Monday, October 26, 2009

Inside Truth Revealed by Larry Williams

Outgoing City Councilman Larry Williams had a letter in today’s PDN.

After serving three terms in the city council, his detached objective opinion is that there’s absolutely no truth to the “conjecture and accusations” about “closed-door decisions and illegal executive sessions.” These accusations are nothing more than vicious rumors, based on “the ulterior motives of outside activists who’ve been strategically manipulating city hall.”

All righty then.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's right!

5:54 PM, October 26, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course we would expect him to say something like that.

6:08 PM, October 26, 2009  
Blogger BBC said...

I have mixed feelings about him. I guess he means well but I get the sense that if they manage to annex the east side he would be one of those that thinks my place isn't pretty enough and want me to do something about it.

I think I have the right to just be left alone to do as I like on my place as long as there isn't a lot of hazardous shit on it or unhealthy to others and seeping into the ground water system and such.

But it's no secret that I hate Martha Stewart and what she has done to women in this country.

6:51 PM, October 26, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll be SOO glad when he is off the city council. Somehow he lost sight of the primary reason of being on the council: to represent the best interests of the community as a whole.

Anyone who has followed any of the substantive issues in this community over the last 8 years or so knows how it has functioned for the benefit of the "special few". To the detriment of the community as a whole.

Let us remember Public Works Director Glenn Cutlers' recent comments about how bad the state of the citys' roads are, for just one of many examples. How it will take 8 years of improbable funding to get back to a minimum standard.

If Larry Williams, Karen Rogers, Glenn Cutler and the rest of them have been been doing their jobs so well, why is this the case? This all occured while the regional economy was going great guns, and monies were available, but they had their priorities elsewhere.

Anyone out there who wants to tell me that it was an unavoidable consequence of the economic downturn is going to get an earful of examples of other communities that have not suffered the same results.

At some point, Larry Williams, Karen Rogers and the rest of that crew will have to acknowledge they "screwed the pooch" when it came to leadership in Port Angeles, and they have left the community in dire straits as a result, which any poor soul driving through town can see for themselves.

OH! And his comment about: “the ulterior motives of outside activists who’ve been strategically manipulating city hall.” I still have a copy of the email Larry wrote and was sending throughout the region in response to the Graving Dock/Tse-Whit-Zen issues, solicting WAR (the Washington Association of Realtors) to get involved in Port Angeles.

Yeah.. he is SO credible.

10:52 PM, October 26, 2009  
Anonymous Artists For Edna said...

Despite the terrible things being said about him by little people, Bob Stokes, our town's Art Leader, has shown by his support for Edna Petersen that Max Mania has no leg to stand on when it comes having a vision for our town!

True Artists are supporting Edna Petersen!

7:05 AM, October 27, 2009  
Blogger BBC said...

I suppose it's possible that officials concern themselves with what our places look like is so they can access them at higher values to collect more taxes off of us?

Unlike many I don't care what my place is worth cuz I never plan on selling it.

After I get dead I don't give a damn what they do with it.

10:35 AM, October 27, 2009  
Blogger BBC said...

The murals are nice art, the rusty shit is just that, rusty shit.

I predict that windmills will look much prettier in the future, when artists stop screwing around with worthless art and start making them pretty. Then of course they will become more accepted by the public at large.

That would be useful art.

1:31 PM, October 27, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm certainly sorry to hear that Bob's name is being dragged through the mud. SHameful. Disgraceful. Especially as his statues on Laurel Street provide a public service for every pooch in town.

1:31 PM, October 27, 2009  
Blogger BBC said...

Especially as his statues on Laurel Street provide a public service for every pooch in town.


Hey, I just filled out my official ballet, what a lame election and selections we have this time.

Thank god for write in's, except for the two state measures I wrote in Tom Harper in the rest of them, ha ha ha.

Sometimes I'm willing to throw away a vote just to have a little fun. :-)

7:08 PM, October 27, 2009  
Anonymous An Artist Not For Edna said...

I hate to disappoint ""Artists For Edna", but I can't think of a single artist in town who supports Edna.

Except, of course, Bob Stokes. But he's more of an opportunist than an artist and certainly not "The Leader" of the arts community, despite his delusions of grandeur.

6:02 AM, October 28, 2009  
Anonymous Jackson said...

