Sunday, October 30, 2011

City Council Candidates to Speak at PABA meeting

Candidates for the Port Angeles City Council will be giving presentations and answering questions at this Tuesday's meeting of the Port Angeles Business Association.  The candidates are Don Perry, Brad Collins, Dan Di Guilio and Cherie Kidd (incumbents); and challengers Sissi Bruch, Drew Schwab and Noelle Fuller.  Cherie Kidd's opponent, Cody Blevins, withdrew from the race; Cherie Kidd is running unopposed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hopefully someone asks drew about the steamball promotion put on this year with funding from the downtown association. Using public funds to benefit ones own buisness and welfare are not the kind of people we need at the council and board levels of this city.

11:56 AM, October 31, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the hell happened to this site? Every time I try to read the latest topic (about the PDN being sold), the page times out, and I get nowhere.

But, I can access and post the next topic down (this one)?? What is going on?

10:53 PM, November 02, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kaj, Dick, Edna, Larry and Karen are all trying to hack the system again!

4:59 AM, November 04, 2011  

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