PA United to be topic at next PABA meeting
At this Tuesday's meeting of the Port Angeles Business Association, there will be a group discussion of PA United and the PABA's role in it.
Port Angeles, Washington: This is YOUR forum. Tell us what YOU think. If you want to discuss something that's not related to one of the current posts, go ahead and leave your comment anywhere, at any one of the posts.
With any luck, the membership will see they are being lead down a rosy path by the very same people who created all the problems this proposal attempts to address.
I'm not suggesting all is great in Port Angeles, by any stretch of the imagination. The place continues to decline. But placing trust in the people who have created the problems doesn't make any sense.
Just because SOMEONE has suggested doing SOMETHING about the obvious problems, doesn't mean it is the right solution, or the right people.
Remember, these folks think it is a realistic goal to double Port Angeles' population within the next 5 years. REALLY?
They must be soo glad pot is legal in Washington, now!
And Anon 1:21 PM is soo glad it's the first of the month and that there's an ample supply of 24 ounce Icehouse Beer down at the corner gas station/store!
That's hardly a "solution".
@Anon 3:46
Umm, and you are trying to say what, exactly?
Anyone one reading the thread is going to think "Hunh"? Or, as Billy sez : "Okay...."
Don't out clever yourself. Spit it out.
I cited what is commonly known, and that has been printed in the PDN. It is well documented Smith and Haugewood have been part of creating the issues that trouble Port Angeles to this day. The PABA will be talking about their attempts to consolidate all efforts to address the very problems they created.
You? You come up with some snarky response that doesn't make any sense.
Maybe another toke on the joint will help? What fantasy "solutions" are you dreaming of?
Come on people.
Nobody cares what the PABA, Chamber, PADA, or EDC do.
Just look around the town.
Think about it.
Nobody one cares about Port Angeles, WA.
Get a life.
haha, anon 1:21pm
You think Smith and Haguewood caused the problems that consolidating ED dollars will solve?
How so?
So there were what, 37 economic development groups operating here? Only a handful of those even bothered to attend any of these PA United meetings. Then it was down to the Chamber, PADA and PABA. Then PADA opted out of joining.
So the grand result of all this is to reduce the number of groups by ONE. Problem solved, great job everyone!
@ Anon 8:24
Seriously? You're really asking this question?
Both Smith and Haugewood were paid lots of money over the last? years specifically to guide the areas' efforts in "economic development". We can list all the titles and job positions in those areas, those two have held.
In their capacities as heads of these "economic development" efforts, they have failed to produce any results, and in fact their "leadership" in these areas has been a decline in business activities. (Read today's article about Kenmore Air to illustrate the point).
So, now these same two point to the mismanagement and failures they themselves headed and created to justify consolidating PABA, Chamber, etc.
But, the hillbillies just go along, to get along. Slap 'em upside the back, and talk a crazy line (like doubling Port Angeles' population within 5 years, when statistically it is in decline!) Who cares if any of it is plausible? The hillbillies like a good line.
Why change what clearly isn't working?
That car fixin' guy really screwed up my car last time I took it to him, but, he talks real nice, so, I guess I'll keep taking my car to him.
Why no mention of the vote taking by the PADA board to not join the PA United front? This vote should have gone to it's membership not the board. And the PADA wonders why there is such a dislike toward the PADA.
anon 2:14pm
Can you explain to us all how Smith and Haguewood had anything to do the the following (which are arguably the biggest reasons for PA's economic pain):
1. Decline in logging?
2. Reduction of sport fishing?
3. Rayonier closing up?
4. Rogerson Hiller Closing up?
5. KPly closing up
6. Kmart closing up
7. Westport shrinking from 900 to 300 employees?
You are quick to blame those who are looking for solutions, but not those responsible for the above.
Get the fats straight.
Here's a few that might help:
Mr. Smith retired well over a decade ago.
Before he retired, he was publically credited with helping PA get more topside repair business started, the Marine Drive Westport Shipyard Plant, the PA Hardwood Mill, the Incubator (well under construction), and PA a shot at the WSDOT Graving Yard.
Westport specifically credited Mr. Smith as making THE difference on their choice of PA over Anacortes.
Things were happening. Economic development was happening. Check the news archives.
Not that Mr. Smith might have been able to keep it all going, but the facts are that hundreds of people were going back to work. That's right, hundreds!
He did the job expected of him.
So, after 30 years at City Hall, Smith retired. End of career.
Then, over the course of the next ten years which included the Great Recession, some things (graving yard and incubator, Harborworks) fell apart. And some people think Mr. Smith is to blame? Blame for what? For not staying, or for not being PA's economic development baby sitter?
Frankly, I think it's rather amazing (maybe a little bit crazy) that for some reason he still cares enough about PA to come back, standup to the status quo and try helping again.
ANON 10:40PM
With regard to PABA, can you be more specific about "the very problems they (PABA) created"?
What on earth are you talking about?
