Port Angeles Reduces Fluoride Level
The city has reduced the level of fluoride in the municipal water supply from one part per million to .08. This reduction is supposed to put the city in line with recent recommendations from state and federal health officials.
Oh! And WHY is the level of fluoride being reduced? Because the higher level is being recognized as HAZARDOUS to PUBLIC HEALTH!
Just stop the mass medication now. Let each of us choose to treat ourselves, and brush our own damned teeth.
We all have to be dosed without regulation, so some dumb fucks that are too stupid, and too lazy to brush their own teeth, MIGHT not have their teeth rot out a week sooner!
Oh! And WHY is the level of fluoride being reduced? Because the higher level is being recognized as HAZARDOUS to PUBLIC HEALTH!
The mandate to reduce the amount of fluoride the City puts in our water came from a study that showed the amount we WERE subjected to was not good. Now the city is reducing the amount.
If it is now known that the previous amount we drank was bad, where does that put us all?
Got health insurance? Got a "pre-existing condition" ?
Good luck with that.
Blah, blah...I'll bet you smoke. Chemophobe. Did you know that oxygen will kill ya (free radicals)?
i git my watur frum puddles or peebody or valli crick. no floryde ther.
Greeting Citizens,
I am Clothilde X. Moonflower, chairwomyn of the Port Angeles Anti-Tooth Society (PAATS). While I am overjoyed that our beloved little city, this jewel of the Peninsula, albeit ruled by representatives of the ever-hated Patriarchy (always excepting dear Max and Cheri Kidd (such a hottie)), has taken this necessary step in reducing the fluoride in our water.
But we must not rest on our laurels, Citizens! Nay, we who claim the mantle of Progressives must take it upon ourselves to take the next necessary step - the removal of every tooth in our collective heads!
Think about it. Teeth are the breeding ground of filth and disease. Dental care is prohibitively expensive, forces us to have a wide variety of dangerous, hazardous chemicals implanted into our mouths and, obviously, teeth are used by the ever-hated Patriarchy to manipulate us into spending our money on tooth whiteners, bleaches, crowns and caps. Dentures are made of resource draining, non-renewable materials and by their very nature are cosmetic, false, props and tools of the Patriarchy!
Nay and nay again, Progressive friends! We shall not bow before this ploy of the City! We shall have our teeth removed and not replaced. Toothless we were born and toothless we shall be!
I urge you all to join me in toothlessness!
Clothilde X. Moonflower
This debate, in Port Angeles anyway, is one of my favorites as far as exposing teabaggers mentality. Fluoridation used to be one of those crazy Right Wing John Birch “precious bodily fluids” issues. The Libs laughed and poked fun at the Cons concerns regarding the introduction of drugs to the common water supply. In this latest go-around, the initial opposition seems to be coming from EnviroSafety arena, so Teabaggy and the rest of the sheep have to line up and support whatever the stinky hippies oppose. Don’t expect a rational debate. Do expect a bunch of stupid, dishonest blather, designed to take up space:
I'll bet you smoke. Chemophobe. Did you know that oxygen will kill ya (free radicals)?
Except that smoking is a CHOICE. See that’s all the crazy stinky hippies want. Those dumb old socialist pot heads thought it might be a good idea to Vote on it. Conservatives used to think democracy was a good idea too. But that was a long time ago.
I am Clothilde X. Moonflower, chairwomyn of the Port Angeles Anti-Tooth Society (PAATS). While I
I noticed in all that typing and blathering NOT ONE statement in support of fluoridation. As per usual we get a dig at Max and Cheri, and a bunch of filler, supposed to be clever, bet you worked for hours and hours on it, but NOT ONE WORD as to why you support the City of Port Angeles’ position. Keeping in mind these folks can’t run a swimming pool, maintain their own parks, solve their drainage and run off issues, contain and treat their sewage, Etc. ETC. ETC... Yet Teabaggy and Co. is way ok with these same idiots tampering with the water supply. Why? I assume that Teabaggy really doesn’t give a shit, one way or another. (Let ‘em die on the sidewalk) but down in their undeveloped lizard brains, the teabaggers see this as a Liberal issue and so crank up the MaxCherieHippieSocialist rhetoric as a sort of instinctive response. Yes, Virginia, they ARE that stupid.
