Thursday, October 13, 2011

Occupy Port Angeles

There will be a local Occupy Wall Street rally tomorrow in Port Townsend and Saturday in Port Angeles.

The Port Angeles rally will be at 11 a.m., Saturday at Veterans Park.


Anonymous 1% said...

Losers! I mean, really - go get a job.

12:13 PM, October 14, 2011  
Blogger BBC said...

I approve of disobedience, discourse, picking on the greedy rich, or what ever ya want to call it. Hell, bring on anarchy, I'll sit on the porch and take pot shots at others just to keep everyone alert.

2:44 PM, October 14, 2011  
Anonymous 99% said...

Thanks for the advice Kaj

2:44 PM, October 14, 2011  
Blogger BBC said...

Say, maybe 1% has a corporate jet and twelve dollar an hour jobs for you. They only come here for the cheaper rents and wages.

3:12 PM, October 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This Occupy movement is like a zit that keeps spreading.
I'm kinda disgusted that the USA has gotten this bad.
Sorry you lazy self-entitled kids can't work your dream art job and therefore there are "No jobs" Go work a real job and quit complaining.

3:53 PM, October 14, 2011  
Blogger BBC said...

I work at real jobs but my rate is at least 20 bucks an hour, I refuse to work for rich assholes that don't want to share with me.

Oh hell, I'm not kidding anyone, I go camping and boating and work for friends for free.

6:13 PM, October 14, 2011  
Anonymous Alex said...

Stop using tax money for ongoing Washington National Guard deployments to distant lands- absent any military emergency, draft, or declaration of war.

7:27 PM, October 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop giving out of state mega banks tax exemptionsnom interest income from first mortgages so teachers can take a pay cut.

1:41 PM, October 15, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

our country was founded by some people who went against the powers that were in place. We celebrate the original patriots for being daring, but forget that a very vocal minority was against it, and thought the revolutionaries were a bunch of smelly hippy misfits.
So, I wouldn't be so quick to listen to Rush or those morons.... this is a VERY PATRIOTIC movement.

10:16 AM, October 16, 2011  
Anonymous Capitalist said...

Lets remember that complaining was what made Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffet, and Donald Trump rich.

Keep wasting your time, 99%

4:36 PM, October 16, 2011  
Blogger WTF? said...

Gates (born rich) Buffett (congressman's kid) Jobs (rich pal) and Trump (a crook who is bankrupt as often as not) yeah, these guys got rich through honest hard labor...

5:49 PM, October 16, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, aspire all you want, if you live HERE you have not the breeding, the trust fund, the connections, or anything else to get you into the 1% Gates made his first millions by STEALING DOS from the creator. How? Because his slimy daddy wrote a contract and funded Billy. Screw you, pie-in-the-sky dreamer. You'll never get rich.

6:37 PM, October 16, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been looking through the media reports and blog comments on this movement. So amazingly myopic.

The movement is taking place in hundreds of cities, in dozens of countries on every continent but Antarctica..

But the bright lights in Port Angeles and the US only see the US..

Stop spouting crap, and actually listen.

11:29 PM, October 16, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It IS interesting how, say, when the Tea Party types have rallies or protests, the right-wing lauds them as simply using their rights to assemble, to speak, to protest, etc. (And this goes even when the Tea Party types show up ARMED - which, in my opinion, really crsses a line in terms of public safety and acceptable conduct.)

But when these "Occupy" people (for lack of a better name) do the same things (gather, protest, etc.), those right-wingers try to smear them as being un-American, anti-American, hating capitalism, etc.

It seems to me that BOTH groups are taking advantage of the freedoms this country offers. And it seems to me that BOTH groups are dissatisfied with the status quo.

The difference comes in the responses to their actions. The left, generally speaking, states their disagreements with the Tea Party folks, while the right, generally speaking, seems to want to vilify the "Occupy" people.

Maybe if the "Occupy" people started packing heat, they'd gain a little more respect from the far right? But then again, if they did do that, why do I get the feeling that FOX News would suddenly get very, very upset about people at protests carrying guns?

Long story short: There's obviously a LOT of discontent in the country right now. And it's not all Obama's fault, nor are the economic and military problems all Bush's fault. We really, really do need to stop calling each other names, start talking about the actual FACTS at hand, and try - try - to move forward. Because if the fringe on the far-right, and the fringe on the far-left keep fighting each other, and fighting over all the people in-between them, without actually LISTENING to all those people's concerns and issues, none of us will get very far in the near future.

10:11 AM, October 17, 2011  
Anonymous Capitalist said...


You are exactly the kind of person that should be leading these protests...

Trust me, you don't hurt my feelings when you shoot my comments down. And lets remember which president had the idea to bail out all these companies.

10:36 AM, October 17, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Long story short: There's obviously a LOT of discontent in the country right now. And it's not all Obama's fault, nor are the economic and military problems all Bush's fault."

"... without actually LISTENING to all those people's concerns and issues, none of us will get very far in the near future."

Yes, this is true. I would suggest that the world is bigger than just the US, and what goes on in it. Our world is VERY interconnected at this point, so it doesn't help us to only look at what happens in the US.

As we see, if there is uncertainty in Europe, that affects us here.

So, as we see huge demonstrations in Spain, France, London, Yemen, Syria etc, etc, etc all saying very similar things, it doesn't make sense for the US talking heads to see the protests in the US being ONLY about the US.

There is a much bigger discontent being revealed.

11:18 AM, October 17, 2011  

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