Kenmore Air Vows to Stay in Port Angeles
Craig O'Neill, director of marketing and sales for Kenmore, told Port of Port Angeles commissioners that Kenmore is committed to maintaining passenger service between Fairchild Airport and Boeing Field. Kenmore has three round trips on weekdays between the two airports.
Fairchild Airport might lose federal funding because of low ridership. They need to have a minimum of 10,000 passengers per year. With ridership decreasing, the airport is unlikely to meet that requirement this year. Ridership has fallen drastically from 2010 levels.
Fairchild Airport might lose federal funding because of low ridership. They need to have a minimum of 10,000 passengers per year. With ridership decreasing, the airport is unlikely to meet that requirement this year. Ridership has fallen drastically from 2010 levels.
The PDN article says Kenmore has cut the number of flights out of Port Angeles in half, from 6 to 3, and even at that, can't fill the 9 seat aircraft.
What happened? Are all the former patrons doing so well, that they bought their own aircraft, and don't need Kenmore anymore?
Are these some of the same folks that had their boats auctioned off by the Port because they couldn't pay their docking bills? Some of the same people who have had their houses foreclosed upon? Some of the same people who have closed up their businesses, resulting in all the empty storefronts around?
The article goes on to say that the Port relies on the $1 million per year grant to do repairs on it's facilities, but it likely will not get that grant because of the drop in ridership.
"Compared with the same month in 2010, Port Angeles-to-Seattle flights lost 8.2 percent ridership in March, 17.7 percent in April and 19.5 percent in May.
In June, the number rose to 27.5 percent, O’Neill said."
Those are not subtle numbers, for any business enterprise.
What is lacking are any explanations. The article says "Kenmore Air will soon begin a new marketing effort to attract new passengers, O’Neill said." We do remember these same statements months ago, when the city and Port gave Kenmore money to do advertising, to attract more passengers. It looks like their efforts had a reverse effect!
But like the Pen-Ply article, the PDN spins the information with "Kenmore Air vows to stay in Port Angeles". With its' drastically dropping patronage, what will Kenmore Air be doing in Port Angeles? Doing crossword puzzles?
Anonymous said...
Kenmore's prices are too high for most people. Cheaper to drive AND PARK for a short trip, and way cheaper to take the "expensive" bus.
(I carried this comment over from the previous thread)
Interesting. Did Kenmore recently raise it's prices, which made it un-affordable? I'm asking, because I don't know.
If they didn't raise their rates, then what changed?
Kenmore flights average around $100 bucks each way. Two years ago you could get a flight for about half that, and last year it was hovering around $80 bucks (occasionally lower).
The PROBLEM is that I can fly from Sea Tac to SFO (San Francisco) for $59, on one of the sales, with advanced purchase, and, often not more than $120 one-way. If I am going to pay, lets say, $200 bucks to go to SFO, why would want to pay an additional $200 to fly from PA to SeaTac?
For longer trips, I've had flights to NYC for $150 bucks each way. So, it barely sounds logical to spend so much more for a commuter flight when I can drive the 120 miles (about 4 gallons, or $20 bucks) then parking, $84 for a weeks parking (with coupons), then the $20 bucks to get back home. That's $124 instead of $200.00. And for short trips (mostly business ones are 2 days) Parking is $30 bucks, so for $70.00 I can save a wad o'cash.
OR, I can go on Dungeness (Olympic, whatever it's called this week) for $49 each way. Takes longer, but, it's a relaxing trip. The biggest problem is that the schedule is very confining.
I can also do public transit, by going from the airport to Bainbridge Ferry, to Kitsap transit, to Jefferson Transit, to Clallam Transit, and it costs less than $20 bucks, and that is including buying lunch. Takes all day, but it's a very entertaining day. The connections are very good.
Now, back when the flights were comparable, or just a little more than what it costs to fly Kenmore I could justify it.
But, all commuter airlines are like that. I know people who hire private driving services instead of flying on commuters. When the price of a Towne Car instead of a bus is cheaper than flying -- that is telling you something about the industry.
I'm sorry I can't really justify using Kenmore anymore. If they could offer me purchase ahead tickets at a discount, it might make it more attractive. I like the time savings.
The economy is still so bad that I'm flying coach (instead of Business) and using frequent flier miles for work (where I used to keep it for vacations). I'm also not taking vacations. Times are tough.
Go, P.A.! Go, Kenmore Air! Go, P.A.! Go, Kenmore Air! Go, P.A.!
