Three Peninsula Parks Now on Chopping Block
In addition to Old Fort Townsend and Bogachiel, now Fort Flagler might be getting the axe too.
Today’s online PDN survey asks: “Which of these North Olympic Peninsula state parks on the chopping block should be kept open?”
With 535 votes cast, the responses are:
Today’s online PDN survey asks: “Which of these North Olympic Peninsula state parks on the chopping block should be kept open?”
With 535 votes cast, the responses are:
All of the above — 42.6%
Fort Flagler — 26.2%
None of the above — 16.6%
Bogachiel — 10.1%
Old Fort Townsend — 4.5%
Fort Flagler — 26.2%
None of the above — 16.6%
Bogachiel — 10.1%
Old Fort Townsend — 4.5%
Labels: Bogachiel State Park, Fort Flagler, Old Fort Townsend
This is great!
There's always enough funding for the latest construction albatross ([cough] Gateway), but nothing for pools and parks that real people actually want. We're paying taxes but not being represented.
Remember the Boston Tea Party?
cool, thanks, LizzyJizzy. I know you didn't mean to, but in that link you provided, there was an intelligent commenter (what you'd call "liberal") who set everybody straight. I bookmarked that person's blog for future reference.
Thanks again.
Anyone who can think for themselves is a "liberal" in Lizzy's book.
Everybody says they want to save these parks but are they willing to pay more taxes? Ditto for the pool.
Where's Billy? Is he camping, communing with his coffee cup or off sulking about his 43 rejected comments?
But you may find this interesting.
The USSR was better prepared for collapse than the US
"Liberal" is why our parks are shutting down...because Queen Christine's "surplus" turned into a 8 bil deficit. LIAR!
And to think we coulda had Dino...he woulda saved a bunch of $$ just by eliminating the Department of Ecology! I guess we'll hafta do that another day.
so, Jiz, you know, laws are made by the legislative branch...maybe you should start heading over to Olympia and find out what bills you can support, and which ones you would like to see defeated...and put your ample mouth where it might do some good.
Or, do you need to watch American Idol?
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