Friday, January 28, 2011

Low Cost Dental Clinic Closing Next Month

A dental clinic that helps low income residents will close next month. Oral Health Services, which is operated by Olympic Community Action Programs, will close its Port Angeles and Forks locations on February 28th.

OlyCAP Executive Director Tim Hockett said:

"It's too much.
We can't do it. It's crushing us."


Anonymous Homlest Jack said...

I stihl gots a few teefs lef in mi heid. I aims to kip em!

4:51 AM, January 28, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are about as funny as a crutch "Jack".

Piss off.

10:03 AM, January 28, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure Rachel/Mike/Edna will be thrilled with this news. Why should these low income people be getting dental care with taxpayer assistance?

Let them suffer. It is their fault for not working, in the first place, right?

10:51 AM, January 28, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ultimately, the private sector can do it better and more efficiently.

4:02 PM, January 28, 2011  
Anonymous Mike said...

"It is their fault for not working, in the first place, right?"

Damn straight! Tell you what, bleeding heart, I'll go get all my teeth crowned with gold and I'll send you the bill.

What's that? NO???????

C'mon, where's your brotherly love? After all, what you're doing for me you're doing for yourself, right?

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

6:30 PM, January 28, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike said...
"It is their fault for not working, in the first place, right?"

Damn straight! Tell you what, bleeding heart, I'll go get all my teeth crowned with gold and I'll send you the bill.

What's that? NO???????

C'mon, where's your brotherly love? After all, what you're doing for me you're doing for yourself, right?

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!


I wondered why I couldn't find a U-Haul to rent, so I could move out of this poor excuse for a community. They were all rented out when I checked. I see why.

11:27 PM, January 28, 2011  
Anonymous Rachel said...

Anon 10:51- RIGHT!!

1:33 AM, January 29, 2011  
Anonymous Stan said...

Great comment MIKE!!!
I always tell my liberal friends who make more than me to CUT ME A CHECK! Spread the wealth as Obama says! They just look stupid and don't know what to say....
Cracks me up.
All these damn bleeding hearts oughta just take some of these homeless into their own frickin homes...whataya say Anon 10:51 and 11:27?? Take 'em in!!

1:37 AM, January 29, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"they're are all rented out",

Ha Ha

Do you mean all 2 of them?

6:41 AM, January 29, 2011  
Anonymous Beth said...

Thanks Mike for standing up to these goofy bleeding heart libs!

Before people are getting handouts from my tax $$$$ they need to prove that they've got a job and show what they budget their money on. I put $$$$ aside for thing s like car repairs and dental expenses and these people should too!

I don't want my tax $$$$ going to some jobless bum who gets his pearly whites fixed to perfection while I'm working two jobs to make ends meet! No way hosay!

The dude that's posting as HomlestJack is hilarious. I mean roflmao!!!! You libs have no sense of humor!

8:52 AM, January 29, 2011  
Blogger WTF? said...

Imagine an individual so lonely and desperate for human contact, that they post online conversations with themselves… Mike, Rachel, homeless jack, etc… all the same poster, all the same troll. Now, is it the wacky little man tits guy who lost to Cherie Kidd? Is it the sour old slag that lost to Max Mania? Is it one of the sad losers from Arctic Circle Realty? Does it matter? Not really … one tea bagger is pretty much the same as any other.

10:05 AM, January 29, 2011  
Anonymous Homeluss Jack said...

I gotta be quik as the gals in this Librerry are talkin smack bout mmi bein a stinky effer an hows I gotta live her.

Well whatevers. You knoh?

Ifs you good folks's is openin up yer homes to me an mi frends yall just tell whire you lifes an wi'll all be at yore houses!

Shur is nice of yous!!!!

10:51 AM, January 29, 2011  
Anonymous Sally said...

"Most of the clinic's patients haven't been to a dentist in more than 10 years..."

What that tells me is that they have been sitting on their asses for 10 years, and not even TRIED to get a job with benefits...or an education to get the job. Pissed their money away on beer and cigarettes...or drugs. They haven't cared about their teeth for that long...why now suck money from people who do work for a living? Because it's FREE!! And since it's FREE, they sure as hell won't take care of them after, either!
The time has come in this country to force people to take care of themselves first before they ask for a handout. Maybe a DRUG TEST too before they get FREE health coverage!!
...and I also wonder how many of 'em are against fluoride that would have protected their teeth to begin with....

11:10 AM, January 29, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just when I thought things were getting better on this blog...

12:16 PM, January 29, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:41 PM, January 29, 2011  
Anonymous Beth said...

You go Sally! Thank you for standing up to these tax and spend, give it away for FREE nitwits.

The lib agenda is just about taking away the jobs of hard working people and making us all completely dependent of Big Gubberment.

