Thursday, October 06, 2011

Paying For the Privilege of Recycling?

The City of Port Angeles is considering separating fees for garbage and recycling, which would mean residents who don't recycle would pay less than those who do.  City staff are saying that separating the charges would provide a more equitable rate structure for all residents.  But Max Mania said:

“It’s rewarding people for not recycling is how I see it.” 

And a Port Angeles resident said:

“Don’t punish the people who are recycling.”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Down with the Staff!

5:35 AM, October 06, 2011  
Anonymous Recycle THEM said...

Certain city staff (such as Cutler and Myers) and some of the old guard council members (such as Don Perry)seem to delight in displaying their scorn for environmentalists and those who want to implement progressive policies. This is immature bragging and bullying behavior meant to tell the rest of us: "Ha Hah, you peons. We're still in charge here. All of you who disapprove of exploiting and despoiling nature just get out of town."
We need to get enough votes on City Council to force the city manager to fire Cutler, and while we're at it, fire the City Manager, too. First step: vote to replace Don Perry with Sissi Bruch. and vote to keep Brad Collins on the council.

9:39 AM, October 06, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did anybody notice in this article that Nippon hasn't paying a base rate for electricity since 2004? And that they HAD been paying a base rate of over $5000 before then but NOTHING since???
It is unfair to the rest of the customers to have to subsidize Nippon's free ride. Reinstate a base rate for Nippon of at least $5000 a month, and then recalculate whether there is a need to raise the base rate for everybody else.

9:43 AM, October 06, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Port Angeles is such a great place!

10:38 AM, October 06, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

screw that! What happened to recycling glass? Who's brilliant idea was it to just skip that part of recycling? Cutler or Myers?

11:50 AM, October 06, 2011  
Blogger BBC said...

Whatever, the old lady next door and I only fill one 60 gallon container a month. Everything else gets recycled. But thanks for reminding me to be thankful I don't live in the city limits.

I see that the Galloping Gourmet is going to be in Monkeyville this weekend, his show used to be a hoot.

6:10 PM, October 06, 2011  
Blogger BBC said...

Port Angeles is such a great place!

It's better if you live outside of the city limits.

6:11 PM, October 06, 2011  
Anonymous 1% said...

Stop your whining and bleating this instant. You should count yourselves fortunate that we even offer you the choice of "re-cycling".

Now suck it up and get on with your pathetic "lives". Watch some TV or something.

5:07 AM, October 07, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's better if you live outside of the city limits.

I don't often agree with BBC. But it does happen once in a while.

8:27 AM, October 07, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is immature bragging and bullying behavior meant to tell the rest of us: "Ha Hah, you peons. We're still in charge here. All of you who disapprove of exploiting and despoiling nature just get out of town."

Yep. That is the mindset. No exageration. And, it has a lot of supporters in Port Angeles.

11:10 PM, October 07, 2011  

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