Monday, March 22, 2010

Port Angeles Seminar by Jon Schallert

Marketing Consultant Jon Schallert will be giving a one-day symposium in Port Angeles. The date and location haven’t been determined yet.

I won’t go into whether he’s worth $8,000 for a one-day appearance, or whether the City Council should have agreed to contribute $4,000 of that money. (That’s for YOU, the reader, to discuss.)

But I went to one of his lectures three years ago when Main Street had their national convention in Seattle; he has some excellent information and an entertaining presentation style. I think any business owner would benefit from this seminar.

Here are some links to Jon Schallert.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice scam.

2:22 PM, March 22, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How does he address the issues of the PDN, and it's lack of honest "readership" and inflated ad prices? How does he address the real issues of the impact of the Homeland Security passport/border crossing stuff? How can he speak of the problems of the state over-taxing business owners? What about the lack of city government cooperation with business owners? What about the stupid PADA fees and lack of action?
Sure, they can PAY money to get some dude to come talk, but it's lack of action and lack of vision that is hurting this town....and the down economy, and the reality that this is an impoverished area.
We push away any, and all, opportunity for business to relocate here. We hate all new ideas. And, then there is the corruption which has sucked away any dollars meant to help us.....
What can a consultant speak to....ideals? He doesn't KNOW the b.s. that confronts business owners in this remote village.

2:27 PM, March 22, 2010  
Anonymous Once Burned said...

Why don't you come to the session and ask him these questions?

4:13 PM, March 22, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only Barb Frederick could try and pass this pig's ear off as a silk purse.

6:04 PM, March 22, 2010  
Anonymous Fresh said...

When this first came up, not a single council member supported the idea. Then Barb came in, stammered through a very LAME explanation of who this guy is, and suddenly six of the seven of them are all for it. Has Barb Frederick been taking hypnotism lessons? I can think of many, many better things to do for our local businesses with $4000 (or $8000).

The first thing I'd do is advertise for a new director for the PADA.

10:12 PM, March 22, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why don't I come to the seminar....I don't have the $$$$ to throw aside at this "expert". Platitudes are not going to pay the bills for ME.

11:01 PM, March 22, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

problem is: Barb doesn't KNOW the difference between a silk purse and a sow's ear
Wouldn't know if it bit her in the arse

11:02 PM, March 22, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds like perhaps the "Save the Pool" folks missed the boat by trying to reason with the City Council to support a community resource. They may have had better luck just by having Barb Frederick ask for the money.

5:48 AM, March 23, 2010  
Anonymous Once Burned said...

Anonymous said...
why don't I come to the seminar....I don't have the $$$$ to throw aside at this "expert". Platitudes are not going to pay the bills for ME.

Of course! It is always easier to sit back and take anonymous, cynical potshots at anybody who tries to accomplish something than it is to actually step up and participate in an attempt to make things better for the community. The world is run by people who show up and stand up!

7:59 AM, March 23, 2010  
Anonymous The Watcher said...

The other problem here is: This guy has already been here, just ten years ago. If his approach is SO fabulous, SO fantastic, why aren't we still seeing the results of his first visit? Are our local business people so thick that they've already forgotten whatever it is this guy promotes?

The other issue is this: How can you ask a business owner to pony up big bucks to see some huckster spill his web, when by doing so, they'd have to close their business for a day (in the middle of tourist season) to do so? A LOT of our local businesses are owned and run by one or two people. Pull them out for a seminar, and who will mind the store?

I think it'll be esspecially difficult to convince people this is the real deal just because it is Barb Frederick promoting it. She couldn't sell a snowcone to a burning man in the middle of summer. Her "recommendation" isn't worth much.

9:15 AM, March 23, 2010  
Anonymous Alex said...

I like Port Angeles.

We visit and stay over a couple nights each year.

I recently rented a room at 101 E 2nd Street.

We have stayed there several times.

This is a nice place with an excellent view.

Unfortunately, the trees (brush) in front of the place we stayed had not been cleared in some time. The view had become "filtered".

Properties to either side had been kept clear.

I spoke to the manager about this and she said that there is an expensive permit required to cut the brush. She said the property next door was fined heavily for not paying for the permit to trim the trees.

If this is true- the city might consider relaxing restrictions on businesses in an attempt to attract more visitors.

I'd also recommend that the city work with businesses to keep the sidewalks clean and litter free.