Wait a minute.....I am an artist and I support Edna. I have known her for many years, I respect her, I enjoy her company, and I know the work she does to better this community. Obviously, you that constantly speak out about her know nothing. I would also imagine that you enjoy bad mouthing her rather than getting to know her. (Reverand Billy...I know you well, and you do not suprise me with your bad attitude. I have yet to hear you say something useful and kind. Damn...will you ever get over yourself?) I also have to stand in defense of Bob Stokes. I find him to be a very gracious person, dedicated to the betterment of Port Angeles and the art community he works so hard to promote. He has done more to unite the artists in this community than anyone else. Do you ever think that what you say negetive about someone always reflects back to you? I can only think that it must really suck to be you. You may not like the art downtown, but to constantly keep bringing it up as ugly is getting real old to a lot of us. I am an artist that has done several projects in this town. They have come from the idea that art in any form brightens up this community, adds some diversity and color to our lives. You may not like it yourself, but it is appreciated by a lot of people here and visitors that come to this town.

Please give it a break....and stop being so does not serve you or anyone else.

If you want to take issue with me up and we will discuss it as rational people....not as some anonymous
poster that likes to hide behind the keyboard.

So there!

Jackson Smart
Port Angeles

11:51 AM, October 28, 2009  
Blogger BBC said...

Jackson, we're not being hateful, we're being honest. I know you well also, as you well know.

Yes, you're a damn good artist, an opportunistic one at that. It serves you well to support those folks considering the outlandish fees you get for your work. Taxpayers money I will add.

I know that you must like to afford the best pot you can find but I don't think the taxpayers should have to pay for it.

Not that I give a damn what you smoke, it seems like most of my friends do, but earn it honestly instead of over charging the city for your work.

It's no wonder I dropped out of the business association, they are just so full of themselves and their perceived importance.

12:36 PM, October 28, 2009  
Blogger BBC said...

I know people that grew up with Jackson so I know plenty about him. :-)

12:38 PM, October 28, 2009  
Blogger BBC said...

Do the taxpayers get to vote on what art and signs they are having to pay for? Not as far as I know.

1:01 PM, October 28, 2009  
Anonymous Neighbor said...

I agree with Jackson Smart that art adds to a community. And beautiful is in the eye of the beholder; not everybody likes Picasso's cubism or the Impressionist style, but nobody would say it's not art.

The Avenue of the People attracts a lot of attention, people having their pictures taken with it, using shoes and other items to embellish it, etc. -- and attracting people's eye is really all it was meant to do. So I'd say it's a success. You don't have to think it's fine art in order to see that it has a valuable place here.

Please stop being so negative and targeting individuals who are trying to do something good for the community. If you feel so strongly about it, why not volunteer to do something yourself?

3:41 PM, October 28, 2009  
Anonymous Jackson said...

Hahaha...Thanks just proved my point! It is far better to be thought a fool...than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. Enough said to you.

Neighbor....thank you also....from my heart to yours....Namaste :)


6:25 PM, October 28, 2009  
Blogger BBC said...

I'm not arguing against art, put all the damn art downtown that you like and we'll enjoy what of it we like and bitch about what we don't like.

I don't care if some of you are artists, we don't have to like all your art so get thicker skins. My bitch is who is paying for the art.

Golly, so I'm a minister without a collection plate and I don't kiss everyone's ass to be popular with everyone, excuse fucking me.

When I was the president of a business association in Utah we was a damn more civic minded than the one here.

We didn't go to fancy breakfast and luncheon meetings and all that crap like they do here. We had our meetings at night in a simple setting and didn't sit around acting important.

When we came up with plans to make the business area look better we put up our own money or raised the funds to do it on our own, we damn sure didn't expect the taxpayers to pay for improvements.

In fact we formed teams and went and helped others that needed help. Cleaned up their yards and trimmed trees and such, and took care of the city park some.

The business association here is attended to by city, county and business people that are all buddy with each other feeding off each other, I'm not a bit impressed.

I contend that it's the cities responsibility to provide the downtown area with basic services like power, streets, sidewalks and such.

If the business people there wants the downtown area to look pretty they can just damn well put up their own bucks to do so.

I don't even live in the city limits and pay taxes to it but the way things are done here just flat out fries my ass.

You people are getting shafted. One thing you are not getting is a swimming pool, and you're getting shafted to help keep the old one going.

I suggest that you tell the city to get out of the business association and mind to the business they are suppose to be minding.

Basic services and letting the business area take care of their own affairs and make it or break it on their own.

If they can't make it, life will still go on, we don't all shop downtown.

6:31 PM, October 28, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yes. We're an "art colony" now. I'd forgotten that.

7:31 PM, October 28, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell Larry Williams not to let the door hit him on the butt on his way out of city hall. What a self serving bunch of garbage. "After 12 years on the city council I can vouch that there was not a shred of secrecy or any closed door dealings." "Trust me" in other words.