".... the teabaggers see this as a Liberal issue and so crank up the MaxCherieHippieSocialist rhetoric as a sort of instinctive response."
Oh, absolutely true. It is more of the "Just say NO!" mentality. It doesn't matter what the topic, if the "Libs" indicate any kind of interest in it, "we must oppose".
It doesn't matter if opposition completely contradicts every position taken before, "we must oppose".
As you say, don't expect any kind of rational or intelligent comment from that fool.
And, btw, I LIKE lizards! Please don't insult their intelligence by comparing them to idiot teabaggers.
Come now, WTF. Try and lighten up a little.
Not that I support anything teabag-ish, but if you're trying to tell me that "Clothilde X. Moonflower" is the creation of Edna, Dick, Kaj or some flunky at Carroll realty I'm just going to have to laugh. None of the aforementioned folks are that clever or creative!
Were you around for the "Doctor Nosferatu" posts? The "Groove Dawg Bro" posts? The "foreign man" who kept talking about his village and the goats? Someone, or a couple of someones, enjoy excercising a degree of creative writing.
Daniel Defoe, in all mock seriousness, in the early 1700s wrote that the obvious solution to the Irish famine was for the Irish to eat their own overly-numerous offspring. The irony-challenged of the day were utterly aghast. It appears nothing much has changed amongst the irony-challenged.
You seem to take things written on this board rather personally, WTF. Edna and these people seem to really get you on the boil. Whatever, that's your issue. Relax. Take a deep breath. Don't blow out your porch light.
Buy an irony meter and check the batteries often!
Peace out.
I never understand why people get so bent out of shape when anyone pokes the slightest bit of fun at Max. The way some people on this board and around town fawn over him, you'd think the sun shone out of his behind. Sheesh, he's just a smarmy pol like any of the others.
And I agree with Anon 11:40. You have a tendency to view the world in black and white terms, WTF, which is incredibly tedious.
Come now, WTF. Try and lighten up a little.
Mommy please...
Jonathon swift wrote "A Modest Proposal" in 1729. Daniel Dafoe wrote ""Robinson Crusoe" in 1719. Willem Dafoe had that cool fight with the sledgehammers in "Streets of Fire" in 1984. And you need a quick self-check for douchebaggery.
WTF, Best wine I've found for under $15
LMAO...this blog is FUNNY!!
Buy an irony meter and check the batteries often!
I think you are giving this person a LOT more creative credit than they deserve, and don't see the origins.
One can see who is writing these various posts by the language used, sentence structures, spelling, references, etc.
At least, most often, I can.
Another topic: Why others should live under a dictatorship, because we want them to.
In listening to the various pundits on TV and radio over the last two weeks talk about the problems in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Pakistan, Lebanon, Jordan, etc, I've been stunned to hear the above rationale.
These folks have said that, although they support the peoples' desire for democracy, it is much safer for "Western interests" that the dictatorships continue, because they provide a greater degree of "stability".
So, I guess we in the US would have a much more stable economy, if we would institute a dictatorship here. Few would argue that a dictatorship would eliminate the unstable bickering and resultant economic fluctuations we are currently experiencing. No Democrats, no republicans, no teabaggers. No political expressions that the state does not approve of.
If it is good enough for Egypt, Tunisia, Jordan, etc, then certainly it is good enough for the US, Canada, England, etc.
Certainly, THEY are in need of "stability"!
Except that smoking is a CHOICE.
You're a real fool WTF. You anti-fluoride, tooth-hating hippies can go buy bottled water at any grocery store. You can even bring your own precious recycled bottles to Safeway and get filtered water there.
