Thursday, August 13, 2009

Local Psychic Predicts How Many People Will Show Up for Demonstration

Now, I'm willing to take the Republican Party's word for it, that all of these anti-health reform protesters are just regular everyday working folks who are deeply concerned about government bureaucrats taking over their health care. Let's just disregard those tinfoil-hat conspiracy theories about corporations and lobbying groups "orchestrating" these protests.

And yet, in today's paper, a local Republican leader is quoted as predicting that about fifty people will be showing up tomorrow to demonstrate along the Waterfront Trail while Norm Dicks is speaking at the Red Lion. Since there isn't any sort of big bad Astroturf group masterminding these demonstrations, this must mean that tomorrow morning, fifty local people will simultaneously be overcome with fury at the thought of government bureaucrats meddling in their health care. They'll get up from their chairs, quickly grab a placard and scrawl a protest message on it, and make a beeline for the Waterfront Trail.

Wow!!! How does he know this? He must have a crystal ball or something.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"No signs will be distributed by the party, (Clallam County Republican Party Chairman Dick Pilling) said."

In other words, "don't blame us if people bring swastika signs!"

5:00 PM, August 13, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The PDN's "Letters" sections was filled with rightwing nutcakes fulminating over the evils of the health care plan and the invite-only town hall that Dicks is having at the Red Lion.

After all, it's their right to disrupt public meetings, make a fool of themselves in public, wave cranky, hateful, threatening signs in public and otherwise act like a horse's posterior in public.

I'll bet those letter writers will be part of the 50 stalwart defenders of free speech and civil, reasoned discourse that will keep that evil, foreign-born, closet-Muslim, Saudi-King-bowing, Socialist-Commie-Nazi Obama from pulling the plug on poor ol' granny's life support machine.

6:43 PM, August 13, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you many they HIRED to show up?

7:43 PM, August 13, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a song that I enjoy listening to periodically with the follwing lyrics/lines:

" Someone's feeding on your anger
Someone's been whispering in your ear
You've seen his face before
You've been played before
These aren't the words you need to hear"

Fox "News" just keeps feeding the fear. Rupert Murdoch makes no secret of his far right views, and uses his media empire to stir up the population. There is always a constituency that can be built upon peoples' fears.

10:41 AM, August 14, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gawd -- why is ANYBODY still listening to the Right Wingtards?

I'd laugh, only I'm afraid I'd cry.

11:32 AM, August 14, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that when anyone signs up for basic cable TV service, Fox "News" is included automatically.

Ya get the IV drip of "negative", like it or not!

12:36 PM, August 14, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, because the left-wingnuts are so protective of their anointed one that you can't get a word in edgewise. Haven't you noticed...the big O is pulling the same shit that Bush did? Welcome to the new boss, same as the old boss.
I voted for the O, and am very, very disappointed. So much for change....he's just as much in the pockets of big business as Bushy was

1:41 PM, August 14, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd rather be a right-wingtard, than a greasy hippy welfare monger who want everything thing handed to them. When they don't get it they whine like a bitch. Every notice the liberals; the women look like men & the men want to be women? Talk bout confused!

3:23 PM, August 14, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 3:23, you should be watching Fox "News" to feed your hate and fear addictions, not wasting time posting on blogs. Where are your priorities?

I hope that as a good and patriotic American who is clearly against all forms of Socialism, you will not sign up for Medicare and that you will reject that monthly Social Security check when you retire. I'd hate to think that such an obviously educated and principled person would participate in these wicked Socialist schemes.

6:26 PM, August 14, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I'd rather be a right-wingtard, than a greasy hippy welfare monger who want everything thing handed to them"

Yep, Fox has done a great job of polarizing the country. No average, just extremes.

I want to hear about what the solutions to the countrys' problems are, not the tired manufactured rhetoric of finger pointing. I know the Republicans want to discredit Obama every way they can, but does anyone really think this current yelling of rhetoric really helping the country??

6:41 PM, August 14, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Responding to Anonymous 6:26...
Where are your priorities?

