Sunday, June 30, 2013

Glenn Cutler to Speak at Tomorrow's Chamber of Commerce Luncheon

At tomorrow's Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce luncheon, the guest will be departing Public Works Director Glenn Cutler.  He will be discussing current and future city projects.


Blogger BBC said...

I hope the fuck that these future projects are not downtown.

4:49 PM, June 30, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh. Fabulous.

We can see by the way the Port and the City are conducting themselves that they don't care what the residents think. They know they can get away with anything they want. Blatantly.

Cutler's arrogance and disregard for truth and reality have been demonstrated, over and over. Just a matter of record.

Now, as we see, that attitude has been institutionalized.

If you have any concern for your own personal future, take the opportunity of the summer to find a new community and move. This is "Loserville", as the recent employment figures show. Other communities are moving ahead in recovery while Port Angeles shows the world what a disgraceful place it is. No place to raise children, with the examples being provided by people like Glenn Cutler, and the rest.

6:21 PM, June 30, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Port Angeles is the type of town, lets say you move here, and have experience working at funeral homes.


Sure, one of the local ones would hire you, maybe, eventually, but you'd have put up with the necrophiliacs that work there.

11:19 PM, June 30, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One problem with people like Cutler being in charge of "future projects" is that their mindsets are still back in the 19th century --- not even the 20th century. They think in terms of it being man's destiny to tame nature and approach problems with manly force rather than first weighing and balancing all other options. (Think: cut down all trees in Lincoln Park rather than extend a runway; buy a used 5 million gallon toxic tank and build thousands of feet of sewer pipelines to access it, rather than prevent sewage and stormwater from entering a combined sewage system in the first place; and on and on).
The term "man" was used intentionally in the previous sentence, because such types generally scorn (or fear?) intelligent, independent women and prefer to repress their ability to compete or govern or offer creative solutions in what they see as rightfully a man's world.
In sum, Cutler's way of doing things unfortunately fits right in with the 19th century mindset of many of the local Chamber "leaders" who will be in the audience today. They will undoubtedly love him. And when he finally departs from city service, the ladies at city hall will be expected to get together to plan a nice send off party, complete with a cake and home made cookies.

7:32 AM, July 01, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glenn Cutler is, among other things, an incredibly sexist man. Must be from all those years in the Navy, in the close company of other manly men.

2:06 PM, July 01, 2013  
Blogger BBC said...

Home made cookies? How do I get an invite?

6:46 PM, July 01, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BBC - Costco cookies for you, sorry bud. :(

3:01 AM, July 02, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How to get an invite for the homemade cookies, BBC? You could call Teresa Pierce to make sure of the times and places (she runs things at city hall). Best guess is that there will be at least two such cake and cookie events ---- one at Cutler's final Utility Advisory Committee meeting (usually the second Tuesday of each month) and another during a break in his final city council meeting. The need for special invitations is unlikely --- just show up and be among the hordes of fellow citizens who regularly attend these meetings and watchdog their government in action.

7:58 AM, July 02, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"just show up and be among the hordes of fellow citizens who regularly attend these meetings and watchdog their government in action."

LOL! Good one.

10:40 AM, July 02, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it just me or has the tap water started smelling different in the last few weeks?

4:57 PM, July 02, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Smells like Cutler's piss, probably. And only one person in town likes to drink that, right Paul?

11:16 PM, July 02, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:57 - HORRIBLE chlorine smell, seemed to peak yesterday but was really bad for about three days. I feel sorry for those near where it's injected.

So do we all hate government yet? I hope so, lets just all admit it, in unison, so the teabaggers can get back to just running this town. Instead of running it into the ground.

12:51 AM, July 03, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the creepiest arson cases I've ever heard of has broke in Sequim - the kind if you were in a big city, would be a million dollars bail...oh, gee, what does she get here in Clallam? 25K... $2,500 later, and a rich local tweaker relative, she'll be out.

1:02 AM, July 03, 2013  
Anonymous HERE WE GO!!! said...

A MILE LONG STRETCH of powerlines, Dew Park Rd., GONE...or part of the mile long stretch that was made of copper. Plus, the grounding wire in the substation. $20,000 estimate in loss. Oh, please.


GEE, they say it's UNPRECEDENTED!!!! (inside job, ex. employee, tip o' the ice berg if you ask me...unprecedented my ass...cough, cough)

Can you see it? A year? Two? Underground powerlines? Can't secure the ones above ground, so lets just start over? You scratch my back, I'll dig four thousand miles of trenches fer ya bud, and lay down just as many miles of shiny new wire made in China few ya bud no problem. We'll get it cheap too...and will create a ton more jobs in five years when we have to replace the entire fucking rusty mess. And we won't need those treehugging treetrimmers either!


1:27 AM, July 03, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting that the PDN's summary of Cutler's accomplishments as Public Works Director didn't mention the multi-million dollar advanced metering project that was supposed to have been completed a few years ago, but is still not functional.
Maybe that's one reason why the water tastes bad or stinks? The old meters still in the system are breaking down under the electromagnetism emitted by the new meters in the system, creating more crud in the pipes and coming out the taps.

