Saturday, January 25, 2014

Port Angeles High School Bond

In February of next year, Port Angeles School District voters will decide on a bond for a new high school.  School Board members voted 4 to 1 to place this issue on the February 2015 ballot.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much is this going to cost me? They don't even know yet.

I would much rather pay for a high school than the CSO project. The problem is that I don't get a choice about the CSO project, the city simply added the line item to my bill (along with the harbor study).

I get a chance to vote on this tax. With all the other taxes I'm already paying I'm inclined to vote against it. Many others are going to feel the same way.

9:03 AM, January 26, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'd just like to thank, of all people, Tim Smith for verifying what I've been saying all along: Port Angeles can't get along with itself, yet alone the real world. Here is the hand-picked, good ol' boy insider, and even he couldn't last a month dealing with the stupidity of Port Angeles "leaders." HA HA HA HA HA HA!

Now I just can't wait to see who they pick to replace Tim Smith. It's sure to be a real winner! HA HA HA HA HA HA!

Port Angeles: Failure is not AN option, it's the ONLY option.

9:27 AM, January 26, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's too bad that the city frittered-away that $7.5 million graving yard settlement received back in 2006. The money could have gone toward improving the high school or something more worthwhile than Harborworks and the Gateway.
It wasn't the school district that wasted the $7.5 million, though; the state gave the money to the city.

9:39 AM, January 26, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obstructionist (n.) - Someone who is a dick, acts like a dick, and when performs especially dickish things, even quitting at the starting gate, gets peer approval. See: Irony

10:13 AM, January 26, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:27 - HA HA! Well, since McAleer was SO upbeat about the future of the group and working with the guy, and our hopes CAN'T POSSIBLY be hinged on this one guy, there must be a glimpse of our wonderful future in her comments? I'M SO EXCITED!!! HA HA HA! The next one will be a winner!!! HA HA HA!

As far as the school, dump the backward administration, I'd support the schools here. If things were all wonderful, a nice modern hi tech forward looking school downtown with a much smaller footprint would be so freakin cool. Like ANY OF THIS will happen!

To, me, this is an it's so obvious moment. But, they will mull over three anti-obvious options, and pick the most boring and expensive one. Watch!

12:54 PM, January 26, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What did the Port of PA do with its separate $7.5 million from the graving yard settlement?
Maybe Colleen the new Port Commissioner should look into it!

2:04 PM, January 26, 2014  
Blogger BBC said...

Just upgrade it a bit at a time.

5:31 PM, January 26, 2014  
Blogger BBC said...

There are buildings on this planet that are a thousand years old, they don't just tear them down because they are old to replace them, they just upgrade them.

5:34 PM, January 26, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish Max would come back. Dale, too. Please, both of you, come back1

7:25 PM, January 26, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Max and Dale are too smart and too talented to ever come back to Port Angeles. Port Angeles is a place for those without skills, without ethics, and without even a shred of hope. Just look around.

9:31 AM, January 27, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:31 - Nice try teabagger TROLL.

11:12 AM, January 27, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Already the city finance guy says we're taxed out. Good reason to ask for more, right?

7:42 PM, January 27, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Port Angeles is so fucking pathetic. No wonder those with options and abilities (like Max, etc.) leave.

8:55 AM, January 28, 2014  
Anonymous March of the Lemons, continued said...

Reports are surfacing this morning saying that the Port of PA Commissioners have selected a secret candidate to become the new Executive Director.
Aha! So that's why Tim Smith resigned from directing the Clallam EDC: he will soon be taking the helm at the Port!!

9:45 AM, January 28, 2014  
Anonymous BYE BYE ORCAS said...

Yup, with the gazillion gallons of tar sand poison that will be transported soon in our waters, LOTS more money to be made at the port! DUR! When this state goes republican, or full blown teabagger, or just a few more dems in Olympia lose their spines, which will happen, we are going to be SO screwed. Just look at what is happening in West Virginia, and the teabagger response.

3:18 PM, January 28, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

March of the Lemons
What a fricken moron..........
You're so STOOOPIDD it hurts.

6:49 PM, January 28, 2014  
Blogger BBC said...

What did you think of Obama’s speech? I think that monkey is a fine speaker, and a fine dreamer, and a fine bullshitter.

7:07 AM, January 29, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard a rumor that the Port's secret choice for its new director is Jeff Lincoln, former head of Harborworks.
If only the Port would stop with the back room dealing and secrecy there wouldn't be these rumor mills.
The PDN could do a better job of investigating what's happening, but doesn't dig and report.