So, yeah. You do have a CHOICE!
ha ha ha ha!
Y'all Libs make me laugh. But keep on posting WTF cause you're really funny!
Like the dude said "Don't blow your porch light!" roflmao!!!!
And you need a quick self-check for douchebaggery.
Keep it classy, WTF, keep it classy.
"Daniel Defoe, in all mock seriousness, in the early 1700s wrote that the obvious solution to the Irish famine was for the Irish to eat their own overly-numerous offspring."
No, that was Jonathan Sw... oh, I'm too late on that, aren't I?
So what's this rumor about the PDN charging for web content? Or is that as serious as Albertsons closing? Because I just can't imagine anyone paying for that site without a drastic overhaul.
PA nerd...you are looking at the PDN overhaul. This is the 'improved' version. You know the old saying "you get what you pay for".
The classifieds used to be workable, then they became impossible,now they are a joke.
...But, the jokers are still patting themselves on the back..."we have arrived".
So what's this rumor about the PDN charging for web content? Or is that as serious as Albertsons closing? Because I just can't imagine anyone paying for that site without a drastic overhaul."
I won't be surprised if one of the Port Angeles supermarkets close, as their sales are down 25% (by their own analysis). Which one is yet to be seen.
I hadn't heard the rumor about the PDN trying to charge for their website. I saw their story about a "bump" in traffic, but didn't bother to read it.
There is NO way I would spend a dime on that. I don't buy their paper version, and only scan through their web site to see if there is any "emergency" I need to be aware of.
I don't look at ANY of their ads, and NEVER have knowingly bought anything from any stores that advertise with them. As far as I am concerned, any money spent on advertising with the PDN is a complete waste. Others may look through the paper for ads, I just don't.
Some things are worth paying for, and I sure don't mind that. But, paying good money for garbage? Sorry, I won't.
No, that was Jonathan Sw... oh, I'm too late on that, aren't I?
Oh, man, don't even try...before you're done you'd have explain the difference between satire and irony, ultimately leading to a remedial high school English class...And speaking of remedial high school English, who on earth would pay for the PDN’s web content? A single Sunday issue supplies the average user with enough paper to line the litter box and light the barbeque- with the fine Peninsula Woman section thrown in as a bonus.
I think the PDN is an adequate paper considering the size of our population.
You're all miserable haters.
I think the PDN is an adequate paper considering the size of our population.
Why yes, Tim,Rachel,Beth,Edna,I'm sure the PDN is quite adequate for YOU. It's just that some of us would like to read a NEWSPAPER.
Timmy said "I think the PDN is an adequate paper considering the size of our population.
You're all miserable haters."
adequate? For what? Compared to other towns of 17k, it's barely adequate. Lets compare some OTHER newspapers in other states, some of which are more remote than PA is.
For instance: http://www.thetuskegeenews.com/
Has a police blotter!
This one is pretty slick:
This one is a true "online" edition, you can read the whole newspaper online
even has a police blotter!!
...I think our paper could do WAY better. Adequate is not enough. They are screaming they need more money (and they have screwed the local economy by charging way too much and LYING about their circ numbers. Ads are too high). Funny they COULD do better if they'd just report the damn news, instead of being a propaganda arm of old-time moronic families in the area. But, noooo...no real reporting, just superficial junk.
I agree with Tim! Get over yourselves!
Tim said...
"I think the PDN is an adequate paper considering the size of our population.
You're all miserable haters."
Ah, yes. Who here uses the phrase "haters"?
Who do you think you are fooling by posting under all these different names. It is so obviously the same person. And, as we see by comparing past posts, it doesn't matter what the topic is, you always say the same things.
"Haters"? Methinks thou dost protest too much.
Don't you read the NY Times,, WTF?
Haters gonna hate!
Hey, I saw John Brewer leaving Ol' Witchy Poo's "shop" the other day. Whatcha think they're plotting?
I laik th PDN. Noospaipur makes a gud blankette!
homless jack is John Brewer!
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