Monday, April 07, 2014

Aquaculture (i.e. Factory Farm) Executive to be Guest at PABA meeting

At this Tuesday's meeting of the Port Angeles Business Association, the guest will be Alan Cook, vice president of aquaculture for Icicle Seafoods of Seattle.  Icicle Seafoods is the parent company of American Gold Seafoods, which operates fish farming pens in Port Angeles Harbor.

For more information about fish farming, click here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's keep our fingers crossed that the owners never consider building a fishmeal processing facility in town-the stench is horrendous. Check with Hoquiam residents.

7:09 AM, April 07, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll be right there. I want to hear about how everything is great.

9:14 AM, April 07, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@Anon 7:09

But that would create jobs! Isn't that the only thing that matters anymore?

12:18 PM, April 07, 2014  
Blogger BBC said...

Next thing you know it won't be safe to eat the neighbors dogs.

1:50 PM, April 08, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds FISHY to me!

2:02 PM, April 08, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course, we're going to need fish farms more than ever, as we continue to screw up everything. The question still remains whether open pen systems like the ones in our harbor are the best we can do, given all the problems these types of fish farms are documented to create.

In Port Angeles, nobody cares.

8:51 AM, April 09, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen the Port O Calls latest insanity? Full page, full color, center fold for something called Pa sustainable Business Associations plans for a Maggot Growing Factory and Business Park at Kply This ridiculous idea should attract flys from all over the Western Hemisphere! Brilliant Port O Call, keep up the goof work!

10:00 AM, April 09, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there Anonymous 7:09 AM
You think Hoquiam has it bad. See PORT OF CALLS latest BIG IDEA!
A Maggot grow operation at Pen Ply that feeds a fishy farm business park "where you can go online with a fishing line, and fish guts ferment for more maggots to feed on. The true circle of life. Of course the whole stoopid idea would be better located at Rayonier next to the turd tank for hydroponic gardening! YUM YUM!
Hold on, Why is my sushi rice wiggling?

10:38 AM, April 09, 2014  
Blogger BBC said...

Someone here recently asked what the tanker truck was always doing on Kemp St. So this commando reporter stopped to ask the driver about it.

Rainier has an old landfill (up Monroe I think) that is now covered, has a settlement pond there with a pipe going to Lee's Creek.

But ecology won't let them put all the run off water in Lee's Creek.

During periods of heavy run off, water is tanked from the pond and dumped into the city sewer system to be sent to the non functioning turd tank.

1:53 PM, April 09, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 10:00.

Actually, if you looked into it (I know, research using Google is pretty taxing on the brains of some), you would see that 30% of what ends up in landfills is stuff that those maggots eat. That amounts to many tons of stuff we pay to throw away.

That people all over the world are setting up systems just like what they talked about in that article. That we could be making MONEY from our garbage, instead of just pay, pay, pay.

But why bother looking into it. You know the Chamber, or Port Angeles United will come up with better plans, since they've done so well, so far.

Open up your wallet, again. You like it that way.

5:03 PM, April 09, 2014  

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