12:10 PM, January 29, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BBC - Well, it's leftist rhetoric, wrapped with some right wing words. Perfect for me as I'm to the left of him and patient. Better than killing off a fifth of a generation, no? The sixth speech is important and he nailed it. I was surprised to see him be so "European". Was like he was addressing the Brit. Parliament. With all the lies and bullying from the right, it's nice to see him so spirited, use humor so well, and nail it - esp. on linking peace efforts and lack of death. Although from gauging from the clapping, the republicans did not acknowledge this link and the FUCKING REASON he's President, and frankly, not a bullshitter. That's one of the reason's he's so despised by the right. Of course if you think Bin Laden is still alive, and the moon is made of cheese, you are unreachable and he knows at least a FUCKING THIRD of the country is in this situation, for whatever personal reasons. I'm just glad we'll never have another republican President. At least not anytime soon. Hillary, will be more of a hawk but he made sure she got some good diplomatic type training in the State Dept. so that's cool.

1:27 PM, January 29, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow what a great comment James Cook added to the PDN's article on unemployment being what it is:

"Unemployment is the number one problem facing Port Angeles. It should be the focus for any business, economic, government, civic and educational organization. Increase our employment rate and increase our family wage base and this will increase our tax bases and incomes for all civic groups and projects. There should be a simple rule for all of these agencies....If there is no improvement in Port Angeles employment or family wage base then the government or civic leaders cannot ask for new taxes or fund new projects by asking our citizens to pay for them. Look at the statistics: National - 6.7, King County unemployment - 4.7, Port Angeles - 8.6. Family wages: Washington state - $56,835, Port Angeles $44,310 (2011 figures). Ask yourself the question: Why do you think this is? Is it important to have more businesses to locate in Port Angeles? Better opportunities for our children? An improved and higher standard of living for all citizens? Higher wage paying jobs? A vibrant downtown with shops and businesses wanting locating there? New school buildings and facilities? If the answer is yes to these questions and others that affect your quality of life, than it is critical that our community leaders start focusing on what should be priority number one....bring in more businesses and better paying jobs."

I would add, or say, that business would want to open, or locate here if it were cleaner, and safer. Hint on the cleaner part. I won't spell it all out for you, unless you (the city) cuts me a big check, but consider what type of business of the FUTURE would want to be here. Look at global trends. And US trends. Hire and fire (biz too) using some of this valuable knowledge - the knowledge of what is out there, and what will be, and how we got there.

1:35 PM, January 29, 2014  
Anonymous HOTELS ARE PEOPLE TOO! (tm) said...

Someday, companies and markets (groups of people who combine their purchasing power) will boycott products from (openly) dirty cites just like tourists do now. Like how no American company (only small, dirty, compounding pharmacies will do it) will make the drugs required in execution, due to outrage in Europe over this. With social media, and those pesky overeducated and forward thinking European entities, we might find ourselves in a pickle. Slightly related, if you were a hotel, you would want to be in downtown PA?

2:21 PM, January 29, 2014  
Blogger BBC said...

I wonder if the economy here would improve if we grew hemp, not the pot hemp, the commercial hemp that has so many uses.

Not that I know how well it would grow here...

2:44 PM, January 29, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

280 jobs lost on the Olympic Peninsula, and 220 of them were lost in Clallam County.

Way to go, Clallam County!!!

There's just SO MUCH positive stuff going on here!

4:14 PM, January 29, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought the city's major investment in Fiber Optics and wi fi hotspots was supposed to lure high tech companies here. We're thoroughly wirelessly connected city-wide now. Do potential new employers care about this?
BTW - did CPI go belly up? Thought I'd heard something about them defaulting on contracts. Maybe they just got bought out?

5:33 PM, January 29, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm somewhat sorry we have no chances at a Republican president. I think the country works best when two economic philosophies meet in the middle and work for the best of the country, rather than have one side so prominent. But Republicans these days... I don't know what the hell they are anymore. They've gotten very good at the overly dramatic sound bites and catchy book titles that appeal to their hard-core base. They zero in on gays and women's bodies. Everything else is thrown out the window. They talk about government spending and government over-stepping its bounds, but then they give us "deficits don't matter" and "bridges to nowhere". Anyone with half a brain could see that our health care system was expensive, complicated and unsustainable in the long run. Instead of doing anything about it when they were in power they fussed over a constitutional amendment about gay marriage. The last presidential nominations were a farce and not a particularly funny one.

Even locally they can't figure out what they really are. The local Republicans are so fixated on what's going on in Olympia and Washington DC they ignore what's in their own backyard. Isn't a governing body that threatens to shut off the water supply of a large part of the population unless they accept annexation the very definition of large government working against the people? Isn't a $14 million bus stop an example of government waste? Isn't the constant government projects, rubber stamping budgets, government secrecy, back door deals and tax increase against everything the Republicans stand for? These are all given free passes because Obama! Gregorie! Clinton! Inslee! They're coming off as hypocritical, out of touch with the citizens and possibly even corrupt.

