Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Unemployment Still Rising on North Olympic Peninsula

Clallam County's unemployment rate, as of March, is 11.6%, up from 11.1% the previous month.

The unemployment rate in Jefferson County rose from 10.7% in February to 11.1% in March.

The state Employment Security Department says the unemployment rate is up because of more people re-entering the labor force.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The economy in this area has always sucked, it's just that with the national economy being so wretched, the large segment of the local population that used to leave to find work simply isn't bothering.

9:50 AM, April 20, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More people entering the work force. Good.

Maybe the government can hire them to put fake shoppers in the streets and empty stores. You know, kinda like the duck hunters do when they set out fake ducks in the water.

With the politicians pushing for more cuts to agencies and their budgets, and saying they'll be cutting budgets for years to come to try to fix the deficit, how soon do you think these empty stores will find viable businesses?

We've seen that over half of those employed on the Peninsula are on public payrolls. Will these ongoing budget cuts have any impacts here?

10:12 AM, April 20, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 10:12 a.m. said: "...We've seen that over half of those employed on the Peninsula are on public payrolls. Will these ongoing budget cuts have any impacts here?"

Of course they will! They already have. Look at the detail job loss report: The losses in "Gov't Jobs" have far outstripped the gain in jobs in all the other segments of our local economy. Yes, it is mostly the "public payrolls" that have brought a measure of stability to our County over the past 20 years. As we continue to demand more public cuts, the private sector will continue to suffer, both in the loss of services and awarding of contracts AND by the loss of the collective purchasing power.

11:53 AM, April 20, 2011  
Blogger BBC said...

If I was looking for a job I could find work here, but I'm enjoying retirement too much.

Well, I have been helping Terry finish off the new managers apartment out at Granny's but that's only because he is a friend and we go back a ways, almost since my moving here.

6:14 PM, April 20, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

statistics show, 71% of individuals find jobs within 3 weeks after unemployment benefits cease.

7:58 AM, April 21, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"statistics show, 71% of individuals find jobs within 3 weeks after unemployment benefits cease."

Oh! So THAT is why the unemployment rate continues to go up?!

Are you suggesting we just get rid of unemployment benefits, so people will find jobs sooner?

10:19 AM, April 21, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Are you suggesting we just get rid of unemployment benefits, so people will find jobs sooner?"

Well, it would certainly spur Max into getting a job. Unemployment bennies must sure be sweet!

5:29 PM, April 21, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Well, it would certainly spur Max into getting a job. Unemployment bennies must sure be sweet!"

If you did one quarter of what Max does, this community would be in a much better place. You just come here and snipe at him without any grounds, while Max is out there working for our community.

Prove we should pay ANY attention to your drivel.

9:46 PM, April 21, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Are you suggesting we just get rid of unemployment benefits, so people will find jobs sooner?"

Well, it would certainly spur Max into getting a job. Unemployment bennies must sure be sweet!


So, this is what everything on the Peninsula is about? No matter what the topic, or incident, it is always about "Max"?

You are one sick puppy.

10:24 PM, April 21, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I drove into town today, past the "Gateway Center", and thought about Karen Rogers. How the then mayor worked so hard to get that facility built. I heard that funds from other departments in the city were diverted to help build this bus stop ( I don't know if it is true, but..).

This isn't the first time I've driven by the "Gateway". Most every time I drive by, it is empty of any human activity. The Farmers' Market uses it, occasionally.

I'm guessing about the same number of people who used the Clallam transit system before the "Gateway" was built, still do (unless they've lost their jobs and/or moved away). So, the $14 million spent to build it, and pay the various consultants, didn't develop any new business. No increases in travelers to or from Port Angeles.

Other than some more concrete in the middle of down town, what did we gain? 95% or more of the time, the space sits empty.

10:50 PM, April 21, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Gateway is an excellent example of how the former city administration exploited the public purse for private gain. Questionable payments & cost over-runs to favored contractors and consultants; $millions for land that - ooops - wasn't really needed, and has now been declared surplus - etc. etc.
Have you ever noticed how how view from Front St. down the bus alley between the Gateway and its ugly parking ramp draws the eye directly toward the Landing Mall? Landing Mall businesses should be quite grateful to the taxpayers (and its elected official champions) for the design and construction of the Gateway.

8:56 AM, April 22, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

at least the gateway center looks better than the old run down tavern that use to be there. Maybe you would like that back?

