Sunday, July 21, 2013

Arts In Action 2013

Yes there WILL be an Arts In Action again this year.  For awhile it didn't look like they'd be having one.  There still isn't any mention of it at the PDN website, but today's Sunday paper has an insert giving all the details.  It'll be next weekend, July 26th through 28th, with sand sculptures, dozens of vendors and live music on Saturday and Sunday afternoons.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, but, does anyone really care?

1:42 PM, July 21, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:42 - Teabaggers and tweakers don't care. Especially teabaggers who are also tweakers. They like to go online and trash art organizations with brief, negative comments, studies show.

4:04 PM, July 21, 2013  
Anonymous Not Teabagger, Just a Realist said...

Yeah, but, does anyone really care?

7:08 PM, July 21, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate to break it to you friend, but, the problem here isn't the "teabaggers" and "tweakers." It's the apathetic moderates and liberals who let the bad guys run things.

9:34 PM, July 21, 2013  
Anonymous 1:42 said...

9:34 - I agree. And I don't really care either about the Fine Art Center. But I care that I don't care. Now that pot is legal X2, and most emerging/cutting edge artists smoke the herb in great quantities, historically, maybe they could have something like "Rasta Night" to spark things up? Pardon the pun. Or plant a "Victory Garden"? Or hemp crafts. It lasts forever, and we could stitch in "Pot Angeles". Or, "Authentic Northwest Hemp". Nifty hand blown pipes. I hear there is a shortage of "local" artist made pipes, and the pipes "blown" in China are not healthy and are made mostly by Children, and it's a very unsafe occupation, for children.

Oh - teabagger,teabagger, teabagger. Tweaker, tweaker, tweaker.

3:00 AM, July 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the few arts events in this town that isn't under the influence of a certain "sculptor".

5:42 AM, July 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You sure said that right!

It isn't that there are not reasonable people in this town. They just can't be bothered to step up, and help their community. So, we end up with morons like Peter Ripley, or those that some economic gain in their eyes.

7:59 AM, July 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ 7:59 AM

Can you blame them? If one person steps up they become a target (see Max Mania). No one wants to do it alone so everyone will sit back and wait for someone else to do it.

I knew the lefties were looking for candidates and they even asked me if I would run. I didn't realize how desperate they were and joked that it didn't pay enough. If I'd known that two positions would run unopposed I would've put my name down for one of them.

11:31 AM, July 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2:05 PM, July 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If I'd known that two positions would run unopposed I would've put my name down for one of them."

Well then, you're part of the problem, aren't you?

4:04 PM, July 22, 2013  
Blogger BBC said...

What ever, I just got back from a trip to Montana and it was way cooler there.

5:40 PM, July 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of art, a really nice artist died on Mt. Olympus this weekend. The drummer. :(

6:56 PM, July 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ Anon 4:04

I don't see your name on the ballot either.

The point is that no one is going to step up on their own and run for council between the targeting from the good old boys, the manipulation by city staff and the anger from the public about damn near everything.

If the lefties were more organized and could put together a reasonable platform and clearly communicate the need for candidates then they might get some volunteers who knew they weren't going to be going it alone. Unfortunately my brief experience here is that most of them aren't able to put aside their differences and work together on anything effectively.

7:37 PM, July 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee, if Max and Dale are (suuposedly) always suing people, I don't know why they haven't gotten around to suing Tom for slander, libel and defamation of character, among other things. Then again, maybe they're getting ready to sue him...

9:01 PM, July 22, 2013  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

It's a non-starter, MaxiPad.

1. "Character" -- there's nothing to defame.

2. You can't afford a lawyer, unless the welfare office is planning to issue you one.

1:46 AM, July 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Art in action poor advertising hand picked venders who mostly sold the same things at the fair.
who was in charge of this thing? I could not find any who knew exactly.
I called first "the chamber" buncha morons andrew may and jackson smart force personial agendias like 18000 signs for the city to cough up and no one else bids on this stuff and all involved are afraid to say no to the two for fear of being unpopulair with the in crowd. stuff that in your pipes andrew. and if mr May does love pot so much why didnt you get someone to sell hemp products at the event? sissy.
.rotary and chamber members tho they are, I saw Andrew May and Jackson Stupid trolling around the event passing out flyers to promote a personal party at andrews house where.......
they will further promote themselves as the only ones who do whatever kind of work they do.They will show all involved portfolios of work they did here. Civic minded? I dont see it.
a n y h o w . ........
PA chamber pot said we dont know the rotary said they arent sure the city said call the rotary.
six vendors did not stay for sunday cause it was so dead. Poorly adverised ill planning.
I had such a blast there. 2013

7:09 PM, August 29, 2013  

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