Friday, December 05, 2008

New Location for Border Patrol

The Border Patrol is planning to lease two acres at the northeast corner of Fey Road and Highway 101 in western Port Angeles. This will be their new headquarters. It will be a “modular border patrol station.”

The Border Patrol now has twenty-four agents. Just two years ago there were only four of them.

And speaking of the Border Patrol, there will be a demonstration tomorrow by the Stop the Checkpoints Committee. It’ll be at 1 p.m. at Veterans Memorial Park in Port Angeles.

Committee leaders include Lois Danks, Diana Somerville and Paul Richmond. They’re hoping that tomorrow’s rally will help gather signatures for an anti-checkpoints petition.

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Blogger BBC said...

Insane, isn't it? But I'm not that much up on it so I'm staying out of it.

All I really know is that I got an enhanced drivers license a few months ago to make it easier for me to go to Canada with less hassle instead of packing my birth certificate with me, I like to keep it in the safe deposit box at the bank.

That and I almost didn't pass my eye test for the new license cuz I stayed out to late singing karaoke at Reggie's and drank a few too many beers, ha ha ha.

Don't worry, I didn't drive home, I slept in my camper in the upper parking lot.

8:53 PM, December 05, 2008  
Blogger BBC said...

Nothing to do with this post, but, Lizzy, I found the post you spoke of about the man in the plaid shirt.

I don't know him personally but have to agree with you, he bothers me also. Macho men in macho trucks always bother me.

And the man behind him, think his name is Dennis, got on me about taking that picture without first getting everyone's permission.

We got into a pissing contest and I told him to take a flying fuck at a rolling donut, ha ha ha.

If he knew I posted that picture on the Internet I bet he would come unglued and slobber even more than normally, ha ha ha.

But the lady, think her name is Sylvia, is a real nice lady, I enjoy talking to her.

I haven't been to a protest for some time now, maybe I will go tomorrow.

9:37 PM, December 05, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, the freaks will be out in force tomorrow having a temper tantrum at Vets Park...I may go by and laugh at 'em. Stoopid hippie stenchies.
Did you see the picture of that Lois Danks woman in in the paper today? Man, see looks like one angry would you like to live with THAT??

11:27 PM, December 05, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

freaks, Stoopid hippie stenchies etc.

Some of those at the rally may be veterans who object to internal suspicionless checkpoints where people are treated as guilty until proven innocent.

10:15 AM, December 06, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What Alex said. I know that some of those peace demonstration "regulars" are veterans, the ones that are there every Saturday afternoon. And probably a lot of these anti checkpoint demonstrators will be veterans too. It makes sense. They went to war and fought against police state tactics, and then they come home and find the exact thing they were fighting against, right here in America.

If these "agents" can come up to you any time, any place, for no reason and say "Zee Paperss Pleasse!" then why did we bother fighting against the Germans 65 years ago?

12:23 PM, December 06, 2008  
Blogger BBC said...

A lot of those at the rallies are veterans. Sensible ones that have at last seen the light. I'm a vet myself.

There are some good folks there, and some fruitcakes, but it's a public gig so there you go.

I didn't go today cuz I was worried that Liz might come by and take a few pot shots at me, ha ha ha.

Just kidding, based on what she said, I'm starting to sort of like her. Other than the hippie stab cuz I'm part hippie, without the pot cuz I don't do pot.

Sometimes I think I'm the only one in town that doesn't do pot though, seems like most of my friends do.

I wonder if Liz has nice boobs and smokes pot, ha ha ha.

5:34 PM, December 06, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dennis is a complete goofball. he's obsessed with weird protocols which seems to be thanking him profusely for his passive-aggressive "compliments." He's been thrown out of nearly every store downtown for harassing the staff and customers.

As for photographing people at demonstrations or other public events, you don't have to ask their permission or get written releases so long as 1) the event is held in a public space and 2) you're not going to use the photograph to promote a product.

Since this was a public demonstration held in a public place and you're not using Dennis's image to promote deodorant, you can photograph away. It's called street photography.

10:30 AM, December 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One word:

10:46 AM, December 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, for one, am sick to death of the "old fart" comments by bbc regarding Liz's physical attributes. It's dirty old man stuff that was old 50 years ago.
Grow up BBC. Clean up your act. Not cute, not amusing.

2:22 PM, December 07, 2008  
Blogger BBC said...

using Dennis's image to promote deodorant,

Ha ha ha....

Looks like the border patrol is now looking for a bigger place.

4:55 PM, December 07, 2008  
Blogger BBC said...