9:41 AM, March 23, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@onced burned
Exactly what will a bunch of words by a so-called "expert" (who makes all his $$ doing this, by the way..doesn't mean he has anything meaningful to say, means he's a good salesman)really DO for the area? Will it unite the PADA, PABA and Chamber? Will it bring some focus and vision? Will it attract new businesses AND business the area?
I will give you the short answer: WON'T DO SH*T!
Everything he says you can find on a: the web, b: in books, c: by thinking. But each individual business owner in this 'berg can't do much if the big organizations (with a budget for such) can't promote themselves out of a paper bag and cockblock every attempt by anyone to do anything.
Give me a break.. you're as bad as all the other pot smokers, drunks, and dreamers in this town.

3:26 PM, March 23, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

as a business owner we get fined or threated with fined to do much of anything. Need a PERMIT to put up a sandwich board sign. Then the parking permits. If you want to decorate your sidewalk infront of your business, its another permit.
You get warnings for banners. (Just read the regulations!) If you are in a "mall" only ONE business can do anything at any one time..and only one gets a permit for a sandwich board. You can't put sandwich boards on the corner (city takes them). You cannot leaflet cars on the street or in parking lots.
Advertising is darn near impossible around here. What about the PDN? Those folks LIE. They lie about the price of the ads, they bill for significantly HIGHER than what they tell you verbally. They lie about their circulation rates. They give great "deals" to the big ad people in town (real estate, and auto dealers) but totally crap rates to the people who NEED it. What other advertising is there? Can't use the banners strung across the city streets...because that's just for "events". You can't post bills. You can't put up fliers on bulletin boards (not a non-profit, or "for free" or backyard breeder). You can't sky-write because no one ever looks UP around here (and prevailing winds, and who would see it?)
The radio is the only deal...going in town, but not everyone listens to the right-wing b.s.
I didn't even mention fees...parking fees, excessive trash fees, high utility rates, government's always something.
Small business is a dinosaur, and on the verge of extinction.

3:35 PM, March 23, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure glad you folks aren't working for me and please don't knock on the door looking for a job.

5:01 PM, March 23, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I'm sure glad you folks aren't working for me and please don't knock on the door looking for a job."

Yeah, God forbid anyone express an opinion, or care about the state of the community they live in.

"Just shut up and do your job".

6:41 PM, March 23, 2010  
Blogger Rat Tail said...

This just seems like a waste of our City's money.
This will be no more than a "pump you up, pat you on the back, and send you out to reality" feel good speech.
The only success stories will be of someone else.

7:32 PM, March 23, 2010  
Anonymous Jon Schallert said...

Hey, Everyone: This is Jon Schallert. Why don't you come to my workshop and hear if what I have to say can help your business community? If you are a business owner, I believe it would be worth your time. But if you are skeptical, go to my website, look at the communities and businesses I've worked with, and call them up. Ask them if coming to one of my workshops has helped them improve their sales and increase their customer traffic.

8:13 PM, March 23, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVE Walmart!

8:39 PM, March 23, 2010  
Anonymous OakPointAnnie said...

Mr. Schallert,
You are obviously successful at promoting yourself and making money as a consultant. If you are reading this blog, then you should be getting the sense that it is extremely likely that most taxpayers in Port Angeles, outside of a very few self-styled "civic leaders", would prefer that you promoted yourself elsewhere. I realize that it will be a neat thing for you to get an all expenses paid trip to the scenic Olympic Peninsula at the height of the tourist season, but --- Please. Do the honorable thing and stay away. There is still time for you to reject this taxpayer funded contract. Do us a favor and Just Say "NO".

9:41 PM, March 23, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone: This is Mickey Mouse. Why don't you come to my magic kingdom and hear if what I have to say can help your business community? If you are a business owner, I believe it would be worth your time. But if you are skeptical, go to my website, look at the communities and businesses I've worked with, and call them up. Ask them if coming to one of my magic kingdoms has helped them improve their sales and increase their customer traffic.

10:23 PM, March 23, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jon "can help your business"
No already closed, thanks anyway. Nice to see you're doing just fine in this economy....taking money for snake oil and vanishing creme.
I'm sure all the happy talk makes everyone feel great for 5 minutes or so.
If you really wanted to help, you'd drop your fees (like by 1/4) like all the other motivational speakers have done. Put YOUR money where your mouth is, and put it back in the pockets of the poor stupid PADA, so they can try, yet again, to promote downtown with something OTHER than the same 20 year old worn out excuses for "events" -- shop till you drop, Girls night out, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
Obviously, those who cannot...are consultants or run downtown associations.

11:31 PM, March 23, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@once burned
What did I tell you? A SALESMAN!!!

11:34 PM, March 23, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to JS --
golly gee whiz, kiddies, let's all go out and cheer.
my reply --
Thanks, but, no thanks. Don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave.