My priorites are working for a living & paying taxes so homosexual dirt bags like you can sit home, write blogs, watch CNN and smoke dope.

8:31 PM, August 14, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who the heck ever gave these left- wing idiots the right to vote?

I am astonished..

8:33 PM, August 14, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I should have shown up with my sign that said, "Healthcare for Hobos".

or "Obama is a con-man".

Darn it!!!

8:35 PM, August 14, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

reel amerrykans cain't speel.
that hoews we kin kno yer a dirte hipee.

6:21 AM, August 15, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoeva giv 'em wemmons an' nigras an' kids a rot ta vote? daym foos.

7:06 AM, August 15, 2009  
Anonymous GOPer said...

We're working real hard on fixin' the 2012 elections, just like we did in 2000 and 2004. The public's so dumb they'll believe Sarah Palin won in a landslide!

1:00 PM, August 15, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, I quite surprised you allow this post.

Whoeva giv 'em wemmons an' nigras an' kids a rot ta vote? daym foos.

8:00 PM, August 15, 2009  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

I assumed that comment was satire.

8:13 PM, August 15, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 7:06 AM said

"Whoeva giv 'em wemmons an' nigras an' kids a rot ta vote? daym foos."

We all know that those "afro"-Americans and kids are too lazy to vote and real American women vote as their husbands direct.

The real trouble is all those darn brown and yellow peoples.

10:40 AM, August 16, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to thank Larry Williams for his letter in today's PDN setting the record straight and dispelling the lies that the Mania campaign is spewing about Edna and the Farmers Market.

The center point of Mania's campaign is that Edna "kicked the Farmers Market out of downtown". This is a tissue of lies propigated by certain elements of town who have spreading this slander for years. Larry Williams' letter sets the record straight in no uncertain terms: Edna did not kick the famers market out of the downtown area!

I urge everyone to read his letter and discover the truth and I further urge the Mania campaign and his supporters to stop spreading this lie and other untruths about Edna around town!

12:00 PM, August 16, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Larry Williams' letter sets the record straight in no uncertain terms: Edna did not kick the famers market out of the downtown area!"


Oh, okay, and while you're at it, I have the letter from the fox explaining how he and his comrades had NOTHING to do with that slaughter at the chicken coop.

Just as credible.

7:56 PM, August 16, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a bunch of CRAP! Everybody in downtown and this city knows the truth.

10:06 PM, August 16, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so sick of the polarized crap that Bush foisted upon us. Forget the left, forget the right, forget the two parties (which do not exist, it's one big manipulate-the-people-party). We are all people...and we are placing our hopes on a bunch of corrupted individuals. The system is rotten, so, why are we not making it our duty to becoming more informed and taking our congressmen and legislatures to task about some of the nonsense being bantered about?
Oh, that's right, gotta go to MacDonalds, need to watch American Idol or Who's Got Talent, or one of the multitude of brain-crap shows on the television. Stuff our faces, call each other names, sit on the couch and get fat...that's the American dream?

9:22 AM, August 17, 2009  
Anonymous MSmith said...

I went. Nobody called me and asked or PAID me to attend. There were about 250 people there protesting that Dicks would not hear from his constituents. About 6 people showed to protest Sarah Palin - private citizen or to hold up the ONLY commercially made signs on the street.

I met republicans, democrats, libertarians. No nutcakes. People do not object to health care reform. They want it well thought out, for the people and not for pharmaceutical companies, lawyers and unions. There are great ideas on both sides. Neither side is listening to what the people want.

Why the rush on legislation few have read and nary a one understands?

Some of the posters here who are making silly cracks about the demonstrators should have a look at their own hateful writing. Such hypocrisy.

Oh, that's right. You only want free speech only for those with whom YOU agree!

6:30 PM, August 22, 2009  
Anonymous yet another msmith said...

what "free speech"?
Our law makers only listen to the sound of coins clinking into their pockets...

7:45 PM, August 22, 2009  

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