... just savin' RCP the trouble of posting!
Any time these business types "vow" to do something I bet on the opposite happening.
Dont forget to turn off the lights on your way out Ken.
Anonymous said...
Go, P.A.! Go, Kenmore Air! Go, P.A.! Go, Kenmore Air! Go, P.A.!
... just savin' RCP the trouble of posting!
5:27 PM, July 12, 2011
Pretty funny!
Anon 4:14 said (in part)..
"The economy is still so bad that I'm flying coach (instead of Business) and using frequent flier miles for work (where I used to keep it for vacations). I'm also not taking vacations. Times are tough."
Do you think this is the reason for Kenmores' dramatic declines in ridership?
Why do you think June had such a dramatic drop? Don't people usually travel more in the summer months?
Saw an economic analyst on the news yesterday saying the US is very close to falling back into a recession. Watch your spending.
feels to me like we are heading into a deep, long depression. Forget recession, if the interest rates go up (as some have proposed) we're going to see more foreclosures (because banks have more variable rate interest loans, and don't want to give fixed rate ones), more business failures, and more bank failures.
Meanwhile, look how food costs are rising (part of this is due to speculators, which, just like the gas prices, have falsely inflated the costs of goods to the consumer). If you consider that $.81 cents on each gallon is caused by SPECULATORS, consider adding that much on a loaf of bread. Flour prices have already gone up 200% in the last 5 years. (Not so much cost of growing/farming/distribution, but speculation costs.)
Things aren't going to recover. We have lost the middle class, and the bulk of the money is going to make the upper few percent richer, while the rest of us get poorer. This trend won't change unless we have a full, and complete world economic collapse.
One thing you can "bank on": things will never be the same as they used to be. Get used to empty store fronts, and thin wallets.
Wow, you really know how to paint a grim picture anonymouse. The glass is not even half full, and you dropped it on your toe.
Here is some hope for you;
Reuters 7-13-11..."The clean economy is fueling industry and job creation in almost every major city in America — from solar panel production in Toledo, Ohio, to green buildings in Little Rock, Ark., and wind development in Albany, N.Y. — according to a first-of-its-kind assessment released today." Cool is it not?
I bet Kenwood will find a way to make it through. But, if they don't something will fill the loss.
While you are waiting, chew on this:
"All negativity is an illusion created by the limited mind to protect and defend itself."
Ambika Wauters
Sure Lisa, anything you say.
Ooops typo..."Kenwood"=
We walk down the street, and see a house on fire. Do we take precautions, or think it is just " illusion created by the limited mind to protect and defend itself." .. and walk into the burning inferno with a smile on our face?
Do we invest our limited life savings in a community, ignoring those trying to warn us that the development is built upon a former chemical toxic waste dump, or believe that any warnings are just "an illusion created by the limited mind to protect and defend itself." ?
Do we start off on a trip in our car with our family, with red warning lights flashing on the dashboard, or just ignore the warnings because we are told they are " an illusion created by the limited mind to protect and defend itself."
When the stores are emptying out, building stand empty in the community for years, signs "for rent" abound, and professionals in economics warn of dire times ahead, do we invest our life savings in a dying community, or look for another for our family's security and future?
If a professional financial adviser knowingly told their clients to invest in a company that was failing, they would be held accountable through the courts.
Anyone who thinks Port Angeles is a good investment right now is nutty. Unless you are retired, and on some kind of pension, things are going to get worse, as the government cuts services and programs. Listen to what the government is currently saying they are going to do to meet budget constraints. Look at what Kenmore has already done, cutting it's flights out of Port Angeles in half, and they still are losing business.
Any responsible parent will be looking at how best to provide for their family. And they will be looking to move to a more stable community, one with more to offer than Port Angeles.
Responsible people face reality, and do what they have to do.
WTF? "I bet Kenwood will find a way to make it through. But, if they don't something will fill the loss."
Who is KENWOOD? The stereo maker? They're in Georgia and in Long Beach, CA. I don't see what you are talking about.
Yeah, happy talk in the news. Try reading more than the basic dummy version of the "news". Some are predicting that the Greece problems (which the US is helping to try and mitigate) will cause a "euro" collapse.
Turkey is looking at an economic collapse. Italy is in deep hot water. China is having issues. The United States needs to raise its debt limit.
There are no bright spots on the horizon. Please, Randall. Wake up and look at something besides your rose colored glasses. Reality awaits.
who is Lisa?