7:46 AM, July 03, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, with the latest news about the County reversing itself, and going from telling Sheila Roark Miller to hire her own attorney, to hiring one for her - at YOUR expense, local taxpayers - can there be any doubt that Clallam County is one of the most corrupt and terrible places in the country? We've got the Port, of course, who have been in the news themselves of late. And Jim Jones and gang are back on the front pages with their back room dealings.

And I use the term gang quite literally. Local governments in Clallam County are operated like criminal enterprises, and the more "enterprising" you are, the more you're accepted into the fold. This goes for the city of Port Angeles, the County, the Port, at least a couple of the tribes, and our local state reps. All rotten, all corrupt, all nasty pieces of work, and all working to line their own pockets.

I'd say that people here need to wake up and vote these crooks out, but, that's not always possible, is it? Three uncontested races for the PA City Council speaks to a deep public apathy and/or antipathy towards local government. But fools like Pat Downie undoubtedly think it means people approve of what they're doing. Meanwhile, the vicious and organized criminal enterprise continues. Can't wait to see how our new Glenn Cutler fits right in. More bloated and unnecessary public works projects anyone? They're just ever so useful for skimming off public funds for private graft.

7:46 AM, July 03, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Water and everything else generally tastes worse when the stink from the mill settles over the town in the summer time.

8:06 AM, July 03, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:46 #2 - Wow, that's scary! I'm sure glad the courts (etc.) aren't corrupt around here. That would suck! Just think about it, how much that would suck!

I feel so safe here!

10:54 PM, July 03, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My friend called the City recently to complain about the "CSO" charges on their bill, and was told by City Staff "The CSO issue is not about rainwater, it is about sewage".

Right. There are no overflows unless there is a significant rain event, but rain is not the issue?

Here are some facts, actual numbers to consider:

On Nov. 14, 2009, almost 3 inches of rain fell, resulting in overflows of over 8 million gallons.

The City says 41%, or about 3,000 residential units have roof downspouts directly connected to the sanitary sewer. (This does not include commercial buildings)

Those 3,000 roofs getting 3 inches of rain would have put 11 million gallons of rainwater into the sanitary sewer on Nov.14, 2009 (based upon average roof/rain per sq.ft figures).

The City sewer plant has reserve capacity, and can handle some of the rainwater in the system, but obviously not all.

Clearly, if those 3,000 roofs were not putting their 11 million gallons of rain water into the sewer, there would not have been an 8 million gallon overflow.

Other cities enacted mandatory disconnection ordinances. I wrote to the City, providing examples already vetted by city lawyers and enacted, years ago. No reply. I pointed out the above figures, years ago. No reply.

In one email, a City staffer told me the City Council was never told that 41% of residences had their roofs connected to the sanitary sewer. So, what were approvals based upon? (I did ask this very question, but, no reply.)

I DID get a letter from the City, 1 1/2 years later, after repeated re-submissions, follow-up questions and more to new City Manager Dan McKeen, but none of my points or questions were addressed.

Same thing with the landfill/seawall fiasco. I still have copies of the letters I sent, with similar math showing the blatant insanity of the City's approach. No reply then, either. Since those letters, the seawall was built (illegally, according to some in the know), has collapsed as predicted, and now Port Angeles residents face another huge project/bill.

Thanks to Glenn Cutler, and his trained seals.


10:59 PM, July 03, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:00AM - I keep hearing explosions in town. Big ones, every few minutes or so. All night, and now all morning. I sure hope everything is ok. I'm sure it's not fireworks, because it's too late for that.

3:13 AM, July 04, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, Tyler. You've tried to bring knowledge to the savages, but...The savages like being savages. They are cannibals, and eat their own.

Of course, they also eat up our tax dollars, and our environment. Public trust and confidence they don't actually eat, they just chew it up and spit it out.

Too many sick motherfuckers around here.

5:55 AM, July 04, 2013  
Blogger BBC said...

Humanity is like a can of mixed nuts, the big ones work their way to the top and try to smother the rest of us.

Where's my fugging homemade peanut butter cookies?

6:32 AM, July 04, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If your primary motivation is self-aggrandizement by claiming credit for spending vast amounts of public money, then it is necessary to crush or ignore people who dare to offer more pragmatic approaches to problem solving. Cutler could care less whether the projects under his command are cost effective; his ego (and that's what it really is all about) is fed from throwing lots of other people's money around. Unfortunately, others at city hall also operate under the same ego/self-aggrandizement mode. Thus ordinary citizens are stuck paying for multi-million dollar CSO projects and esplanades and gateway bus stops while public officials pad their resume's.

8:57 AM, July 04, 2013  
Blogger BBC said...

@ 3:13 AM.... Wasn't me, I don't do fireworks, I just peacefully and quietly drink beer.

