Friday, April 06, 2012

The New Transformed Lincoln Park

The new Lincoln Park might include trails for biking and walking, an orchard, ponds and wetlands, according to the proposed master plan.

More maps and drawings can be found here. (Warning!  .pdf file!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How lovely! We really need more nature in the area and that is a great spot to invest my tax dollars, I think. So much nature has been taken away from us, we must band together as citizens and replace every bit of it that has been taken away, and make it better, no - much better - every chance we get. We so lack trees, nature, birds, bodies of water, places to take the dog, places to ride the bike. This will really be welcomed. It is so nice to know that local government is on our side! What's best though, is adding infrastructure and parks near such an up-and-coming, frequented part of town, and right by our international airport! So wise! It is really TIME to BUY one of those hangers for sale! More come up every day (literally) and they are PRICED TO SELL I tell ya!

8:12 PM, April 06, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stickynote (tm) found on the ground at the Gateway:

Note to self/
1. Throw money at old industry and infrastructure.
2. Turn government row (library, schools, Nat. Park) into new truck route.
3. Spend money studying all the things I can't afford to do, but will con the locals into "investing" in.
4. Con the locals into a very expensive plot to burn the very thing that they want to make useful things out of and sell, thus completely demoralizing and demasculating them, rendering them subservient to the very ... (!)
5. Move to state that is going to very shortly let big business take over bankrupt local governments, like what has happened in Michigan.
6. Through surrogates, open an FDA approved personal air filtration device store in Sequim

8:50 PM, April 06, 2012  
Anonymous andrew may said...

It is so obvious why people write in under Anonymous - with thoughts like these I to would not dare put my name on such nonsense either!

8:49 AM, April 07, 2012  
Blogger BBC said...

What ever, in 50 years little of this will be here and nature will be breaking up the runway.

6:05 PM, April 07, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Go ahead teabaggers! Elect a Republican Gov. if you don't believe me!

They will within weeks dissolve our city and the feds (by default, the park/forests, and the shipping lanes) and a couple of companies will take over our town, close our schools, reduce your wages, fire your wife and daughter (and put an end to them wearing pants) and put up toll roads, etc.

Next time unemployment goes over 9% nationally, and there is a big election, we will lose our local governments in Washington State - esp. the ones ruined by developers and big biz.

And then your little teabag head will really explode with joy because of all that freedom. Freedom from people organizing and trying to make our community a better place. Just leave it up to a few rich guys. They know better! Who needs the US?

6:28 PM, April 07, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To "Andrew May", who said : "It is so obvious why people write in under Anonymous - with thoughts like these I to would not dare put my name on such nonsense either!"

Perhaps all is fine and lovely in your world, however I know of one person who recently spoke out about a big project in this town, and signed their name to their views. What happened? Did the locals respect their rights of free speech, and rights to simply express a viewpoint right here in Port Angeles?

No. Armed with that persons real name, these local thugs looked up the commenters' name, found their address and phone number, and embarked on a campaign of threats and harassment. Threats to their homes.

Opinions and viewpoints that are not in line with the status quo are not tolerated in Port Angeles. If the locals know who you are, it isn't much different than in Afghanistan.

12:33 AM, April 08, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hear, hear.

4:28 AM, April 08, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least they want to made it into a useable park for the tax payer in this town.
Hopefully the council won't put the logging money in there slush fund to support their water front dream project.

8:38 AM, April 08, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, first of all, Andrew May - the real Andrew May, anyway - is a big, blowhard and buffoon. Does he love the sound of his own voice? Yes he does! And what does that voice generally spout? Utter nonsense. For instance, he claims to be a "good Democrat," yet supports throwback Republicans like Edna Peterson and Karen Rogers. 'Nuff said.

Secondly, speaking about Lincoln Park...One of the things the Port keeps tossing out as a compelling reason that we MUST cut those pesky trees and expand the airport is the "What if..?" scenario. They trot out an earthquake or tsunami and say, "What if we need to land a big plane with emergency supplies? We can't do that unless we cut those (pesky) trees!"

Two things in response.

One: The runway just down the road at ACTI can already accomodate planes up to the size of a 737. And, I'd like to think that, in a real, honest to goodness emergency, ACTI would let say, the Red Cross, land on their runway.

Two: Even IF we cut those (pesky but profitable) trees down...What if said earthquake rips a big ol' gash into said runway? Well then, I think that it wouldn't be safe to use anyway - trees or no trees.

So, don't let the Port get away with using the "What if..?" scenario as an excuse for clearcutting our park. It's a dodge, a distraction, a big fat LIE.

9:03 AM, April 08, 2012  
Anonymous andrew may said...

What a bunch of bull! I have certainly gone against the grain on many a issue in this town- the key maybe awell reasoned, factually correct arguement that is not comprised of person attacks and slander rather then the baseless smears by nameless cowards we see here all the time. But once again; if poeple do not even believe in their words enough to put their own name on it-- why should anyone care what a faceless/nameless fictitious enity thinks? Now let us see more nameless cowards continue their diatribes.