Wow, you nega-trons and nega-mice really have a bleak view of things here in wonderful, happy Port Angeles. Fortunately, you nega-trons are in the minority as the more plentiful posi-trons are making wonderful, happy Port Angeles even more wonderful and even happier.
Golly gee whiz!
Here are some suggestions to help you feel better while we posi-trons re-make Port Angeles a better, brighter, happier place: why not take a walk outdoors? You'll feel better and perhaps you can purchase some wonderful home-made lemonade from some kids on any street corner. You'll feel better about yourself, really!
How about taking a walk downtown and enjoying all that wonderful public art? Why not give some of your plentiful spare change to some of the downtown homeless folks? They are YOU, Port Angeles. Don't fear them, embrace them!
Finally, the East has much wisdom to give us. Much of this wisdom has found its way into fortune cookies. Maybe you should have some yummy Chinese food for lunch today? Remember to tip your server generously - yes, you WILL feel better about yourself!
Yes, it's a wonderful thing I came here to Port Angeles to help you nega-trons and nega-mice get over your mean and miserable selves. I've come to save you from yourselves. Don't fear me, embrace me!
RCP sez: "The clean economy is fueling industry and job creation in almost every major city in America ..."
Port Angeles is not a major American city, Randall.
More mindless, happy-happy nonsense from the troll.
10:36..."Responsible people face reality, and do what they have to do." I completely agree with this! Face the issues, discuss them and work to find reasonable solutions. Having positive energy is not about silly happy thoughts as some would like to characterize it. Rather, it is about waking up each day and working to change things for the better.
"Believe you can and you're halfway there."
Theodore Roosevelt
12:04...My secret sources have revealed that "Lisa" aka "Debbie Downer" is the code name for a North Korean cyber-psyops terrorist who has been assigned to the Olympic Penninsula. "Her" goal is to spread negativity and discouragement.
Have fun with that one...lmao
I know you're being sarcastic, but Chinese food followed by a walk on the waterfront trail actually sounds good.
Randy, you are being annoying.
The problem is you seem to have a very high opinion of yourself, and believe yourself to be "cute" with these worn out phrases, and nonsense.
You are a newcomer. You haven't lived here, and admit you are "visiting". You don't really know what boondoggles await you if you moved here. You don't know the frustration of our lack of sunshine on some public decisions (made behind closed doors). From the pulling out the train tracks (which ran from here to Port Townsend, and then on to Olympia), to the remodeling of the airport (taking out the charm and the big airplane models that were so incredibly cool) to the crazy decisions (Gateway, flouride in the water, HarborWorks, the Incubator, and on and on) which have been a money grab for a few, and which never added any value to our town. To the insider deals (our fiber optic cable deal, the way that bids are awarded, the cutting down trees in parks, etc). There are many of us very upset, but all attempts to thwart the greedy have been sidestepped. (Try talking at a city council or city government meeting when the agenda is already decided, and "public input" is considered dangerous propaganda).
We have had people in offices, not elected. We have had a string of corrupt city managers, we have a huge ol "general budget" that has more nooks and crannies than a 500 year old castle infested with mice.
Yet, your, Randy, show up and start flapping around making happy talk and being as annoying as an infestation of fleas on a hot day.
Go away. As Dr. Seuss wisely advised in his book "Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now?"
The time has come.
The time has come.
The time is now.
Just go.
I don't care how.
You can go by foot.
You can go by cow.
Can we ALL give it a rest? I don't give a **** about who thinks who is being overly happy, nor who thinks who is just a Debbie Downer. I AM interested in any thoughtful comments that might be offered on the issues of the day. I pretty much ignore the rest of the worthless commentary. I think a LOT of people are just like me in this regard.
Anonymous 1:25, this is your 16th post on this thread. That seems a bit extreme to me. On your latest missive I have to agree with you that the loss of the rail service here was unfortunate. Where were you when the decision was made?
I have been here 8 months now. I really like it here and the people are great. I have actually done my homework. I have read the PDN for about 2 years now. I watched this blog and others for months before posting. And I have discussed it with others here in P.A.
What I have seen on this blog is that there is one person who posts as "Anonymous". She posts obsessively and negatively. She posts and then posts again to support her own posts.
The posters like BBC, WTF, Positive Attitude, and PAnerd and others with screen names are willing to engage in discourse and discussion. Anonymous is not willing to do that. Anonymous is a classic "confusion troll" and cyber bully. If you are "Anonymous 2.0" and want to make some point, choose a screen name and engage in discussion. Ask questions and answer those that are asked of you.