11:37 PM, March 23, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, Barb, your heavy hand is visible behind the sudden appearance of Mr. Schallert on this blog. It certainly is dramatic, but as a "director" you have played this one down a bit.

Having the city pay $8,000 for a snake oil salesman's "seminar" as well as putting him up in first class accomodation (or what passes for that around here) when the city is already cash-strapped and can't pay for road repairs (among other things)is contemptable and another reason for the PADA to be disbanded.

Is this how you justify that overblown salary of yours?

6:43 AM, March 24, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are those that sit on their hands and do nothing, just like they've always done. Complain, complain, bitch, bitch, bitch and blame everyone expect themseleves for their failure.

Then there are those that actually do something with the things they learn and their business thrives.

Thank goodness I keep educating myself. And then I put things into action.

8:14 AM, March 24, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

annon 8:14am
la de dah!
Aren't WE special?

10:53 AM, March 24, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The PADA should be dissolved immediately. They are a detriment to businesses downtown, despite the hot air and occasionally good intentions.

The PADA is not a valid non-profit corp, per the secretary of state. The Sec of State dissolved the entity in JULY of 2009. Funny how they entered fraudulently into a contact with the city, continue to tax businesses, and solicit donations as if they were legit.

If the city wanted to help businesses downtown/uptown they should wake up and stopping paying for the PADA as the current contract to pay rotund Barbie is void.

Schallert offers a webinar which is far cheaper. Something many other organizations utilized and turned around to offer the course for free to its members. The PADA doesn't care about helping the downtown unless they profit. Profits which are then spent on more art, pet projects, and to pay exorbitant fees for products/services of buddies.

The PADA is a crock and has overstayed its welcome.

5:54 PM, March 24, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

I think that if you have useful information to share with others that you should do so for a very reasonable price.

6:32 PM, March 24, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

But I do find it interesting that our city leaders are so stupid that they have to pay big money for outside intelligence.

Intelligent or not. :-)

8:54 PM, March 24, 2010  
Anonymous The Watcher said...

More information, please, on the Secretary of State and the PADA.

10:19 PM, March 24, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But.....I still love Walmart!

11:01 PM, March 24, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys are just jealous that YOU didn't come up with a "motivational" speaking scam like this one. Com'on, admit it.

It is the American Way to find ways to "Part a Fool and His Money". In Port Angeles, the pickin's should be real good.

11:12 PM, March 24, 2010  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

Watcher: Several weeks ago (maybe longer) a commenter sent this link in a comment.

I don't know if this status diminishes the PADA's authority to collect dues from local businesses or to enforce any other mandates, or what it means.

Anyway, knock yourself out.

11:38 PM, March 24, 2010  
Anonymous Capitalist said...

If the PADA came to my busniness looking for money, I'd tell them to get lost. Come on downtown business's grow some balls and stop paying these crooks.

6:51 AM, March 25, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

humm, I wonder why the PADA has folded as a corporation? Is there a pending law suit? Anybody know how they are filed?

10:16 AM, March 25, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just so everyone knows: A non-profit does not need a business license, however it does need to be registered with the sec state AND registered as an entity soliciting donations or ding fundraisers. The PADA does have a 501c6 classification with the IRS.

The fact is that staff at the PADA new of dissolution by the sec state during the ongoing contract negotiations with the city.

Since the registered agent for the PADA (Barbie) knew it was not a valid organization, yet the PADA entered into a financial agreement with the city, and continues to negotiate with the city on future contracts... is at best bad faith. At worst actionable by the city.

Second, the association continues to fraudulently collect and spend taxpayer money, and solicits donations, under false pretenses. This rises to the level of fraud in my book.

Downtown business owners should discontinue paying their membership dues and PBIA assessments until the issues is resolved. Any owners being threatened with collection action can deny it as an invalid debt as the petitioning party no longer exists and cannot collect.

To me, the conclusion to draw from this is that all the debate about the PADA is moot. They are a zombie organization on paper and in the real world.

Barbie should be fired for her complete incompetence, documented so nicely by this issue. On the flipside, if she was under direction of the board to not disclose this, the PADA is even more actionable. (Hint: the PADA is subject to public records disclosure requests, e.g. emails/communications)

Next, if the PADA had any honor or integrity they would acknowledge its 'oversight', return the money it has collected from its subjects and the taxpayers immediately.

However the name of the game is happy horse-sh*t at the PADA.

At the very least overt scrutiny is warranted by the city and the general public.