If I hadn't already voted I'd vote against the 4 candidates he was pushing for.

9:18 PM, October 28, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw the article in the PDN about the Port thinking about creating a "marketing position", paying some guy $72k a year to travel 3 days a week to tell people why they should locate their businesses in Port Angeles.

Do these folks follow current events, at all? Businesses are closing up, and shutting down branches. We see that here with Gottschalk, and Bank of America moving out of downtown (to name just a few of many).

Throughout the US, unemployment continues to rise, and busineses contract, but here in Port Angeles, the smart guys figure NOW is the HOT time to get out there and spend the big bucks to get all those businesses to move here. Hunh? These guys must be smoking the REAL GOOD stuff!

Hard not to be critical or "negative" when you see the local leadership taking on ideas like this.

10:09 PM, October 28, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That sounds sweet! Where would I apply for that job?

If it hasn't already tipped in that direction, there's going to be more money coming from local government jobs and welfare than private jobs. I'm not looking forward to that day.

Before Port Angeles can get out there and sell itself, it really needs to work on standard of living.

10:47 PM, October 28, 2009  
Anonymous Comrade Raoul Dubrovnik said...

Comrades, in the name of the Revolution I salute you!

In regards to the current debate about the nature and purpose of art and the role of the artist, not only the art downtown and local artists but all art and all artists, everywhere, we must ask ourselves this question:

To what what purpose shall art and the artist serve society?

The answer is plain: Art and the artist shall be in eternal service to the Revolution!

When I heard of the "Avenue Of The People" I thought "At last! An artist has created true art for the proletariat, art which shall bring to life the heroic struggle of the people against the Oppressor! Here is an artist who has answered the call of the Revolution and transform its ideals into concrete reality!"

Imagine then, Comrades, my disappointment when I beheld the Avenue Of The People. Despite the proletariat materials that were used, the artist has not depicted the nobility of Labor nor the eventual triumph of the Workers over the Bourgeoisie! This is not Art in the service of the Revolution!

Comrades, people have arms! People have heads! Heads with which to Think! Arms with which to Work!Abstraction is the counter revolutionary tool of the bourgeoisie and as such was denounced in October, 1932 at the Leningrad Revolutionary Artists Soviet.

Comrade Artists, I urge you all to work for the people! Cast aside counter revolutionary abstraction and produce art in the approved Social Realist style!Produce art which glorifies the proletariat and their daily struggles, art which ennobles workers and their work, produce art which inspires revolutionary zeal in the young! Always remember that art must realist and in perpetual service to the Revolution!

Therefore, Comrade Artists, work on!

Comrade Raoul Dubrovnik

6:24 AM, October 29, 2009  
Blogger harry said...

"..bad attitude.."? (go to your room)

"..dedicated to the ART community" < says it ALL.

"..unite the artists..? < WTF does THIS mean?

"..I am an artist.."< a legend in his own mind?

10:43 AM, October 29, 2009  
Anonymous not larry said...

There's a saying "you can never be too thin or too rich," Larry Williams must think a city can never been too divided or too polarized. Who needs unity and cooperation when you can have mutual hate and "us against them"? Thank you Larry, bye now.

1:32 PM, October 29, 2009  
Anonymous Zoe said...

How would we know what the truth is? Surely there are loon, bomb-throwing activists and there are corrupt individuals sitting on the counsel. Both of those things can exist at once.

Our city would benefit from a Sunshine Law much like they have in Florida. It means much of the government business is done in front of the public with certain provisions made for some behind closed door things.

I think it will be nice if we get a new crop of folks in. I am glad to see some not seek re-election and hope some who are challenged get unseated. Some of the challengers look promising and a little new blood and energy might be just what the doc ordered to get well again.

3:13 PM, October 29, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Larry is obviously guilty or he wouldn't protest so much.
Yeah, go on, Larry, ol'boy, try and clear your name....we all know that what you say is a smoke screen.
Blame it on everyone else...that's the grown up thing to do. Waaawaaaa.

10:11 AM, October 30, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It IS interesting to see in the election funding stories in the paper how much money is being spent in the Port Angeles races by the real estate folks.

Somebody should add up all the combined donations from the realtors, agents, businesses and groups like the Washington Association of Realtors, and see by how much money they have out spent every one else.

Wasn't that Washington Association of Realtors the folks Larry Williams was asking to get more involved in Port Angeles affairs?

2:18 PM, October 30, 2009  
Anonymous Zoe said...

Dear Artists for Edna:

The little people? If Edna had a semi credible opponent, she would be back where she belongs.

She should understand that.

11:04 PM, November 03, 2009  

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