Do not think you can bully me. I am a citizen and have the right of free speech, only the moderator of this blog can censor me.
"People who project negativity typically have low self-esteem. They feel badly about themselves, and their negativity is simply a reflection of those feelings."
Hendrie Weisinger
"Believe you can and you're halfway there."
Theodore Roosevelt
"Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration"
Albert Einstein
These figures don't match up. When it comes to math, I'm picking Einstein over Roosevelt.
Tom, what do you think about the Washington Department of Ecology finally releasing the studies done concerning the dioxin pollution in Port Angeles?
I haven't seen the studies, and don't have the specifics. Anybody out there know the details?
Anonymous 6:27 p.m.: I only know what's in the article in today's PDN. There's more information
here but I haven't looked at it yet.
."Responsible people face reality, and do what they have to do."
I returned from the boondocks early cuz the weather is keeping me from painting out there so I have to address the above.
Yes, responsible people face reality and do what they have to do. To keep their own lives in order, it doesn't mean that they have to help save any other sorry asses.
I'm wondering why taxpayers are having to help pay for airplane rides for others.
Kenmore Air is a private business, make it on you own or get out of it I say, flying here isn't the only way to get here and the other ways are cheaper.
Mary Poppins will disagree with me I suppose.
" I have read the PDN for about 2 years now."
Oh, Lord. Now I really feel sorry for you.
"And I have discussed (this blog) with others here in P.A."
I'll bet you got an earful!
"What I have seen on this blog is that there is one person who posts as "Anonymous."
Um, wrong. Epic fail. There are a variety of people who post as "anonymous" on this board, and you weren't the first person to berate those of us who choose to do so. WTF got flipped out about that a long time ago. Unless I'm mistaken, "Anonymous" is a default setting on Blogspot so, bro, you're gonna have to maintain.
(Which reminds me of Drew Schwab's statement that he wouldn't acknowledge posts of the pernicious anonymous ... and then answered a post by some nefarious anonymous. Hilarious!)
"PM, July 14, 2011
Randall C. Page said...
Anonymous 1:25, this is your 16th post on this thread. That seems a bit extreme to me."
"What I have seen on this blog is that there is one person who posts as "Anonymous". She posts obsessively and negatively. She posts and then posts again to support her own posts."
Hey, Stupid, ANYONE can click the button and be "Anonymous". The 16 posts you counted can be 16 different people, for as much as anyone knows.
You really need help, dude.
Tom, what do you think about the Washington Department of Ecology finally releasing the studies done concerning the dioxin pollution in Port Angeles?
I haven't seen the studies, and don't have the specifics. Anybody out there know the details?
6:27 PM, July 14, 2011
I don't know the details, but I do remember finding stuff about cancer clusters here in PA, years ago, before I moved here. I didn't have much choice, and sure was worried then. Now these reports say most of the 80 sites tested in places throughout the city have high concentrations of Dioxins? Great.
“While they are above what our standard is, they're not so high that we think we have to go out and take immediate action,” Lawson said, adding that Ecology's priority is cleaning up the mill site.
Ecology has set a late 2013 deadline for the development of a cleanup plan for the 75-acre site and 1,325 acres of Port Angeles Harbor.
“At the end of the day, it will all come together to be a complete cleanup for the entire site,”
That pretty much covers the Dioxin issue.
You may now return to your regularly scheduled Anonymous whining...ROTFL
Randall C. Page said...
"I have been here 8 months now. I really like it here and the people are great. I have actually done my homework."
and : " What I have seen on this blog is that there is one person who posts as "Anonymous". She posts obsessively and negatively. She posts and then posts again to support her own posts. "
"Anonymous is a classic "confusion troll" and cyber bully."
Right. Obviously Randall has no doubts about his "homework" and conclusions.
And who has been berating virtually every person who posts here since they showed up? Who calls every person who choses to post as "Anon" a "coward"? Who bullies every person who posts unless they post in a way he sees fit?
Oh, yeah, this is the same person who says they want to build a better PA. How, by pissing off every person they interact with?
Go join the Chamber, or PADA, or PABA, or the Jet Set Soroptomists. See how that works for you!
Paranoid? Deluded? Self absorbed? Intolerant of other viewpoints?
They guy has not let up since he showed up here. Who died and made him god?
Oh, that's right. Trolls are like that. The whole blog becomes about the troll, until enough people get tired of them, and stop posting. Look back a few months, and see how many people who used to post here, have become silent.
What's the same, and what's "new"?
