Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Special February Elections

On February 8th, the Port Angeles and Quillayute Valley school districts will be holding special elections to ask for an increase in property tax levies. The elections themselves will cost the Port Angeles School District $45,000 to $50,000, and the Quillayute Valley School District $7,000 to $10,000.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every few months, asking for more money.

Will be interesting to see if the newly elected folks vote to raise the Federal debt limit, after campaigning about cutting government spending.

And, it will be interesting to see the trickle down impacts to small communities like Port Angeles as they cut billions from government programs.

How loudly will people complain as their oxen get gored.

11:16 PM, January 04, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me get this straight. It's going to cost the P.A. school district up to $50k - just to have the election?

If they've already got $50k then they don't need to have an election. Spend your own damn money first before you start asking for mine.

6:37 AM, January 05, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voting to not raise the debt limit is a republican phony ploy to look responsible and 'conservative" whilst they throw 'granny' a box of dry catfood.
It's a bullshit arguement but the ignorant will fall for it again like Charlie Brown "trying" to kick Lucys football.

Be afraid, be very afraid,that's the rethuglican motto.

8:43 AM, January 05, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 11:16

they will not vote to increase the debt limit.

Clinton cut the deficit by raising taxes while his repiblican congress cut government spending.

Obama raised taxes and spending, look where that got us.

Now we have republicans vowing to cut government spending and if Obama does not play the Clinton roll, he'll be gone in two years.

Good times are ahead.

even for Port Angeles

9:24 AM, January 05, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Special elections? To raise more money to try to educate these hillbillies? Who are we trying to fool here?

This is the town where fathers brand their kids like cattle, and the kids support their fathers actions, as do the courts!

This is the town where teen age mothers throw their newborn children in trash cans.

This is the town where people suggest people with PHDs should be publicly horsewhipped.

This is the town where the former mayor threatened to turn the water off to residents in attempts to force them to sign agreements he supported. Shut off water to elderly people during the summer! AND, the city council of the time supported his actions!

And, just look at the comments posted on this blog. The spelling? The grammar? The ideas?

Clearly, the conservatives are right on this one. The money would be better spent if left in the taxpayer's pockets.

Even if, here, that money will be spent on crack, meth and/or a 6 pack.

9:46 AM, January 05, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well said Anon 9:46

10:12 AM, January 05, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No kidding.

Let's not forget the local "leadership", that spent hundreds of thousands ( or did it end up over a million?)of taxpayer dollars to try to buy the former Rayonier mill site. Remember, this effort was predicated on the concept that the site would be developed with houses, retail, and such.

But, at the same time, the city was/is planning on having a HUGE 5 million gallon tank of sewage sitting permanently in the middle of the property.

Yeah, the local brain trust really thought THAT through. Any wonder their subsequent research showed no interest in the property by any developers.

The leadership in Port Angeles clearly has shown us we can trust them with our tax money, and that they spend it carefully, and wisely.

Please DO vote to give them more.

10:42 AM, January 05, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9:24 said: "they will not vote to increase the debt limit." HaHaHaHaHa! You can't possibly be so naive so as to believe that! Even the "new" Republican leadership says they will have to raise the debt limit. Whose ox is getting gored? All of us will be feeling the pinch much, much harder, and rightfully so. But local education IS NOT the place to make a start. The Federal Government has plenty of fat left to trim.

11:32 AM, January 05, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The leadership in Port Angeles clearly has shown us we can trust them with our tax money, and that they spend it carefully, and wisely.

Please DO vote to give them more!"

Give our local Reds more of our money? YOu've got to be kidding, Comrade!

1:05 PM, January 05, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Give our local Reds more of our money? YOu've got to be kidding, Comrade!"

You are really pretty funny. Councilman Don Perry sure would bristle at being called a Red.