9:39 AM, April 08, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding the "What If"... there is no such thing as physically required minimum approach angle or runway length. It is up to a pilot to decide what they feel comfortable with given the conditions and plane. There are combat landings where they push the limits if needed. In a serious disaster scenario I'm sure they would be doing them here too.

Also, we use helicopters all the time to send people to Seattle for medical treatment. No disaster is going to be so bad that we can't use helicopters.

Furthermore, we have a deep water port and water routes to multiple major cities easily within a day. We move goods by ship all the time, why couldn't we move disaster relief supplies the same way?

All of this is just to point out that the reasons we are given as to why this must be done are bullshit. The real reason is always the same: money. This is cheaper for the port than extending the runway to the east and they can steer all the contracts towards their buddies like Andrew May for the landscaping and Karen Rogers and Exceltech for construction.

There is no guaranteed funding for any of this. The Port claims to be committed to paying for some of it, but I bet they only mean cutting the trees and selling the lumber. The money from the trees will not even begin to fund this plan. Look at all the things that are included, it is absolutely packed with stuff. It's going to cost tens of millions, especially the way the port and city build things.

Even if they do manage to build even a fraction of the park, there's still no money for maintenance, given the way the current park hasn't been maintained.

PS - Interesting to see that the PDN specifically disabled comments on the story about ACTI workers unionizing. Thanks Tom for giving us a place to speak, and anonymously too.

10:05 AM, April 08, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"So, don't let the Port get away with using the "What if..?" scenario as an excuse for clearcutting our park. It's a dodge, a distraction, a big fat LIE."

Hunh? That is how local government gets projects approved. They use all kinds of intentionally manipulated information and reasoning to "dodge, distract", and engage in big fat LIES.

Look only at the "CSO" project, spending over $42 million for a problem ("infiltration"), that their own data show does not exist. When questioned with their own "facts", they just dodge answering with more distractions and "What ifs".

This is the way our representatives work for us. Lie, deceive, manipulate.

10:05 AM, April 08, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's true that people who dare to openly speak out against the old guard and those who are holding the city back are subject to threats and terrorist tactics. That's even more true if the people speaking out happen to be female.
Still, they speak out because in the privacy of the voting booth, the silent majority are voting to improve things. Things are slowly changing for the better in Port Angeles because courageous people are speaking out, and those who agree but are not speaking as openly are supporting them.

10:19 AM, April 08, 2012  
Anonymous Solidarity said...

Yeah --- so ---- what is the story behind the ACTI workers unionizing?
Reading between the lines of the PDN story, it seems as though ACTI management hasn't been treating the employees very well. That's a pretty overwhelming "yes" vote to join the union!

7:06 PM, April 08, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" seems as though ACTI management hasn't been treating the employees very well."

What was it that the City Councilman said at the last meeting? Something to the effect that we should get out of the way of corporations doing what they want?!!?

10:26 PM, April 08, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many noticed that the City Manager took a $30,000 pay cut in order to get the **** out of Port Angeles??

Yeah. What does THAT tell ya??

11:05 PM, April 08, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Andrew May" sez: " But once again; if poeple do not even believe in their words enough to put their own name on it-- why should anyone care what a faceless/nameless fictitious enity thinks? Now let us see more nameless cowards continue their diatribes."

Spell check?

Once again, with people being threatened when they publish their names, I sure understand why people appreciate having "anonymous" as a choice to express views.

And, yes. Thanks Tom. Preventing the expression of ideas and views one disagrees with does not advance community.

11:12 PM, April 08, 2012  
Anonymous Andrew May said...

You got to love it! Nameless cowards are worried about spelling errors but NOT made up facts or lies. I have never claimed to be a good (or even bad ) Democrat,I have never belonged to any party I believe that shows a lack of good critical thinking and why I am a staunch indepedent. But please prove me wrong-let the person who hides behind that nameless tag chime in with proof-but that will not happen-anonymous tags only attract trolls who claim their words would bring upon them harm-what nonsense, your unfounded claims and personal smears would do that. Give an example of a person who presented a factual explanation or reasoned plan that was threatened and sign your name to it. What spiteful cowards but again if someone thinks so little of what they say and is not willing to put their name on it why would anyone care what that spineless person has to say-it is just so hard to lie, distort or fabricate the truth when you could be held accountable.

7:54 AM, April 09, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, "Andrew May", you may not be able to accept the fact that people have been threatened and harassed in Port Angeles for voicing their views, but it is absolutely true.

Sad to see you resort to insulting people you don't even know. Kinda like pounding on a rape victim for not wanting to confront their attacker.

But, you can continue with your condemnations. If you are in fact Andrew May, then, as some other person said so aptly, you DO like the sound of your own voice. Not intended as an insult. Just an observation from listening to you over the years.

10:31 AM, April 09, 2012  

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