Yeah, the troll.
“At the end of the day, it will all come together to be a complete cleanup for the entire site,”
I'm okay with cleaning it up before we hand it back to the natives, after all, it was our kind that made it the way it is now.
Mary Poppins has been here for a whole eight months and hasn't turned things around yet?
Tourists do not use Kenmore Air, they rent cars and drive here.
Randall C. Page sez:
"That pretty much covers the Dioxin issue.
You may now return to your regularly scheduled Anonymous whining...ROTFL"
Yep. Randall is back to "Rolling On The Floor Laughing" about the contamination of Port Angeles with Dioxins, one of the most serious pollutants known. Yeah, real funny stuff.
Unlike Randall, a lot of people, community groups, agencies and businesses have taken the contamination of Port Angeles very seriously, for many years now. A lot of money, studies and public involvement has been expended because of this serious concern. The most recently, in depth studies show the majority of the 81 off-site locations (meaning, areas around town) show elevated contamination.
But, Randall is just "Rolling On The Floor Laughing".
He sees this as just another example of "regularly scheduled Anonymous whining".
If any of you had any doubts before...
why do you assume that any anonymous is a SHE? Rather insulting and sexist isn't it, or are you hoping that she'll date YOU?
As for cyber bullying, nice to see that you pickup buzz phrases well. From my viewpoint I see that people respond to you, and you respond back. That's more flaming than bully.
I'm waiting until Godwin's law kicks in.
the removal of the railroad was a backroom decision: no one had a say, and someone was granted access to sell the scrap. End of story.
Hey anonymice, Port Angeles is a little piece of Paradise. All the problems here are easily managed. Chill out, this blog is just a little code on a server...1's and 0's. While you were desperately defending your turf these last few months, 93 million people broke free from despotic dictators. Kind puts things in perspective doesn't it?
If you had any doubts Randall C Page is a troll..
He comes here to incite upset on the blog, clearly.
What a loser.
Okay, I got curious because 21 is low on the ASCII chart and I don't know them numbers... 21 is code for the negative acknowledgement character, or "hey, that info you sent me just plain ain't good".
Which makes me wonder... since Randall is talking about negativity... is this a coincidence or does he know code?
- PA.Nerd
PA.nerd, you are a Posi-tron,it is always a pleasure to see your posts.
Yeah, not exactly a "positron"... Actually all these code words sound like a Scientology meeting. I consider myself more pragmatic, middle of the road. I don't believe Port Angeles will die, but I don't believe it's got great times ahead. Actually I think it will go through a painful shrinking period before it evens out to a smaller town. I am disgusted with much of the corruption and general uncaring, self-serving nature of our local political critters. And I'm with Billy, let the Rayonier property sit for 100 years and let nature clean it up. I don't believe we have the economy to support the town we have, let alone adding that quagmire to the books.
I think Port Angeles has the potential to be a truly great seaside town. It has a lot going for it. There are also a lot of factors holding it back. At this point it's teetering on the fence. I hate to sound wishy-washy, but with all the variables it really is hard for anyway to say "yes, this is the way the town will be". Myself, I'm about 65% pessimistic, unfortunately.
- PAnerd
Thanks for the considered response. The "code" words are tongue in cheek. OK, I'm through jumping up and down on the couch now. Point being you have chosen a screen identity that makes it possible to actually have a discussion. The anonymice are just playing an obfuscation game.
There has been talk of corruption. The last investigation resulted in zip. There are always a few who make mistakes or break some rules. But, I have not heard of any Rod Blagojevich's around here nor have there been any extreme cases like Bell California. Many allegations made "anonymously" are personal or political issues as I am sure you must know.
I don't much care if P.A. grows or shrinks. But, making the best use of what is here is the issue. There are a lot of small moves that can be made to attract people who appreciate what is here.
Regarding the dioxin issue, upstream 1/4 mile from my studio on the Mississippi there was a site contaminated with dioxin and PCB's. I watched the remediation process. It is now a beautiful park, certified clean. The process was not any big deal and it employed people. Downstream from about 3/4 of a mile is another site with the same issues. That site is about the size of downtown P.A. It too will be a beautiful park, certified clean in a couple years.
There are places in this country which have very grave pollution problems. In '97, I canoed the entire length of the Mississippi. I got a good look at some of these issues. Water quality and pollution are big issues for the people down stream from Minnesota. I talked to fishermen, Corps. of Engineers guys and researchers. The farther south you go the worse it gets. From Baton Rouge to New Orleans it is VERY bad. petro-chemical and indutrial plants have been spewing poisons for a long time. That is 150 miles of nasty. And that trip was before Katrina which only increased the problems. In comparison to all this the Rayonier issue is small and managable.
