Saturday, June 22, 2013

Pool Reopening Delayed

William Shore Memorial Pool was scheduled to reopen this Monday.  The reopening will be delayed by one day because of yesterday's transformer explosion.  The pool will be reopening on Tuesday at 5 a.m.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only in Port Angeles can the swimming pool catch on fire.

3:34 PM, June 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, a swimming pool caught fire once in Chernobyl.

Speaking of cheap land, does anyone know of any land that is greatly discounted, because of tons of permits needed, but in actuality, will be easy to permit, just because no one realizes how helpful the county will be? Because I'm in the market for some cheap land to develop.

4:39 AM, June 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So the totally laughable nature of the burning pool story got me to thinking (as so many things do) about the totally fucked up nature of life in Port Angeles and Clallam County. SO MANY things here are all bent, backwards, and fucked up. And so, I got to wondering who is most responsible for this? Who has been around long enough, and is corrupt and/or incompetent enough to have brought us to this sad state?

Is it John Brewer and his shitsmear of a "newspaper"? The county's doomsday cult leader Jim Jones? Is it all Karen Rogers fault? I mean, things here didn't get this backwards and pathetic overnight, and minions like Glenn Cutler and his wannabe son Paul Gottlieb just don't have the power to actually make things happen. So who's been the Great Leader, the Mr. Big behind keeping things behind for decades? Decades, people. It's pathetic, but you can bet that someone's pocket is getting filled because of it. But whose pocket???

2:19 PM, June 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If someone had the time and motivation to do a social network analysis of Port Angeles, Sequim and Clallam County I'm sure it would be highly entertaining and reveal more than a few puppet-masters.

PS - I can't be the only one who has noticed that the "flag" of Clallam County hanging in the commissioner's room at the courthouse strongly evokes good old Goatse man? If you hadn't noticed it then I'm really sorry because now you won't be able to unsee it.

3:49 PM, June 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are a number of people who have a view of "the way things are", and they have been here a long time. You can look at those who have run for city council over the last 20 years or so, and how they have viewed what should happen.

Then there was that period of time with Karen Rogers et al. It seems they brought in the big push to take advantage of every "grant funded" opportunity they could concoct. "Leveraging" city dollars to create programs and projects of questionable worth, and that that seem to benefit a select group.

A few "progressives" tried to change things, but they were beat down effectively.

But, don't underestimate the power that staff has. They create the information used to justify these projects. What that information is, and what direction it directs decision makers in is largely up to them. Why and what motivates them to favor one approach over another? What is the long term, un-spoken goal of any given project?

We all have heard how 101 was kept where it was, so that Traylors would still have traffic flowing by.

8:35 AM, June 24, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To piggyback on Anon. 8:35AM...If you talk to the progressive, sensible people who were asked to run for City Council this time, as I have, then you'll find that they all cited the nastiness and lies in the PDN and ON THIS BLOG as factors in why they would never run for office here. So, yes, staff members do have power, once people are in office. But even liberals like Tom play their part in keeping the status quo going here, whether that is their intent or not. I'm sure Tom would offer some sort of Wizard of Oz answer to that - "Pay no attention to the man behind that blog!" But the fact remains that his little "fun" here has real-world consequences for people and voters.

Not pleased with having three unopposed races for City Council? Then be sure to give some credit where credit is due, and "thank" Tom for all his "help" here.

10:52 AM, June 24, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maxine (anon 10:52 am): try to be more concise, your long wordy comment can be summed up with "waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhll"

2:25 PM, June 24, 2013  
Blogger WTF? said...

In a government of, by, and for the people, if that Government is fat, greedy, stupid, and lazy, it's because the majority of the voting populace is as well. Likewise if a blog like this sucks, it's because most of the contributors do. You blame Tom, because you blame's what you do. Considering the majority of this drivel is impotent rage and general complaint, arm chair quarterbacking after the fact, with no clue or suggestion as to remedy, I think its safe to assume you belong right here, mired in PA with the rest of the losers.

3:58 PM, June 24, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WTf sez: "In a government of, by, and for the people, if that Government is fat, greedy, stupid, and lazy, it's because the majority of the voting populace is as well."

In theory this may be correct, but I would point out what American politics have become: A manipulative game played by the ultra-rich.

How many hundreds of millions are spent on ads that virtually NEVER speak to the real issues? Rhetorical falsehoods become the "debate" that voters are supposed to use as a basis for selecting one super rich idiot from another?

The "machine" that is comprised of both the media (which is paid millions in ad time/space) and the major political parties (which are more concerned about fund raising for their continued existence than risking taking a stand on real issues) does not allow any other people to really play the game.

You can't really say it is much of a democracy, anymore. Most all of it is contrived and manipulated.

It is what it has evolved into, driven by those with the most economic interests at stake.

10:24 AM, June 25, 2013  
Blogger WTF? said...

10:24 I absolutely cannot argue any point you've made, but I would point out we still vote for the black guy or the woman or the purported liberal and think something might change.
Our participation in the process helps perpetuate it and our refusal to participate guarantees the Nazis win. My decision to live on the Peninsula is based on the fact it sucks pretty much Everywhere in America anyway, at at least here, it's pretty. As Rome fell, the smart folks moved to the country and wrote poetry. I moved to PA and write stupid shit on Blogs. Same Diff.

12:32 AM, June 26, 2013  

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