And then they start up arguments about how folks paid for our schooling so we should pay for some baggy pants fools to learn yoga all day. Or they say well you don't want the street fixed, right? What a lot of hooey!

Ha ha another Homeless Jack post. bet you libs are boiling mad now!!!! Roflmao!

2:11 PM, January 29, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another post completely trashed because of Tom and his inability to keep the obvious troll posts by Edna, Kaj and Dick off the board.

Good going Tom! (NOT!)

7:37 PM, January 29, 2011  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

Well, you could try un-trashing the post by typing a constructive comment of your own.

8:00 PM, January 29, 2011  
Anonymous Sally said...

Right on Tom! The libs CAN"T HANDLE THE TRUTH!

8:22 PM, January 29, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom sez:

Well, you could try un-trashing the post by typing a constructive comment of your own.


What is the point? Why bother? It doesn't matter what you say, this same person, who has been coming here for months (if not over a year now) has only one goal, and that is to hijack every thread with nonsense.

I agree. "Don't feed the troll". I've watched for many months now, as this same person hijacks threads that start out interesting conversations, and turns them into ridiculous garbage.

And, here we are. Many months later. Still having the same conversation, about the same disruptive person.

It isn't about having an opposing viewpoint. There is no viewpoint with this person who comes here with one goal only.

I've pretty much given up trying to have any thoughtful discussions here. I'll check in to see if things change, but..

Sorry Tom. You have my sympathies.

8:29 PM, January 29, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems pretty obvious who is interested in trying to find some reasonable solutions to some of these problems and who just wants to point fingers and assign blame.

They revel in their ignorance and so-called "Christianity".


9:45 PM, January 29, 2011  
Blogger WTF? said...

Another post completely trashed because of Tom and his inability to keep the obvious troll posts by Edna, Kaj and Dick off the board.

Good going Tom! (NOT!)

Nope.Wrong. Is the guy who owns the wall to blame when some cretin writes dirty words on it? I don’t think so.
I appreciate Tom’s efforts to let this stuff flow with as little censorship as possible. Why should this place be a haven from stupidity? It’s a blog about Port Angeles, for God’s sake.
The troll is a tea bag conservative. If you’re waiting for some sort of intelligent interaction from THAT quarter, then I think you might be the one with the issue. You can bash them, and make asses of them (which is fun) you can ignore them (which is probably the more prudent) but don’t blame Tom for them. He didn’t invent white trash.

10:06 PM, January 29, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not that Rachel/Mike/Stan/Sally/Beth, (or what ever name you're using this time) cares, but I was talking with the manager of one of the Port Angeles Supermarkets earlier today, and they said a "closure" was imminent. The name "Albertsons" was mentioned.

Business at the 3 major supermarkets has been down 25%, which is a huge number in that industry. How many jobs will go, directly and indirectly, from another such closure?

Yes, the recession is over. Last month, we lost over 400 jobs in Clallam County. Major stores are closing shop, along with the smaller ones. Life is good in Port Angeles.

Now, let's get back to the real business of mindlessly offending anyone we can, and show folks why they are justified in moving away.

(I saw a couple moving trucks headed east earlier today. A couple more families moving to a better community to raise THEIR children.)

10:25 PM, January 29, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One big downtown store is closing up shop in a few months. Now's the time to stock up on yogurt and tofu!

9:12 AM, January 30, 2011  
Anonymous Stan said...

Blah, blah, blah. Albertsons is NOT closing.
It seems to me that the liberals on this page don't like their ideology being questioned. Tough. We like to expose your idiocy.

10:38 AM, January 30, 2011  
Anonymous Beth said...

You're right Stan. Just like the libs saying that Wal-Mart was gunna close Saar's down. Looks like Saar's is still there! Albertson's ain't closing.

Libs just hate competition and the free market!

Now they're running and crying to the blog owner because Conservatives are posting here. Boo hoo hoo hoo!

11:00 AM, January 30, 2011  
Blogger WTF? said...

Port Angeles has been struggling since the Rayonier closure. Those jobs were never replaced. The other mill runs at about 50 percent capacity, soon to become an automated power plant, and those jobs won’t be replaced either. There is no other real industry. Crap stores and gift shops, Twilight and fake festivals. Bad art and Bus stops. And whatever can be squeezed out of the government. (While at the same time whining about taxes) Anybody with the brains and mobility is gone, leaving, or planning their escape. The really stupid ones will wonder why nobody comes to their shop to buy 800 dollar bear sculptures anymore. They’ll wonder why they have to merge their real estate offices due to lack of business, but give no thought to their own stupid selfish actions that have contributed to the area’s decline. The same way they refuse to pay for school levies and then wonder why the schools are in such bad shape. The same way they bitch about the ferry system they ruined. The same way they post silly shit under half a dozen names and wonder why nobody listens to them. I won’t mourn the loss of a shit store like Albertsons, or a rip joint like Carroll reality, or a crappy outfit like Gottschalks. Seattle is only 70 miles from here; it’s got everything I need. I live here for the astounding beauty of the place, and fewer people in Port Angeles is a step in the right direction.

