Thursday, January 16, 2014

Krush Closing

Krush Ultra Lounge, the Sequim nightclub that received numerous noise complaints from local residents, will be closing.  I've never been there,but the comments at a recent PDN article were all over the map.  Everything from "finally there's a place in Sequim where the main activity isn't Bingo" to "my 23-year-old daughter won't even go there at night because that place is so wild" to "why don't those elderly people just turn down their hearing aids if they can't sleep?"

The club's owner said:

I’ve got to choose another city, one that wants me.  I’m out of here. Good night and good luck.” 

 Oh well, Bingo anyone?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drive out young businesses trying to do something new. Drive out young politicians trying to do something new. Drive out kids for the "crime" of skateboarding or merely wanting to use their own downtown. Drive out new ideas and do everything possible to keep the 21st century at bay.

That's Clallam County. As others have already commented, no wonder the smart people leave, and those who stay turn to drugs.

7:36 AM, January 16, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Permitted as a restaurant, operating as a nightclub. Sounds like the teabag owner finally realized he was going to be in trouble and went on the offensive first.

7:54 AM, January 16, 2014  
Blogger BBC said...

I hadn't heard of it until now and have gotten old enough to not give a crap, don't even go out and do karaoke anymore.

8:25 AM, January 16, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rock Plaza seems determined to self-destruct. Sort of like Sequim. It's a mystery as to why they don't like small business there.

8:28 AM, January 16, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The owner of Krush (Joe McLauglin) is also the owner of Rock Plaza. So who knows what kind of business arrangements the legal entity of Krush had with the legal entity of Rock Plaza. The builder of Rock Plaza is the father of the current owner. The builder gifted Rock Plaza to his son when construction was completed. He has managed it poorly, with a 60% vacancy rate for the stores within the plaza. The storefront that Krush occupied has been 4 different restaurants now. The first was a german restaurant combined with a german cooking school (yuck). The closing of Krush has nothing to do with Sequim and everything to do with the ownership of Rock Plaza and Krush itself. The most successful business in Rock Plaza is the espresso stand, which was owned by Joe McLauglin, but he sold it. Bad move, he could have used the cash generated by the espresso stand to keep other ventures afloat until they had a positive cash flow. Restaurants are notoriously risky business ventures and it sounds like Joe's Krush was undercapitalized from the get go.

1:01 PM, January 16, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will someone please tell Zac and Dale "Baba Louie" Wilson to SHUT UP with their stupid comments about autoclaves on the PDN site? They may as well talk about inventing a time machine to go back and stop people from polluting in the first place. It ain't gonna happen, fools. Not in Port Angeles. NOTHING ever happens in Port Angeles.

1:16 PM, January 16, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've tried several times to start a business in Sequim, but each time a landlord turns down my knitting supply store business plan. The thing is, I can PROVE that I can generate the revenue to cover the lease! Ha ha, just kidding. The only way to pay those rents is to buy cheap liquor and sell it in small doses, with jacked up prices. :(

That's why this business failed. They bought the good stuff, and didn't mark it up enough. And they spent too much on entertainment.

7:46 PM, January 16, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@Anon 1:16

Actually, a company that specializes in gasification of city garbage was scheduled to meet with the City manager a few years back. That company was going to pay to build the system themselves, and generate electricity for the local grid at the same time. No garbage, no pollution.

They backed out only because there wasn't enough garbage each day to make the numbers work.

11:52 PM, January 16, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 11:52 PM, January 16, 2014:

Right. It's NOT gonna happen. So you've proved my point. Zac and Dale Wilson need to SHUT UP about this. It's fairyland foolishness, especially for backwards Port Angeles.

6:24 AM, January 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ 11:52

Maybe there will be after the new flow control ordinance is passed by the county?

I'm just waiting for our new all-star city council to propose banning marijuana since the state AG said it was ok.

7:29 AM, January 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure Rock Plaza is in receivership... Boy what a surprise that a poorly thought out plan that originated during the boom was going TU.

9:56 AM, January 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ Anon 6:24

"It's fairyland foolishness, especially for backwards Port Angeles."

If you look into it, you'll find out that the waste industry sees gasification as the way things are going to go, all over. Just a matter of time.

Sure would beat the current way things are done, with everything being put in trucks and driven down to the Columbia River, where our trash is then put on barges, and dragged up the river to Boardman, Oregon, where it is then offloaded, and trucked out to the huge landfill, there. Yeah, really efficient! No carbon footprint doing it that way, hunh!

@ Anon 7:29 Not sure new ordinances will change that picture by much, as we all are producing the garbage we do. In hillbilly-ville Port Angeles, we're not to concerned about fancy things like waste reduction.

But, I'd be happy to hear otherwise.

The answer, of course, is to join up with a few other small communities in the region, and have a regional waste management facility. Then there would be enough garbage every day.

Is that being negative? I can't tell.

9:55 PM, January 17, 2014  

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