8:59 AM, April 22, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just never understood the design of the Gateway. Why is it the covered area is on the corner, but the people waiting for the buses must stand in the rain. Was this designed by an idiot? Obviously someone who never takes a bus!
The Gateway was a boondoggle if ever there was one. The property owners, the various contractors, and the city must have benefited from the "free money grants". But, it's an eyesore, as are many things in this town. No concept of trying to create a "vision". No way to create a shopping district. No idea of how to create a community center that can be vibrant. It's this THING off, in an area set aside, surrounded by parking, and the covered pavilion is cold, dark, windy, and uninviting. Must have been the creation of a person with similar traits: cold, dark, uninviting.
As for the contractors...if anyone did THAT KIND of substandard building on my house, I'd be suing their pants off, and would have refused to pay. The cement is already showing signs of cracking and sagging. No thanks!

My crystal ball says one thing: it will need massive structural issues addressed in the next 15-20 years. Town will need to tear it down before it's reached it's reasonable lifespan (which should have been several decades, if not longer).

10:55 AM, April 22, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"at least the gateway center looks better than the old run down tavern that use to be there. Maybe you would like that back?"

That is how you see this? We spend $14 million to build a structure that sits empty almost all of the time, that does not fit the area, and is cold, dark and uninviting, so that we don't have to look at an "old run down tavern"?

That is the best use for that money? That is the best use for that location in the town? Of all the things that could have been done to enhance the area, this is the best Port Angeles could come up with?

11:54 AM, April 22, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"at least the gateway center looks better than the old run down tavern that use to be there. Maybe you would like that back?"

No kidding! the Gateway is much better than the empty hole in the ground that used to be there and much safer than standing at the unlit vacant lot on Oak Street. There's multi-level parking and - let's not forget - the Farmers Market is there twice a week.

You peeps just crack me up! Lolz!!!!

3:01 PM, April 22, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"at least the gateway center looks better than the old run down tavern that use to be there. Maybe you would like that back?"

Maybe you'd like to pay the $14 million instead of forcing it down the taxpayer's throats? You can pay for Harborworks while you're at it.

11:02 PM, April 22, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God, you need to quit complaining, at least we got something for the $14 million, it looks good, serves a purpose, and will last a very long time. Usually the government spends money and we get nothing for it, like Obama care, or Glenn Cutler, or buy local campaigns

6:21 AM, April 23, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"God, you need to quit complaining, at least we got something for the $14 million,"

Yeah! Don't question what elected officials do. Don't question what government does. Just be happy that they do something, and don't question anything.

9:57 AM, April 23, 2011  
Anonymous urbun Compur Jack said...

helo! Its me agin. Please folkses doant complain aboot Gaitwai. Itz my hoem soemtimz until mean ol farmus show up an kick me out. Also Gaitwai will be my campain h.q. when I runs for offis. I mit also run for citey counsell . Remimbur to voat thats whut Ameriky is all aboat!

7:36 PM, April 23, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"God, you need to quit complaining"

No way! Those who don't know the past wind up repeating it and you "republicans" are ALREADY repeating it with harbor work, spending TAXPAYER money to force a PRIVATE company into turning over the land for the GOVERNMENT to develop. What are they going to put there? A high end car dealership? Hello! The Gateway paid parking is always empty, who uses that covered area besides the farmers? Couldn't they have stayed at the courthouse? "Last a long time" it started falling apart before it was finished! "Look better"? Yeah what about the rest of downtown, do you want the government to pull eminent domain and spend taxpayer $$ to make that "look better". Just like the Gateway it won't bring people in. Maybe spend more $$ to prop up businesses? And the government is going to do the same thing with harborworks. It's going to sit empty no matter how much taxpayer money the government throws at it. So much for the Ferraris! Managed economies don't work only private citizens can build wealth. Doesn't matter how mcuh you "republicans" want it, no one is buying. The sooner you "trust us we're from the government" type "republicans" go away the sooner the true conservatives can clean up your mess! Maybe get this town back to making money again instead of spending it.

10:28 AM, April 24, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chill out, dude!

2:02 PM, April 24, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Chill out, dude!"

Yeah, quit being concerned about things. Just pay your taxes, and vote for who we want you to vote for. And, don't question anything.

Remember, this is America. By the people, for the...

10:28 PM, April 24, 2011  

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