9:46 PM, January 05, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about we cut most or all of the music programs, get rid of all the sports except boys football and baseball and boys and girls basketball.

no new taxes required

7:45 AM, January 06, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 7:45 - Wouldn't it be GREAT if it was really that easy! Have you looked at their Budget? The grand total of costs for ALL extracurricular Sports and Music, put together, doesn't add up to $75,000 a year. They were just cut more than $1,000,000, and are only asking for $750,000 of it back from the levy.

9:59 AM, January 06, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

80% of the school districts budget is labor.

they want more taxpayers money to continue the union greed

10:55 AM, January 06, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why can't kids play sports without it being part of the school district. Grammar school Soccer does quite well. Why is it that band, sports, art are always pushed when the kids get pregnant in high school, can't "speel" have trouble reading, are rotten employees (lazy and stupid) and have no future other than on welfare? Do sports/band/art contribute anything to an already failing school system?

1:50 PM, January 06, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at princess Christine now, she wants to tax Clallam and Jefferson County for the new ferries.

The unions are killing us all again.

Everyone whines about how much Kent Meyers gets paid, or Dr. Keegan, the hospital CEO etc.

Do people have any idea how much the lazy ass union ferry works make?


2:57 PM, January 06, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Do people have any idea how much the lazy ass union ferry works make?"

Yeah, they all should be rounded up and publicly horsewhipped along with those freaks with PHDs, right?

Remember to include those greedy union guys in the police cars and firetrucks, too.

3:30 PM, January 06, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

along with:
librarians who near earn 100K
janators who make 75K
bus drivers earning over 50K

the list goes on and on

4:08 PM, January 06, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Imagine a culture, a country, without music or art. No songs, no writers, no movies, no architects, no painters, no dancers. Is that really the standard you're willing to settle for? That sounds like a sterile, creatively dead culture to me - one that wouldn't be able to compete in producing the successful inventors and innovators of tomorrow. (If you don't think computer programming is an art form, I beg to differ...)

Many, many studies have shown that exposure to and involvement with the CREATIVE arts helps raise proficiency in math, in science, in all sorts of subjects. Creativity of all sorts is vital to a successful culture, and a successful economy.

Remember: An artist designed the clothes you're wearing. An artist created that newspaper ad for your business. An artist created that Valentine's Day card you're going to be buying soon. An artist designed the bridge you drove over today. An artist created the design for the cereal box on your shelf. And on and on. Arts = Creativity = Jobs.

By bashing the arts, or minimizing their importance, what you are really saying is bring on the decay and decline of our culture.

4:33 PM, January 06, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon 4:33

yes, but none are from Port Angeles

6:57 PM, January 06, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

give me a break!
Most musicians didn't learn it in school. Most artists didn't learn it in school. Most dancers didn't learn it in school (especially PUBLIC SCHOOL).
People with talent are largely DISCOURAGED by public education, not encouraged.
Our schools SHOULD be doing a better job of teaching what kids should know: HISTORY, MATH, ENGLISH, WRITING, SCIENCE as well as how to read contracts (and understand them), how to manage money, as well as a foreign language, and perhaps a skill (if not bound for college, which should not be the goal of all students).
Art, Music, Dance -- really should be pursued outside the regular school, and/or should be pursued in a private school which specializes in these things. That is the reason that there ARE scholarships for specialty schools.
However, for all children to be "exposed" (meaning forced) to experience art or music, as a school subject, is just dumb.

7:21 PM, January 06, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OUR culture IS declining because our children are over-pampered, with too much self esteem pushed on them -- and they're ill prepared to deal with life. They are stupid, in many cases. Not even aware of how to read cursive handwriting, spell, locate Dayton, Ohio on the map, or understand the issues that plague the world. They are good at video games, eating junk food, talking about faux celebs, texting, and getting pregnant/getting someone pregnant.
Maybe you should look harder, but few kids have the attention span of brain damaged cocker spaniels, nor the ability to navigate in this ever complex world.

7:24 PM, January 06, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Do sports/band/art contribute anything to an already failing school system?"

