Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sheriff Might Form Task Force for Clallam County Burglaries

Sheriff Bill Benedict might take a task force approach to the increasing residential burglaries in Clallam County.  Burglaries in Clallam County are up about twenty percent over this same period last year.


Blogger BBC said...

Everyone should be packing a gun and being a cop. Otherwise help is just minutes away when you need one.

Spent a good share of my life in small towns without cops in them, other than the fact that all adults were cops, I miss the good old days.

8:10 PM, October 10, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That "Race to the Bottom" comes home to roost.

Cut programs and services so the rich can fund their subsidies, and everyone else is left to fend for themselves. Any way they can.

Wait until Romney gets to run things.

11:17 PM, October 10, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's all O'Bamas fault. Them darker hued folks just want to steel your stuff. They're two lazy too pick cotton but not to lazy to rob your house and mary your dog.

3:59 AM, October 11, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't we just get a new, improved sheriff instead? You know, one who can read and write, and who isn't a sexist country bumpkin? Might that not help?

6:35 AM, October 11, 2012  
Blogger BBC said...

Can't we just get a new, improved sheriff instead?

What's wrong with the current one? Really, I don't know any thing about him being as I'm a good little shit and don't have run ins with the donut chasers.

3:54 PM, October 11, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too bad some of the $10 million in new offices for the Border Patrol plus at least $5,000,000 per year for 50 BP agents doesn't address much more likely scenarios such as burglary and murder by our neighbors. Instead they pick on illegal immigrant brush pickers and protect us agains the 1 in 10 million+ odds of terrorist attack on the Peninsula.

Why couldn't that money just have gone into existing local police, if that is what is needed? We already have Coast Guard-aren't they supposed to protect the water border? It's proven to work: Local Customs agents actually caught the bad guy coming from Canada to blow up LA in 1999.
Putting the money into local police agencies would not only "Protect the Homeland" but also protect everyone from far more realistic and probable chance of being harmed by a run of the mill local redneck bad guy.

Can anyone explain how that makes sense? You have to assume the same thing is happening all around the northern border.

4:16 PM, October 11, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lincoln park plan was released yesterday at the meeting and tonight by email. Grand total is $25.3 million. The only funding options listed are grants.

6:41 PM, October 11, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem in PA and many rural communities is that cops and their furry friends are trained to recognize and go after dirty hippies. Now, dirty hippies are "legal" and to throw fuel on the coals of the smouldering culture war (we have a black president whose middle name is Hussein and he wants men to marry each other and raise kids - LOTS of them - gay men LOVE children) those Caddies they are driving now were not bought with welfare checks nor are they selling for Mary Kay - although the business model is similar. Seems only fair, to give the tweakers a break. Afterall, you can always buy a new lawnmower. And if we locked up all the tweakers, then the dirty hippies would surely take over. And ya gotta admit, sophisticated distribution/protection methods keep our forests and trailer parks toxin free, for the most part, for now. Think about that. Adios!

1:26 AM, October 12, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

$25 million dollars, and we'll pay for it with grants we hope to get, some day, somehow...

I predict the City Council will go for it. Why not? It's only money. And their names will look SO NICE on a marker at the new, imporved park.

7:59 AM, October 12, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's keep ignoring what is in front of us, shall we?

The US and other countries that adopted the "corporation is God" perspective, that subsidies and policies should created be to benefit the wealthy few at the expense of the many, are in big trouble. Virtually all of them are big debt, and in various stages of "cutting costs".

Everyone says we have to "cut costs". Governments in Europe are enacting "austerity budgets", and politicians in the US are falling all over themselves to tell us how they will cut costs.

As we see, when governments spend less money, people get laid off. Unemployed people spend less money, and don't buy as many "goods and services". If lots of people don't buy "goods and services", companies lay off more employees.

So many industrialized countries now being interdependent, these problems are also interdependent. One of the US' biggest trading partner is the European Union. Yeah, the guys with the austerity budgets. Our economy is struggling, because people in other countries are not buying enough of our "goods and services".

And that is not going to change any time soon.

So, get used to the budget cuts and lay-offs.

9:33 AM, October 12, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"So, get used to the budget cuts and lay-offs."

Except in Port Angeles, where the City Council has Magic Money that they are spending without any concerns.

10:20 AM, October 12, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't have a dog named Mary.

Whatchoo talkin' 'bout, Willis?

7:05 PM, October 20, 2012  

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