Glines Canyon Dam Removal Expected to be Completed by May 1st
Officials from Barnard Construction Inc. of Bozeman, Mont. are expecting to have the last upright section of Glines Canyon Dam completely demolished by May 1st.
Blasting was shut down last November in order to accommodate fish migration.
Blasting was shut down last November in order to accommodate fish migration.
Yes, well...Now if they could only remove all the dead wood that blocks everything up in Port Angeles. But there's not enough dynamite in the world to do that, is there? Port Angeles will always be the dead lagoon, the end of the road, the place good ideas go to die.
go salmon go
Nice picture today, with some debris flowing through.
Judging from the photos on the ONP web site, it looks like this most recent blast removed enough concrete to allow salmon to fight their way upstream through the rapids caused by the dam debris. Maybe it's just an illusion caused by the camera being located so high above the river bed. But I hope it's true that passing the dam site is possible now.
It will be wonderful to learn that fish can migrate naturally into the former Lake Mills riverbed again.
Happy local news, for once!
Looks good enough to me! I say pack it up boys, everyone head up to the hot springs, free ganja supplied by the government WHOO HOOO WHOOO HOOOOOO!!! HEAVEN AT LAST HEAVEN AT LAST HEAVEN AT LAST!!!!!
as the last of the out of town dam workers, and the last of the out of town biomass cogen facility workers leave town,so will what's left the town economy......I know, lets go with tourism!
I'm thankful that I got to boat Lake Mills just before they closed the road to remove the dam, with a lady that knows that area very well.
Remember a lady that used to post as Willow? Cool lady, but I was too much of a stretch for her mind, but I want to thank her for that day if she reads this post.
You may have read the (several) recent stories in the PDN about how much trouble the Untied Way is having raising funds this year.
On a related note, a couple of years ago the local United Way stopped (financially) supporting the local branch of Planned Parenthood.
And not long after that, the then head of Planned Parenthood, Jack Slowriver, left the area.
I have a friend on the United Way board, and according to her, the UW stopped supporting PP because their were "rumors" of funds being wildly misappropriated there. This is apparently what drove Jack Slowriver to leave.
And according to my friend, this funding cutoff created a pissing match between supporters of the two groups, which is one reason that fundraising has gone down for the United Way recently. The UW still won't give to PP; and PP supporters won't give to the UW.
Typical Port Angeles. Someone lining their pockets at the expense of others. Another "war" between two local groups. And the quality of life - if there is such a thing here - continues to go down, down, down.
I do know for a fact that there were staff concerns during Slowriver's time at Planned Parenthood. She's supposed to have spent a lot of her work time on her failed bid for hospital commissioner.
Look everyone! Something good and positive is happening here!
Everyone I know got the creeps from Jack Slowriver. The town is better off with her gone, whatever the reason she left.
Yes, Very cool about the dam removal.
I think that happened DESPITE Port Angeles, though.
You know, how there are people and agencies that help people too stupid to look out for their own best interests?
anon 12:18 PM, February 12, 2014:
Let's all remember dear old (VERY old) Edna, who owns a store that sells cooking supplies - and who led the charge to drive the Farmer's market out of downtown. Hello, Edna - cooking supplies, food, cooking supplies, food. Think there might be a connection that could have actually BENEFITTED you?
No wonder Max won. And yes, this is a town that's incapable of seeing what's in it's own best interests 99.9% of the time.
But I'd bet my life that all the stupidity is putting $$$ in someone's pockets - you know, Karen Rogers, Jim Haguewood, Glenn Cutler, Nathan West, etc. The payoffs for all the stupidity must be pretty good.
Anon 2:24 PM, what about CPI?
I know. There is NO connections between the facts that Karen Rogers Consulting, which she ran while both Mayor and Council member from the same office buildings as CPI (118 8th Street.), that her consulting business was specifically about helping businesses getting contracts with the City (as stated on her own website), and the reality that CPI got all the big money contracts with the school district, the city, the port, etc.
No. It is all just a big coincidence.
All good. Fine, fine, fine.
anon 6:50 PM, February 12, 2014:
You are right, of course. I was simply trying to echo the fact that these crooks are SO stupid as to miss opportunities and misread changes that would, in fact, benefit them. In other words, they live lives of perpetual DUH. That's all.
OF COURSE Karen Rogers is a crook. OF COURSE her connections to CPI were relevant in their selection for big city contracts. This just shows that Karen Rogers is better at being an incompetent and obvious crook than Edna, that's all.
anon 6:50pm
OF COURSE Karen Rogers is a crook.
Well, an opportunist anyway.
Jack Slowriver still works for PP in Tacoma.
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