12:57 PM, March 25, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

City doesn't give a crap about this. They have access to the Secty of State's website. The whole thing is a ruse to get money out of down town businesses and pretend that it is something other than a taxing district. No doubt, it would continue if PADA faded into the long night.
This town is messed up in so many ways. Everything makes it harder on the small business, unless they're "connected". Just like being in junior high: the popular and the dweebs. Most of us are in the latter

9:50 PM, March 25, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is the purpose of the Downtown Association? I've never understood it. Doesn't seem to do anything. Why was it formed?

9:51 PM, March 25, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The PADA exists so that barb can send out multiple emails during the day with such informative and useful information like "It's Monday. Smile!" or "Don't forget to participate in our Celebrate the Woodchuck festival. Encourage your employees to dress up like woodchucks!" or "Bob Stokes *swoon*" ... we've all been on the receiving end of this nonsense. Oh, and then there's that ridiculous "newsletter" filled with more nonsense.

I'm all for closing the PADA down.

5:54 AM, March 26, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The PADA was originally formed by a group of business owners to pool real estate holdings (parking lots) to manage/operate jointly. These folks were the parents and grandparents of many of the cornerstone stores downtown (Browns, Family Shoe, Matthews Glass, Baxters, etc).

Later it morphed into a merchants association which organized events (derby days, parades, etc) to entice people downtown.

Since the mid/late 80's the PADA has pretty much signed over total ownership of the property to the city for some minor $$$, and squandered other opportunities to become the association you see today.

9:30 AM, March 26, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And, the 'events' have stagnated, and are as dusty and shopworn as year old moldy bread.
I do not believe the PADA has had an original idea in the last 15 years. I also doubt that anything that could be of value to the downtown merchants has ever been in a newsletter sent out by them.
Market trends, tourism statistics, monthly surveys of the general economy of the merchants (and statistical analysis), marketing analysis and metrics is all so far over the heads of PADA that trying to teach a chipmunk to play Beethoven's 5th would be easier, and more likely.
The organization spouts happy talk and platitudes, and evidently is a patsy for the likes of art vendors, self-appointed experts, con artists, consultants, and seminar leaders.

10:28 AM, March 26, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The organization spouts happy talk and platitudes, and evidently is a patsy for the likes of art vendors, self-appointed experts, con artists, consultants, and seminar leaders."

As can be seen if one looks back over the last ?? years. And, what does Port Angeles have to show for it all?

At what point does one step back, and take a hard look at reality?

1:43 PM, March 26, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember when Arla was running the PADA and she would always be walking around downtown, dropping in on businesses to check in and see how things were doing. She was out and around rain or shine. It was evident that she was doing her job and that she cared about what was happening in the downtown area.

I have never seen Barb walking around downtown. Never. If her photo wasn't in that ridiculous "newsletter" I wouldn't even know what she looked like.

And now I'm curious. If we stopped paying dues to the PADA, what is the city going to do? Padlock our businesses in the middle of the night? Take out a lein against us? Turn us over to a collection agency?

I'd like to know. Especially if the PADA is not a legally recognized entity. I'd say stop paying the dues to PADA and force the city to disband it!

7:35 PM, March 26, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you didn't pay your dues, the city could do any of the following: send you to a collection agency, stop collecting your trash, and/or cut utility service.

However, if pressure was applied to Kent Myers ( or Nathan West, or Bloor regarding the PADA, I doubt the city would want to be made to look like it was being a bully to small business in a struggling economy/downtown. Judging from the PBIA payments from the city to the PADA, I suspect there are more than a few businesses downtown who don't pay anymore.

2:19 PM, March 27, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe it isn't the PADA that needs to be disbanded, maybe the over-paid, lazy and good fer nuthin' administrator needs to be sent packing and the PADA should hire some new blood. I'm sure that someone who was really on the ball, and able to provide valuable information, organize and support some events, and help businesses would be welcome. Hiring a seminar dude isn't working. Spending money on lame art, isn't working. Sitting on your fat ass and pretending to be working isn't needed.
Dump Barbara, ask the city for a rebate for the last year of wasted money, and get someone with some vision!!

5:42 PM, March 27, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think Bloor cares a bit. He's been send the documentation and written to, and he doesn't reply.

5:43 PM, March 27, 2010  
Anonymous The Watcher said...

Expect to see some action on the PADA issue in the days to come. The cat's out of the bag.

9:41 AM, April 06, 2010  
Blogger Unknown said...

to anonymous who said "I love Walmart" you and people like you are what injures our local economy. Local economies are made strong by supporting LOCALLY owned businesses.
To find out more about why local business is important or to find a grass roots solution to the problem of a lack of advertising vehicles for small businesses in POrt Angeles check out

5:21 PM, November 19, 2010  

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