Thanks for the discussion.
ps. "There are only 10 people who understand binary code, those that do and those that don't."
"And I'm with Billy, let the Rayonier property sit for 100 years and let nature clean it up. I don't believe we have the economy to support the town we have, let alone adding that quagmire to the books."
You know that Rayonier is going to pay to clean up the wastes and contaminations it created, not the city or taxpayers, right?
But other than that, I pretty much agree with you. Lots of potential, but lots of corruption, back room dealings, and worse.
After the 150 years Port Angeles has been around, you might think it could figure things out, yet here we are.
PaNerd...we aren't "sea side" we're strait side. FYI
You're right, they are two separate things. By all means, clean it up. Rayonier has signaled intention to do this, although they're moving at a snail's pace it is happening.
I disagree that purchasing and developing the land will somehow, magically, bring about a renaissance to Port Angeles. So far we the taxpayers have spent a million on this and we still have vacant lots in the town. I do not understand why the town is pushing so hard on this right now. Maybe there's something I'm missing, maybe it's to develop it while interest rates are low, but it seems stupid to me during the worst economic downtown in generations, when former powerhouse like Detroit are actually dismantling part of their city.
I would like the Discovery Trail part left as a park, but if a private developer thinks they can make money off it, let them pay for it.
My disillusionment with city hall hit peak when Hendrickson was attempting to shut off water to the Eastern UGA to force through the sewer line project. It was reinforced when he was voted out and then not-so-transparently put back on the council against the will of the voters. Then Madsen threw his tantrum right after someone (Kidd?) dared question funding the incubator. Technically illegal? Perhaps not, but it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
That said, things don't last forever. Port Angeles looks a lot different than it did during the '90s, mostly for the better. The obstacles to getting this town growing again are frustrating, to put it mildly, but I don't believe they're insurmountable. This town isn't all bad, though it's sure not all good either.
I guess going back to the point... Some of the pessimism on this board and the PDN is silly. The dire predictions, made year after year, that the town will be dead inside a year... The claims that downtown is half empty... The general feeling that no one should try to do anything and if they do they're stupid...
But I can understand where the cynicism comes from. Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt, got a refreshing beverage at the halfway mark. It always frustrated me that this town never changed for what I thought was the better.
My "aha" moment came when I asked myself "what do I think the better is?" and I realized I wanted PA to become like one of Seattle's techie suburbs, only with trees and stuff. That's very unlikely to happen.
Next I asked "what do I think Port Angeles is?"
- PA is the county seat, there's going to be a strong government culture here.
- PA still has a lot of blue-collar workers.
- PA is surrounded by some incredible natural resources. This may bring tourists, but not like we think.
- There are more and more artists coming to town. What you think of those artists is subjective, but they're here.
- PA tends to think of itself as both a small town and a big town at the same time.
- PA has this notion that expanding will solve everything, like to the UGA or the Rayonier land, while not being able to handle the land it has.
- The downtown is not strong enough to be a draw by itself.
- PA is out in the middle of nowhere.
- The job market here is horrible.
- Driving around town I suspect there's more money here than I think.
I'm rambling again. Basically I came to the conclusion PA is a very complex system. Sequim, Port Townsend and Forks are all much more unified than PA is (retirement town, Victorian waterfront, loggers vs. vampires). It's trying to be too many things at once: small town and big town; tourism town, redneck town, art town; growing and shrinking at the same time. No wonder the town is struggling so much.
"Basically I came to the conclusion PA is a very complex system."
I think you're over analyzing the situation. The reality is in the outcomes.
The regional economy has not been flat through the last 10 years or more (just to pick a time line most of us can remember), but look at what has happened in PA. During that time, Sequim became the regional retail center with the development of all the "big box" stores. What happened in PA?
As you point out, the city and it's movers-and-shakers have not been able to move ANYTHING forward. During that time, as you point out, the then Mayor threatened to shut off the water, during the summer months, to the residents of Gales Addition in order to get that area to be part of the Urban Growth Area (UGA).
Other than stupid in-fighting and questionable dealings, the "boom" times came and went.
PA has been here for about 150 years, and hasn't changed much. The politicians, businesses and residents come and go, but PA remains largely unchanged despite the endless turnover of folks with "new ideas".
Hmmm. I wonder why.
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