Sunday, June 22, 2014

Hempapalooza: New Farmers Market for Medical Marijuana Products

Yesterday in Brinnon was the first occurrence of Hempapalooza, a farmers market for medical marijuana products.  It was so successful, the organizer might put on a similar event in August.  Nicole Black, who put on the event at her dispensary, Brinnon Herbal Collective at 91 Corey St., said:

“Absolutely.  The feedback, most notably the feedback from non-patients, has been fantastic.” 


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thought about going, until I saw it was for medical marijuana. If it had been, like, a REAL farmers market, well, that woulda been worth the drive.

10:09 AM, June 23, 2014  
Blogger BBC said...

I was given a free riding mower, good looking one with a bad motor. I installed a spare motor and removed the mower deck and now I have an old farts Cadillac to terrorized the neighborhood with.

11:53 AM, June 23, 2014  

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