It's too bad. I tend to lean right fiscally, but the Republicans are such a mess right now they're useless for anything beyond selling books to the old folks at Costco.

9:07 PM, January 29, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@5:33 - potential new employers would definitely take that into consideration--along with a whole lot of other things that far outweigh the same broadband that many other towns and cities have.

@1:35 - The long-term trend reports I've seen are growth around urban clusters like cities. If Port Angeles is looking to the future they might want to prepare for this area contracting rather than expanding. Turn it back to rural rather than urban. Shrink the government and be judicious with city projects. They could go the other way and target a neighborhood for higher density growth, but I frankly don't trust them not to make a mess of that.

I know people say we should bring more apartments downtown. Personally I think the downtown would be best as a destination for tourists, the arts and shopping. It has a long, long way to go for that.

9:20 PM, January 29, 2014  

Looks like the PDN is going to be offering free screenings of REEFER MADNESS again. Sigh.

Wouldn't it be ironic, if there were people in this town, who were ACTUALLY making money off of heroin sales, perpetuating the doom and gloom "welfare mamma/heroin addict" atmosphere, thus a concerted effort to keep LEGAL pot and ALL of the moneymaking and cultural side industries out?

2:08 AM, January 30, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"..than it is critical that our community leaders start focusing on what should be priority number one....bring in more businesses and better paying jobs."

What do you think Harborworks was all about?? Local governments joined forces to make a concerted effort to research, locate and court developers of residential, retail, commercial and industrial projects. None were interested. For government supported, waterfront property!

Look at the Oak Street deal. The guy will do it, only based on extensive government support and guarantees. Not because it is viable otherwise.

Lots of communities across America looking for improvements in their local economies. Why will those companies and developers come here? THAT is the real question.

8:42 AM, January 30, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BBC - smokeable varieties are just so valuable...and our farmland is limited.

Canada is in on it. It would grow here.

We'd do great growing SUPER NICE GANJA here, market it as SUPER NICE LOCAL GANJA grown especially for VIEWING THE NICEST FUCKING NATURE ON THE PLANET, make sure every B&B in town has some in stock, as free samples, with coupons to buy hiking shoes at Swains, but the realtors don't want it. Guess I don't blame them. Too many Canadians would come here and buy houses, and well, we all know how that would be with CERTAIN types around here.

You won't be able to miss the marijuana culture here in five years, but it will be commercialized juggalo-rave shit but the EXTRA white version. Money money money. Pot is the new beer. Whoo hooo.

9:26 AM, January 30, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nathan West is either a complete moron, or delusional. The only way that Port Angeles could possibly "lure" high tech companies there is to send out a squad with tranquilizer rifles to capture some 20 something techies and drag them to the peninsula. There is NOTHING, culturally or economically, to entice young people, tech people, or young tech people to Port Angeles. It's a dump, lost in time, and without any hope of changing.

9:39 AM, January 30, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Port Angeles is an ongoing crime scene. Crimes against the environment, crimes against the taxpayers, crimes against the political process, and crimes against common sense.

Someone in town is making money off of the dysfunction and rampant criminality, but 99.9% of the people there just suffer because of it.

The strong and smart leave. The weak and clueless stay. I'm SO GLAD I got out. Port Angeles is a steaming pile of shit.

10:18 AM, January 30, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our only hope lies in Max Mania returning and leading us. Dale, too.

10:23 AM, January 30, 2014  
Anonymous DON'T BLAME THE MESSENGER! said...

Remember, we must be lenient to tweakers, as the poor souls started no doubt with that gateway drug. Just look into his eyes! Can't you tell?

12:54 PM, January 30, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Our only hope lies in Max Mania returning and leading us. Dale, too."

Wrong! There is NO HOPE for Port Angeles. That's why they got out. Port Angeles is built to fail.

7:59 PM, January 30, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Port Angeles COULD re-create itself into an interesting and prosperous community. There is no lack of possibilities. BUT, as long as it is being lead by people with the kinds of self interest and lack of vision as is represented by those on the latest "economic development" group, we'll just see more of the same.

You'll note in the article in today's paper, the focus is on the groups funding sources. Sound familiar?

And, who are the participants? Same names. Same people who make up the other groups that have done nothing for how long now? The same people who make up the 24 or so "economic development" groups that already exist here.

You know what they say: "Stupid is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results".

8:31 AM, January 31, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The closed club secretive CEO group can be blamed for many local woes. Yet somehow they still manage to insert themselves into roles of importance in economic decision-making. Clever opportunists and exploiters, they.

9:15 AM, January 31, 2014  

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