying to the House Judiciary Committee.

Funny,seems most of the 'protesters' I see qualify for Medicare?

7:38 AM, August 13, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny how the left is trying hard to push the socialized medicine but nothing is mentioned bout overhauling the insurance companies that are raping this nation. Them and the malpractice attorneys are raking it up.

Then there's the welfare mongers and prisoners that get everything for free anyway.

8:57 AM, August 13, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

civil discussion is a lost art

9:36 AM, August 13, 2009  
Anonymous sick of boomers said...

The problem with the health care in this country are: 1. DRUG COMPANIES 2. INSURANCE COMPANIES 3. GREEDY DOCTORS 4. FOR PROFIT HOSPITALS

But the government isn't going to do anything to curb any of that...because most of our representatives get big $$$ for helping them, not us, them.

Drug companies have already made a deal with Obama to screw seniors in exchange for not opposing his plan.

Insurance companies want a piece of the pie....and no one is looking at why our insurance premiums have gone up 500% in the last decade.

Hospitals are for profit. This is never good. Corporations make decisions that are predatory.

Dicks should suck some. He's a weasel among a group of weasels. He's a coward, a liar, and a cheat. This nonsense of "pretend transparency" is getting so old. He should get shoes and tomatoes thrown at him...but he's not enough of a man to really face his constituents.

9:42 AM, August 13, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't let the goverment pull the plug on your granny!

12:14 PM, August 13, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why not? We need to get rid of the boomers some how..or they'll suck the system dry...
Then there is the issue of fatties....they're eating themselves to an early death. Why should the rest of us pay for their gluttony?
Deny them coverage...
Then there are the smokers sucking down the packs and packs of cigs because they WANT TO (oh, so addicted....yeah yeah). They have read the warnings, watched their grandparents and parents die of cancer...yet they keep on smoking. Should we pay for expensive services so they can keep on smoking?
Deny them coverage.
Seems simple to me....

3:32 PM, August 13, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everything seems simple to a moron?

10:52 PM, August 13, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what do you's what the insurance companies are doing!
They're making money hand-over-fist, and canceling coverage if you even look like you're going to cost them some money. They deny coverage all the time, and only reluctantly pay. If you're self insured the premiums have doubled every year for the last 8 years... (where I once had family coverage for $200 a month, I now can pay $1200 a month....and that's for a 5k deductable! I used to have 500 dollar deductable.)
The insurance company just wants your money.....if you get sick, you can go crawl in a hole and die.
Seems simple.....and they're not morons. They're greedy bastards.

9:28 AM, August 14, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one is gonna pull the plug on your granny. Come on, already.

Here is a reality check for anyone who would like to find out what is really going on, and are tired of listening to Fox's distortions.

8:56 PM, August 15, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said... believe what the is pushing?
Damn, man, you are as naive as the FOX watchers.
Try digging a little deeper and doing some real research. Use your BRAIN and READ the damn will take you a few hours as it's bigger than the New York phone book and getting larger all the time.
But, let's try and think for ourselves and not be stooges.

9:24 AM, August 17, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Try digging a little deeper and doing some real research. Use your BRAIN and READ the damn will take you a few hours as it's bigger than the New York phone book and getting larger all the time."

For those out there wanting to actually do this, it's called HR 3200. It's also up at

It really was tough wading through all the "Death Panel" and "Obama is Hitler" and "OMG this is the greatest bill EVer!" crap and finding some objective analysis of this bill. There are decent editorials out there now, pro and con. I'd vote "NO" on this, but I'd also recommend everyone set down their Hitler signs, stop paying attention to Fox News or the White House or whatever email is running around, and read up on this thing. Then write your congresscritter.

11:31 AM, August 17, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to Anonymous @ 9:24 AM

Pay closer attention.

Anonymous @ 8:56 PM referenced ""
NOT ""

10:45 AM, August 21, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I figured they were mistaken because has been on archive for more than a year now....
It's a dead site, old stuff, archived.
It was an offshoot of chickenhead

I figured the poster had no idea that it was either a humor site, or that the poster HAD a sense of humor. But, I always expect that in Port Angeles...

12:29 AM, August 22, 2009  

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