12:38 PM, January 30, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Now they're running and crying to the blog owner because Conservatives are posting here. Boo hoo hoo hoo!"

Are you serious? You ( Stan, Beth, Bob, Joe, Sally, Blow Job) really think anyone but you takes your groundless, pointless crap serious? Really? Slug some more gin, and slap yo'self upside yo' own back, and grin.

If I posted the writings of real "Conservatives", I know you would get dizzy and pass out after the first two words. You are nothing but a sad distraction. (We've been down this path before.)

Make a real statement. I'm not holding my breath that you can really comment on our social situations, but for the audience of the public, show you have ANY grasp of ANY political agenda.

Oh, BTW, "grasp" means more than canned, repeated rhetoric.

Again, we've been down this path before. Once challenged to actually support a point, this dweeb just falls away. Let's watch, again.

9:28 PM, January 30, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not directly related to the topic, but I see Tom invites us to post about things we want to, anywhere.

Have been watching the "news" on TV about countries in the Middle East as people tired of being lied to, and manipulated by their press and government, are standing up and taking to the streets. People with so much less than we have, risking it all for change.

Then, I watched the 60 Minutes clip with that guy who started Wikileaks, and heard him talk about Freedom of the Press, and Freedom of Speech. Of not judging the content of what is put on Wikileaks, but that it was the goal to let the reader make their own conclusions.

I thought about the Peninsula Daily News, which I know manipulates its' readers by filtering the information on a given topic it prints. How can residents on the Olympic Peninsula make informed choices, when the sole/primary information source is intentionally selecting what subscribers read?

It was this understanding that made me think of the situations in Tunisia, Egypt, and others.

Far fetched? If you're involved in Clallam affairs, you already know the truth in these statements. I have black and white proof of the intentional manipulations. If you've been involved, I'm sure you have your stories, too.

So, do we all just sit back and say "Oh Well" ? They are not, in all those other countries.

9:51 PM, January 30, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have black and white proof of the intentional manipulations.

We've heard this before, too.

What a joke. Man up, publish your "proof" and put your name to it.

4:52 AM, January 31, 2011  
Anonymous Once Burned said...

Perhaps we could suggest Tom allows only those with a registered name (the kind in Blue), one per computer I.D., to post on this site. It would still allow a measure of anonymity, but it might help to reduce the Troll postings, especially the one that answer themselves. I'm willing to do it, if someone will repost the directions.

7:56 AM, January 31, 2011  
Blogger WTF? said...

How can residents on the Olympic Peninsula make informed choices, when the sole/primary information source is intentionally selecting what subscribers read?

Sometimes I wonder if this is an attempt to, as you say, “filter” information, and sometimes I’m convinced it’s only incompetence. They seem to butcher EVERYTHING they print, not just “news”. I do get the feeling they’re terrified of offending advertisers, and I’ve noticed they never offer editorial opinion that they might be held responsible for. I know they printed false numbers regarding attendance at teabaggers rallies, based on information provided by Dick Piling, but I don’t know if it was their intent to mislead, or if they were just too lazy to check facts before going to press. I also wonder if the PDN could survive if it printed incisive, intelligent articles about local politics. Most citizens in this burg seem to want to read about “Garbage Can Baby” and “Silly People in Port Townsend Dress in Victorian Garb”. If the PDN actually printed something relevant, people’s heads would explode.

9:09 AM, January 31, 2011  
Blogger WTF? said...

Perhaps we could suggest Tom allows only those with a registered name (the kind in Blue), one per computer I.D., to post on this site. It would still allow a measure of anonymity, but it might help to reduce the Troll postings, especially the one that answer themselves. I'm willing to do it, if someone will repost the directions.

I don’t think a “requirement” is a good idea. It might stifle commentary from new posters. But I do think regular posters should take the time to do this on their own. Just below the sign in spaces is a line that says “No Google Account? Sign up here” click on that and you should be able to figure it out. I am the opposite of computer literate and it took me about 5-10 minutes.

10:29 AM, January 31, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the PDN actually printed something relevant, people’s heads would explode.


I think you're right. All fluff, all the time.

The stores keep closing, and people keep moving away.

And, Port Angeles passes it's most expensive budget, ever.

Maybe these problems will be resolved by attrition.

10:39 AM, January 31, 2011  
Anonymous D.S. said...

Tom, while your effort at establishing a community forum has been appreciated, it has become clear to many of us in the community that your inability to weed out the endless troll post which originate from certain quarters (we all know who they are) has caused people to stop reading and posting.

Community minded people who seek to seriously discuss the problems our area faces and what we as a community can do to overcome them, should be aware that we have formed another community blog.