Anonymous..... Say's you, but at least I don't hide behind an anonymous comment.

And it's up to the discretion of the owner of this blog as to if they get posted being as he uses comment moderation.

So, you have no sense of humor? Or are you just a prude?

7:04 PM, December 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And now, border patrol agents on buses. Great. What next, can they come to your house and search you without a warrant and without any reason, if you live within 100 miles of the border? Oh that's right, if we have nothing to hide then we have nothing to worry about.

Are we feeling safer yet?

7:07 PM, December 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you have nothing to hide, then you have nuthin to worry about. I want to see 'em round up all the felons and illegals...that is what they are paid with my tax money to do. Cuff 'em and stuff 'em!
Judging from the picture in today's paper, I'll bet many of those dirty stenchies have somethin' to hide. They look like druggies.

8:52 PM, December 07, 2008  
Blogger BBC said...

And now, border patrol agents on buses. Great. What next, can they come to your house and search you without a warrant and without any reason, if you live within 100 miles of the border?

Don't you think that you are getting a little paranoid? If you are clean why should you care? I'll just whip out my enhanced drivers license observe the rest of the goings on with interest.

I find many things interesting. And I wonder about many things, like does anonymous have nice boobs. Ha ha ha.

9:33 PM, December 07, 2008  
Blogger BBC said...

And now, border patrol agents on buses.

I hope that the one that sits next to me has some good jokes, or nice boobs, ha ha ha.

9:39 PM, December 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BBC, it's 1000 times easier to post as Annon on this board (and on all blogger forums).
However, the tits and boobs comments are a snore, and seems that its tolerated, at best. So,how would you like it if people started inquiring about your nifty inches? Rather rude, isn't it?

10:08 PM, December 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL...those protesters got ZERO news coverage (except for Peninsula Daily Snooze)...guess nobody pays any attention to a bunch of lazy welfare bums!

10:19 PM, December 07, 2008  
Blogger BBC said...

Not everyone thinks my boob comments are rude, some think that they are a hoot. Not everyone is prudes. :-)

You know, with this countries economy going to pot it's not looking so good to those that have been trying to come here for work.

I don't really think that we need more border patrol here looking for folks that aren't coming here anyway.

6:47 AM, December 08, 2008  
Blogger BBC said...

I disagree that it's easier to log in as Anonymous. Being as I'm already logged into blogger it automatically assigns my blog link.

If I want to change to Anonymous I have to remember to do that and I seldom do. Besides, I really don't care, I'm who I am and I okay with who I am.

8:01 AM, December 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think your comments are funni! I can just picture ya smiling as you are typing this stuff....

10:32 AM, December 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rhonda...funny is spelled with a Y, not an I.
Geez, PA schools just keep spitting them out, don't they?

As for the BBC boobs stuff...not a prude...(used to work as an S&M dominate madam) it's just not polite on a public forum. It brings down the level of intelligent discussion, and makes it all crude and rude.

If you want to see boobs, watch TV.

12:19 PM, December 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, with this countries economy going to pot it's not looking so good to those that have been trying to come here for work.

Speaking of boobs, we oughta open a brothel, Billy!! We got enuf hot redneck women to git 'er dun!

12:24 PM, December 08, 2008  
Blogger BBC said...

With the shoe store closing maybe they should reopen the old whorehouse upstairs????

Be proper on a public forum with intelligent discussion, that quacks me up, quack, quack, quack.

This is a blog, we are doing what we do best on blogs, f****** around. Ha ha ha.

I even mentioned this blog on my blog today, and we are not going to change the world with them any time in the near future so have some f****** fun !!!!!!

Keep Carlin alive.

5:08 PM, December 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm predicting Gottschalks is the next place to close.

6:17 PM, December 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

xcuse me, but you are full of it. Gottschalks is doing fine.

12:12 AM, December 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"With the shoe store closing maybe they should reopen the old whorehouse upstairs????"

Wrong shoe store. You're thinking Family Shoes which, as far as I know, is still chugging along.

Of course, we can open a whorehouse in MacLean's. Might do well around here.

11:47 AM, December 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, with PA people like Liz, StupidTrooper, and Roger, no wonder the Border Patrol wants to train their troops in PA! They love areas full of knuckle-dragging retards because they don't get that they are being used - even after they mouth off to a rookie in training and get a cattle prod up their ass.
Go ahead, welcome the detention center with open arms and they'll do the same for you (unless you can post bail).

11:10 PM, December 15, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Below is an interesting letter from a concerned citizen.