Yes. Because, you see, there really is more than one kind of student. The driven ones tend to flock to extracurricular programs. The ones who get pregnant, never learn to spell and wind up on welfare, generally, do not participate in extracurricular activities. And there's a whole bunch of kids in between. In any case, I hate to take away the opportunity to learn how to function as a team, how to think outside the box, how to come up with new strategies on the spot, and all the other things sports, band, art, et al, provide just because some kids are morons.

Are there more morons? No. There have always been stupid kids, there have always been smart kids, there have always been overachievers and slackers and boozers and artists and band geeks and nerds and jocks and bullies. It's no different here. Our problem is, more and more, the smart ones are leaving, giving this town less options for leadership. The smart ones look at our quality of life and decide not to raise THEIR kids here. Believe me, killing sports, art and band would factor into their decision to pick another school.

11:01 PM, January 06, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Maybe you should look harder, but few kids have the attention span of brain damaged cocker spaniels, nor the ability to navigate in this ever complex world."

Exactly. Why spend any money on them? Any money spent is a waste.

If they are so brain damaged and stupid, don't expect them to be able to compete in the global economy as it now exists. With arts in the school, or not.

11:22 PM, January 06, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Instead of all these crazy liberal "self actualization" courses, kids should be given a broom or a shovel or a rake and told to go clean up the school yard or the class room.

That way the kids are getting up off their fat lardy asses and working and learning to be self sufficient instead of doing nonsense like yoga and kumbayah-ing around. We'd also get rid of the janitors and their overblown goon-ions!

And bring back prayer and corporal punishment at school!

5:44 AM, January 07, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop spending money on the stupid kids and start spending it on the smart ones.

This would eliminate over half of the spending.

There should ba a test administered between 7th and 8th grade. Those who pass stay in score, those who fail are out

7:05 AM, January 07, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

".. kids should be given a broom or a shovel or a rake and told to go clean up the school yard or the class room."

No, no. Let's return to the 1800s, and put the kids right into the factories. They learned a skill by age 6, and stayed out of trouble.

Hire the armed guards, and shoot anyone who asks any questions.

Problems solved.

9:44 AM, January 07, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"There should ba a test administered between 7th and 8th grade. Those who pass stay in score, those who fail are out"

Well, from your multiple mistakes with grammar, spelling, and punctuation, I can see you were one of those kids who didn't stay in "score". Therefore, I don't think you're really qualified to be part of this discussion.

11:04 AM, January 07, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 11:24

Nobody cares what you think!

I thought anon 7:05 made a good point and you clearly understood.

2:38 PM, January 07, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what factories?
They'd have to move to Mexico or go overseas.

4:16 PM, January 07, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 2:38 PM, January 07, 2011 said:

"Anon 11:24

Nobody cares what you think!

I thought anon 7:05 made a good point and you clearly understood."

Hunh? What ARE you talking about? I looked all through this thread, and there is no "Anon 11:24".

Step AWAY from the booze, sober up, take a few classes to learn some basic spelling, grammar and critical thinking skills, and people MIGHT listen to what you have to say.

8:50 AM, January 08, 2011  
Blogger WTF? said...

Typical tea bagger tripe. These morons will make up any lie in order to not pay taxes- period. These asswipes don’t give a damn about education, or anything else for that matter. If it dont put cash in their pocket, its worthless, whatever it is. They'd sell their mothers or their kids in a minute. In fact that’s just what they're doing.

12:38 PM, January 08, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nope, wrong WTF,

I just don't like supporting Meth heads, lazy asses who won't even look for work, students who could careless if they learn a damn thing, and all the rest of the welfare freeloaders out there.

5:08 PM, January 08, 2011  
Blogger WTF? said...

I just don't like supporting Meth heads, lazy asses who won't even look for work, students who could careless if they learn a damn thing, and all the rest of the welfare freeloaders out there.

Dear Stupid,
Why don’t you Google around and find the cost to our economy or the percentage of our GNP or Federal Budget that the issues you mentioned actually represent. Then compare that to the amount of money spent on corporate welfare, the military industrial complex (as defined by President Eisenhower,) and tax breaks for the wealthiest citizens in amerika. Then go soak your head and quit pretending you give a shit about anything but yourself.