9:43 AM, July 04, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 8:57AM...Hits the target. Egos fed by public money are dangerous, wasteful and, to say the least, lead to inefficient use of said public dollars. The only person who has consistently spoken out against, and voted against, these Cutler Vanity Projects has been Max Mania, and he's leaving. Does anyone think Dan Gase will be a fiscal conservative? Ha ha ha ha ha ha! His ego's on the line more than most; that's why he keeps running for various offices, hoping to get in and be "a player." As for this Lee Whethem, he'll fall in line, too. Staff will continue to run things, the new Glenn Cutler will continue to spend great amounts of your money, and poor Sissi Bruch will be (possibly) the only voice of reason left. Enjoy those skyrocketing utility rates, suckers, and don't expect the roads to get much attention. The city has Bigger Things to worry about than the infrastructure we all use...

11:04 AM, July 04, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On a related note, has anyone else noticed how Cherie Kidd has gone from being someone who wanted Cutler gone, gone, gone, to being someone will be happily kissing his wrinkled, nasty ass and singing his praises at the many farewell parties the city will have for him...She's so clueless, it's almost painful to watch. But Cutler and the rest of staff have played her well. She's in full on Sally Field mode: "You like me! You really, really like me"

Yes, "Mayor" they really, really like you. They don't respect you, or listen to you, but they like you because you don't make waves or ask questions.

11:07 AM, July 04, 2013  
Blogger BBC said...

Sadly, it's a game to Cherie Kidd, she loves being a politician and all the phony bullshit that goes with it.

12:31 PM, July 04, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Interesting" fireworks in Seattle. ...horrible. The KIRO reporter was starting to fixate on the horror on peoples faces, then they cut to a commercial...

10:11 PM, July 04, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the downspouts were not connected, then all that rain water would not cause overflows, and the Cutler "$50 million" tank of shit project would not be needed.

Why were the City Council members not told?

Why are we now on the hook for the $50 million, if it wasn't needed?

Why is Cutler saying in the paper this cso project is saving Port Angeles residents millions?

What happened to reality, and where am I now?

11:11 PM, July 04, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ANON. 11:11PM: Reality was represented on the Council by Max Mania. I trust you've seen how hard so many have worked to destroy him for speaking the truth. This blog is one of the main enablers of the anti-reality crowd.

7:55 AM, July 05, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good observation about Max Mania being among the few on City Council who are willing to speak the truth or question the "wisdom" of staff.
Why aren't the voters who elected him (recall that he beat his opponent in the 2009 election without ever even putting up campaign sign)speaking out about the craziness in city government? Is it that most people who voted for him are scared to be more open about their progressive views? Is Port Angeles just too small a town run by too powerful a machine for such voters to feel really free to express themselves?
For whom the bell tolls.....

12:09 PM, July 05, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 12:09 PM, July 05, 2013:

The problem here isn't so much "evil bad conservatives" keeping down the "good kind liberals." In my opinion, yes, most of those holding "power" here ARE conservative, but, the real problem comes from the disorganization, disunity and infighting on the left/progressive side of things. Yeah, obviously those with a progressive bent (Mania, Bruch) can win elections here. Others with a progressive bent (Barnfather, Holiday) get eaten by their own. If those on the left/liberal/progressive side of things would stop falling for the lie that this is a rock solid Republican area, then maybe they'd start winning more elections and kicking some of the rat bastards out. Yeah, well, maybe. Or maybe they'd be as useless as Betsy Wharton was. Who knows if we'll ever get a chance to find out?

3:25 PM, July 05, 2013  
Blogger BBC said...

The real problem in bringing in outside assholes, we liked our town just fine before they showed up.

7:23 PM, July 05, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said, 3:25 PM July 5.
Republicans & right-wingers may disagree among themselves, but generally at election time they hang together to oppose a common enemy (the dems or progressives) and support whoever of their ilk may have the best shot at winning.
As for the comment on Betsy W. --- she is brainy and nice and no match for the skilled manipulators and cutthroats on the city staff and on the council. In the end, they worked her over like silly putty and she was, indeed, useless at advancing any type of progressive agenda. Somewhat like former President Jimmy Carter, though, her greater contributions to society may come from performing good deeds in a less controversial atmosphere.

8:20 PM, July 05, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saw an interesting program the other night about "Open Government" laws. By their account, Port Angeles is SO far out of line, it should be enjoined by the AGs office.

Why does this burg get away with what it does, over and over?

11:30 PM, July 05, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To answer Anon. 11:30PM's question: Because no one cares about Port Angeles, least of all the people who live there. Watch how the outrage and fury over the latest Port boondoggle evaporates without anyone actually doing anything. The same with the deep problems with Sheila Roark Miller. The ragtag losers who live in Port Angeles after everyone with skills or education have left don't care what happens. At least not enough to do anything.

Three uncontested City Council races. NO ONE CARES.

8:50 AM, July 06, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Couple weeks, once this sinks in, will be some good sales on grow lights in the big cities.

Were there good munchies at the meeting?

12:01 AM, July 07, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great article in the PDN about Robert “BJ” Annette and the benefit concert. PROTECT is a great organization and he was big on that. It's a great organization to give money to, one big reason is they don't spend money on snail mail promos. Looks like this guy's family, is a great cause too. It's neat to see benefits like this in PA.

1:44 AM, July 07, 2013  
Anonymous Mohammad "Moe" Al-Islam said...

I am making jihad against this Cutler and on all Cutlers everywhere!

Allah Akbar!

8:03 AM, July 07, 2013  

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