The interesting part about it is the writer is stating that the PT Leader has taken a stand against Border Patrol Checkpoints and the PT Leader has published the letter. By publishing that statement the PT Leader obviously agrees with it.

This validates an assumption I have had, that the PT Leader is a one-sided rag with an agenda.

What happened to un-biased news?

Should a newspaper pick sides on an issue?

If they pick a side, doesn't that effect their ability to report things straight?

Letter: Keep Border Patrol at the border
I was pleased to see The Leader take a courageous stand opposing the Border Patrol checkpoints and suggesting Congress find some other use for the $50 million now targeted to construct a new Homeland Security complex in Port Angeles.

I write this because it is evident that there are many in the community who believe opposing the checkpoints and a ramped-up Homeland Security presence on the peninsula is somehow surrendering our safety to the terrorists. We, as a community, must learn to protect ourselves from real dangers and use the appropriate strategies while maintaining the constitutional protections that separate us from authoritarian countries.

The Border Patrol checkpoints actually change the nature of our relationship to the federal government. Under the Constitution, the government must have probable cause to search individuals and seize any property they may have. The Border Patrol is currently pulling over thousands of individuals to find what appear to be a few illegal immigrants and some individuals carrying a small amount of marijuana. Their intent is also to find terrorists in the mix. While doing this, they have no information that any terrorist plot or individual is present on the peninsula. It is actually a fishing expedition.

At the border, the Border Patrol has the legal authority to ask individuals questions and detain those who may be carrying contraband or behaving suspiciously. This authority should remain at the border. If the Border Patrol has evidence that an individual or group of individuals are in this country to do harm, they have the legal authority to pursue and capture them beyond the border. The checkpoints are not necessary to defend us from terrorists.

Lastly, the increase of Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers on the peninsula represents a new national police force in our community. Local policing has a long tradition in this country, and national police are something quite new. This concerns me because national police are what we most often see in authoritarian countries. We must protect our civil liberties to protect the nature of the country we love.

12:35 PM, December 18, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting article below.

Would the local Police be liable if they knew an illegal alien was living in their community, failed to report it, and the actions of that illegal alien resulted in the death or injury of a legal Olympic Peninsula Resident?

This probably doesn't apply to Port Townsend as Police Chief Conner Daily stated that he hasn't seen any illegal aliens in his town.

Letter: BP protects us from illegals
Editor, Leader:

I just read the opinion forum letter titled "Border Patrol: follow law" in the Dec. 3 Leader. I also attended the Border Patrol's forum meeting at Chimacum School about a month ago when everyone complained about our Border Patrol.

We need to wake up and face some hard facts, and they are: Twelve Americans are murdered every day by illegal aliens, according to statistics released by Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa. If those numbers are correct, it translates to 4,380 Americans murdered annually by illegal aliens.

Total U.S. troop deaths in Iraq are reported as 4,136 as of December 2008. That tells us that more Americans are murdered each month by illegal aliens than U.S. military forces killed by terrorists in the whole war against terrorism.

You should know the carnage perpetrated by illegal alien murderers represents only a fraction of the blood spilled against American citizens as a result of an open border and unenforced immigration laws.

While Rep. King reports 12 Americans are murdered daily by illegal aliens, he says 13 are killed by drunk illegal alien drivers - for another annual death toll of 4,745.

King also reports that eight American children are victims of sexual abuse by illegal aliens every day - a total of 2,920 annually.

Based on a one-year in-depth study, Deborah Schurman-Kauflin of the Violent Crimes Institute of Atlanta estimates there are about 240,000 illegal immigrant sex offenders in the United States who have had an average of four victims each. That's a total of 960,000 sexual victims. She analyzed 1,500 cases from January 1999 through April 2006 that included serial rapes, serial murders, sexual homicides and child molestation committed by illegal immigrants.

As the number of illegal aliens in the United States increases, so does the number of American victims.

I, for one, support the Border Patrol and its checkpoints. One or more of the illegal aliens they have removed might have saved a Jefferson County family the death of a loved one. The last sentence written by Mr. Hepler says it all. "Leave us alone to go about our daily business; we'll call you when we need you."

If you need to call the Border Patrol, then isn't it already too late?


Port Ludlow

12:45 PM, December 18, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank God the Border Patrol and Homeland Security will be stepping up checkpoints and rounding up all those mexicans that have been living here for years! It's about time the Federal Government got here and stopped all the drive-by shootings, carjackings and bloody turf wars going on in Joyce and Forks.
If they could send another one or two hundred riot police, they could stem the blood tide that flows in the streets of Port Angeles!

12:43 AM, December 19, 2008  

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