Just to be fair, Smith and Haguewood may have been in charge, a long time ago, but neither of them has been in charge of economic development efforts for a very long time.
Not to confuse their very vocal critic here with the facts, but that is a fact.
My question is, who is (or has been) in charge, the PADA? LOL!
Whoever it is, they're the one's who should be criticized and held responsible.
Kenmore Air is a good example today. Who's minding that store? The Port? The EDC?
Obviously not.
Who cares about Smith and Haguewood? Only the jealous wanna be's who offer no leadership.
Forget about them and tell the City to quit wasting money with the Downtown, Chamber and EDc.
I'm tired of dealing with these petty infights and jealousies at our community's expense.
Just stop giving them money to do nothing.
A contract is a contract.
Break a deal and YOU R FIRED!
How about getting off this endlessly boring subject and back to the election.
Who cares about the Chamber of Commerce or downtown Port Angeles.
I do most of my shopping in Sequim and Silverdale.
More selection and (with the exception of Sequim) cheaper prices.
So long Kenmore Air.
Sorry to see you go, but then PA has always been a better place to visit than to stay in.
So can we keep the Lincoln Park Tree's now?
I doubt it, but am waiting to hear from in the PDN follow up story.
Like a lightning rod, Tim Smith has always drawn critics.
That's because he has always called it like he see's it.
He may not always be right, he's rarely politically correct and more than a little rough around the edges, but at least, like an umpire, he makes the call.
To suggest he's responsible for PA's current state of economic UN-DEVELOPMENT is stupid.
Tim Smith may be a "has been", but at least he's "been".
The person defending Smith and Haugewood raises things like K-Mart leaving the area how many years/decades ago, to make a point?
But one needs only look at the stated goals of their current schemes to see the obviously unrealistic things they pursue. From these things, like saying PA United is going to double Port Angeles' population within 5 years, we can easily see why they have failed in "economic development" leadership positions here, up 'til now.
Yeah. Graving Dock? What a success story there. Harbor Works? Who could have guessed spending those millions was a waste of time and effort? Incubator? Sure. Another highlight. Decline in logging, and mill products? Who could have predicted that? Not like it isn't happening all over. Fishing? Right. The state and Feds have been building hatcheries everywhere because there is no problems there.
Not like people were not saying, and still point out the vulnerabilities, and need for diversification. But the hillbillies never want to hear about limits to resources, or change. And Smith and Haugewood rely on the support of these hillbillies to keep paying their salaries.
Blame the decline of Port Angles on anything, or anybody. But, don't look to those hired, or who played significant roles in developing and instituting the economic efforts of the area. The ones who ignored the warnings, and kept doing the same things that weren't working.
What is truly sad is that the other so-called leadership in this community can't stand up, and offer a viable vision.
BTW, good point, Anon 11:45. 37 economic development groups, reduced by one. We see again Smith and Haugewood have their eyes on the real "solution" that will change things in Port Angeles.
More obviously unrealistic goals.
Anon 6:36. Your hero Tim proudly tells people how he provides "intel" on people, groups and such for the established power elite in Clallam. He says this, himself. Like he sees himself as some James Bond 007 kinda guy, too slick for us all. Yeah, that is pretty "politically incorrect".
Who could be concerned, with realities like this?
Many Ukraine soldiers cross into Russia amid shelling
BBC News - 12 hours ago
More than 300 Ukrainian troops have crossed into Russia during heavy fighting with pro-Russian separatists. A Ukrainian security spokesman,
We can see that Putin and Russia are really the controlling force behind the "pro-Russia separatists" as the US and it's allies base sanctions upon, when the Ukrainian soldiers are given refuge in Russia from said "pro-Russia separatists.
Like, the more than 300 Ukrainian soldiers fled to Russia for protection from the "pro-Russia separatists"?
Man, it really sucks when the guys in the field don't play along with the party line. Especially when it comes from countries far away.
Anon 2:14pm is an idiot
It never occurs to those that want growth that it wouldn't be good for this area. But they want more to lord over.
Anon 10:29pm, have you ever built a strategic plan? obviously not. Move on, people like you are a large part of the problem
@Anon 6:23 Yep. It is clear to see who is actually discussing things here, and who isn't.
Too bad we're not all as perfect as you.
For several amusing Anon's above;
Hi Mike!
How's it going?
Business keeping you busy, at least "sustainable"?
You know what they keep saying: The proof is in the results.
Look at the stores still emptying out. Kenmore says there is not enough business to keep it going. The mills in Beaver/Forks close. And on, and on.
Yeah. Let's go with the folks that have brought us such prosperity.
"Look at the stores still emptying out." Please. Like there are any stores left to empty out.
I was walking down town the other day, and saw space after space empty. Rows of 'em, all next to each other.
How long has that former corner jewelry store been empty, for example?
Maybe there should be some kind of award for the downtown retail space that has been empty the longest.
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