In order to prevent the trolls from migrating to our new blog, we will pass the url along by word of mouth to trusted community members.

11:20 AM, January 31, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In order to prevent the trolls from migrating to our new blog, we will pass the url along by word of mouth to trusted community members.


Well, this is just stupid.

I sure can understand the motivations, and I'll bet the intentions are for the best. But the foundational premise is just stupid.

Ya can't exclude members of your society/community from your society/community. I'm tired from a long day of a lot of work, so please forgive my not being clear headed enough to quote from that Supreme Court justice that said something about democracy and free speech included the rights of people to say things some may find offensive.

What kind of "community" do you envision, that only allows people you allow to participate in it?

Again, I'm going to assume you have the best of intentions. But, I'm looking for an inclusive community, not an exclusionary one.

10:20 PM, January 31, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

D.S. said....Community minded people who seek to seriously discuss the problems our area faces and what we as a community can do to overcome them,

You can't be serious?

If you think a blog is the right forum, you are sadly mistaken. A blog is like a talk show, nothing ever gets resolved. EVER!

2:38 AM, February 01, 2011  
Blogger WTF? said...

Neato! A Super-Secret Blog! Just like when Spanky and Alfalfa got in a fight and each started their own clubhouse!

6:06 AM, February 01, 2011  
Anonymous Homelusf Jack said...

Doant worrie Tom. Ya still got mi fer a pal!

11:48 AM, February 01, 2011  
Blogger PA.nerd said...

"Most citizens in this burg seem to want to read about “Garbage Can Baby” and “Silly People in Port Townsend Dress in Victorian Garb”. If the PDN actually printed something relevant, people’s heads would explode."

And don't forget the Reincarnation of Michael Jackson! How'd that go anyways? That couple should've had the New King of Pop by now.

"In order to prevent the trolls from migrating to our new blog, we will pass the url along by word of mouth to trusted community members."

Oh, dude, this is the Internet... Secrets don't stay secret for long...

10:17 PM, February 01, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"D.S. said....Community minded people who seek to seriously discuss the problems our area faces and what we as a community can do to overcome them.."

So, this is to be an internet version of a gated community? A guard at the gate to keep out the unwashed masses?

Good luck with that.

12:05 AM, February 02, 2011  
Blogger WTF? said...

One of my favorite PDN headlines : Pronged Menace (about an aggressive doe)
I’ve seen articles about Beast Cancer(don’t let your beast smoke!)
I watched a “breaking news” segment on one of the Seattle stations the night of the shoot out at the Longhouse- it appeared verbatim in the PDN the next day. Full of typos and sentence fragments ( hey it’s the PDN) , but obviously the “reporter“ just copied the article from TV reports.
Here's a topic : Is the PDN editorial staff crooked or just plain stupid?

8:35 AM, February 02, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Here's a topic : Is the PDN editorial staff crooked or just plain stupid?"

In the case of Paul Gottlieb, I'd say twisted. The endless hassles over letters to the editor. The rather obvious personal problems that every so often spill over into being news. (The arrest, the running over of pedestrians, etc.) The close ties to the ousted Karen Rogers crowd. The strange attachment he feels to a certain member of that crowd (who is still employed by the city) as a father figure.

Here's a fun game: The Jefferson County version of the PDN goes to press earlier than ours - which means they often run the Clallam County stories as written - which is to say before the editors here "improve" them. Generally the unedited stories are clearer and factually fairly correct. Our versions - which have to make it through Gottlieb or Rex Wilson - are often garbled, unclear, and get the facts all wrong. If you ever have the chance to read both PDN versions do it. You may be stunned at how different they are.

Crooked or just plain stupid? Maybe a little bit crooked, and a whole lotta whacked-out?

9:45 AM, February 02, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a topic : Is the PDN editorial staff crooked or just plain stupid?


I think, both. One of PDNs' former reporters was a friend,and we talked a lot about what goes on there. They quit, of course.

Anyone who is involved in political affairs in Clallam County (and probably Jefferson County, as well)knows of many examples of instances where the articles do not reflect what happened or was said. Some events are reported as bigger than they actually were, leaving readers to think the event was more supported than it was. Other events, important to the community, are not reported upon, at all.

Submit a "Letter to the Editor", and see what happens! If the editors do not approve of your point of view, or opinions, and you are not willing to change your views to agree with them, it doesn't get printed.

Don't believe anything you read in the PDN, unless you verify it via some other source.

11:01 AM, February 02, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agreed. The newspaper is a joke. My dog won't even pee on it.
The problem is the head is an ex New York Times guy, and that paper is run like a Nazi concentration camp on steroids. Everyone is afraid every moment of being "found out" and fired, or worse yelled at and kept. So, evidently THAT is the culture of the paper.
We need a second newspaper!! We need a real newspaper.

12:13 AM, February 03, 2011  

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