7:14 PM, January 08, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"These asswipes don’t give a damn about education,"

Pretty easy to see from what they write! Seems they skipped out on a few too many of the basic classes.

9:50 PM, January 08, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WTF? if it was not for the US Military industrial complex, you and all your bleeding heart liberal buddies would be speaking a different language.

I think you should move to North Korea

7:09 AM, January 09, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 7:09 AM, January 09, 2011 said:

"WTF? if it was not for the US Military industrial complex, you and all your bleeding heart liberal buddies would be speaking a different language.

I think you should move to North Korea".

Of course, it is BECAUSE of the US military industrial complex that the US finds itself today a third rate country. We won the battle, and lost the war. Just as Republican conservative Gen. Eisenhower warned us would happen over 5o years ago.

All those patriotic companies that our soldiers died for to protect, rewarded their valiant efforts and sacrifice by moving to China and other places. To ensure the top CEOs could make in 6 hours what the average worker makes in an entire year.

Yes, personal profit is FAR more important than any other considerations.

11:19 AM, January 09, 2011  
Blogger WTF? said...

WTF? if it was not for the US Military industrial complex, you and all your bleeding heart liberal buddies would be speaking a different language.

I think you should move to North Korea

Hey, I served my time in the military, did you?

The fact is, the last time the military actually "protected" the people of the US was WWII. Since then, they have been used primarily to protect the profits of large U.S. corporations.

12:31 PM, January 09, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Since then, they have been used primarily to protect the profits of large U.S. corporations."

And don't forget our troops dying to keep the drug lords of Afghanistan in power. See, those drug lords believe in capitalism, too.

5:21 PM, January 09, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am NOT voting for any increases until the county starts valuing my property with some concept of reality. My place is overvalued by 2x or 3x it's "actual worth".
When they come down to reality, I'll vote responsibly. Until then, too bad, read my lips: NO NEW TAXES.

7:43 AM, January 11, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, did you or I cause the factories to move overseas? Did you or I cause the legislation that stripped us of all consumer protection (and it has, believe me, it has)? Did you or I support the overturning of all the corporate controls and banking laws that were enacted after the Great Depression to ensure that we never have the same woes again?
Did you or I support the destruction of our home towns, our downtowns, our civic pride, or the community we live in?
Did you or I support the creation of credit card bureaus, reporting agencies, or the ratcheted interest based on your credit 'score'?
So, why are we fighting with each other? We need to take back our country....and put it back on the right path. The rhetoric of "I fought in the blah-blah war to save your ass" is bullshit. I don't care if you fought in Korea, or in Vietnam, or even in any of the Gulf wars...our country sold out to China, and to the Saudi's while you were busy.
Look around. It's not OUR country anymore. We don't make the steel, we don't mine the copper, we don't have the gold, we make cheaper and cheaper crap processed food, we buy outright junk (made in China or India) and we -- zombie like -- are programmed to "consume, consume, consume" "buy, buy buy".
Time to wake up, folks....there is a REASON Zombies are in fashion. I think we can relate to the undead and unthinking.

7:55 AM, January 11, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"... we buy outright junk (made in China or India) and we -- zombie like -- are programmed to "consume, consume, consume" "buy, buy buy"."

You are absolutely right, here.

We have slowly (not SO slowly)learned to have TV and video be the dominating influence in our lives, and with that, the advertisers' messaging. With shows that promote consumerism on every channel, we now have a generation that can't even cross the street without staring intently at a video screen.

Where did this come from? Why has it become so important?

Why did "Air Jordans" become so important?

Try to talk to most anyone about world affairs. Most will look at you blankly. But ask them about what they bought recently, and they come alive. Why?

You are right. The government represents those with the most influence. And for most of the time humans have been organized into societies,"commerce" has had a dominant role.

This is no different in Port Angeles.

11:53 AM, January 11, 2011  
Anonymous Sarah said...


1:53 PM, January 20, 2011  

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