Thursday, May 09, 2013

State Administrative Office of the Courts computers hacked. Peninsula residents could be affected.

Over 6,000 people who have been booked into North Olympic Peninsula jails may have had their names and Social Security numbers accessed by computer hackers.  Anyone booked into a city or county jail in Washington State between September 2011 and December 2012 could be affected by this data breach.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The slamming of Max begins in today's letters section of the PDN. I suppose we'll be treated to 7 months of Paul Gottleib and his trolls digging up every bit of trash to paint Max black.

7:33 AM, May 10, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you see the news clip about the hackers that got over $45 million from banks? They wrote code that gave them access to money, and had teams go out and just pull cash from machines at the rate of $127,000 a minute!

Computer security? Sure.

And who do you think is going to pay, in the form of increased fees?

9:19 AM, May 10, 2013  
Anonymous Andrew T. May said...

There is no need to dig up trash--Max puts it out on the curb for all to see.

10:07 AM, May 10, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paul Martin was Mike Chapman's "campaign manager." This is the good old boys trying to get back at Max and Dale for daring to threaten their status, and the status quo.

Needless to say the good old boys are all dirty, dirty, dirty. That's why they throw so much mud...

12:05 PM, May 10, 2013  
Anonymous I'm Big In Bhutan said...

Thanks for clarifying this situation. I'm sure Steve Tharinger is ultimately behind all of this.

Curse you Steve Tharinger!

1:53 PM, May 10, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This will be a nice town someday. Our time will come.

3:52 PM, May 10, 2013  
Anonymous Almost, but not quite said...

A downside of not subscribing to the PDN is missing the always illuminating LTE's. I gather that the PDN must have published a letter from Paul Martin that vilifies Max Mania, and somebody on this forum claiming to be Andrew May defends it?
It almost makes me want to buy a newspaper.

4:02 PM, May 10, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And, as expected, yet another thread gets hijacked.

Tom, why don't you just change the name of this to "All Max, all the Time", and be done with it.

Used to be interesting.

4:37 PM, May 10, 2013  
Blogger BBC said...

A guy with a cat tearing shit up in Gales Addition is a hell of a lot more interesting for us beer drinkers to bullshit about.

Go Barry.....

5:49 PM, May 10, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear the Heritage Foundation has commissioned a study to evaluate the IQs of rednecks in Gales Addition.

Ha, had you going, there!

6:55 PM, May 10, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 12:05 (AKA Max)

You forgot your hashtag, Max.


Got those re-election papers filled out and ready for filing Monday?

8:57 PM, May 10, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I hear the Heritage Foundation has commissioned a study to evaluate the IQs of rednecks in Gales Addition."

Only if they use public funds to do it while complaining about liberal spending...

... Kind of like Port Angeles four years ago. Can't wait to kick Max out so our elected representatives can get back to feeding from the public trough without anyone questioning it. We'll have to kick out the city manager too. He isn't being paid enough and he's local. That just ain't right.

9:22 PM, May 10, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, we've now got the atmospheric CO2 levels to 400 ppm. Last time it was this high was over 3 million years ago, and sea levels were 130 feet higher than they are today.

And what is the big topic of the day?

10:50 PM, May 10, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup, PA made the front page of HuffPo. Funny, the comments mirror the comments on the PDN, teabaggers trying to equate bulldozers with guns....Obama is coming to take away your bulldozers.

Oh, wait. The stupid comments are from teabaggers who have not experienced what it's like to lose someone to violence.

Death, violence...ha ha. Keep it up teabaggers.

10:52 PM, May 10, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We ought to have a festival here to celebrate stories of alienated working folks.

11:55 PM, May 10, 2013  
Blogger BBC said...

The next time one of you choose to go nuts with equipment there's two empty homes on my street the county wouldn't mind seeing destroyed.

7:23 AM, May 11, 2013  
Blogger BBC said...

It’s not often that we make the national news, interesting that just one man with a skidder on a neighborhood improvement quest (hahaha) managed to get us noticed. Now for a few weeks that area will be tourist attraction.

8:26 AM, May 11, 2013  

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