Monday, August 19, 2013

Clallam County Fair Attendance Up This Year

Official numbers won't be available for a few more days, but fair manager Shari Ioffrida says fair attendance appears to be up for three out of the four days.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares?

6:44 AM, August 20, 2013  
Blogger BBC said...

I avoided attending.

7:41 AM, August 20, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is compared to when? (Sorry, I didn't read the article.)

8:54 AM, August 20, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a weird, loser of a subject to pick here, especially given that Shiela Roark Miller is back in the news to the tune of $66,000. Funny how when someone say, makes a reasonable claim of racism, like Dr. Dale Holiday, and gets a settlement of $15,000, the rightwing, tea bagger crowd goes nuts and rants, rants, rants. But when one of their own, like Ms. Miller, costs the County $66,000 - and counting - because of her likely criminal actions - those same tea bagger types are curiously quiet. You could almost hear the crickets chirping, if the local area wasn't so polluted to have killed all the crickets. So how about it rightwing nutjobs - aren't you "fiscal conservatives" upset over Sheila's stupid, criminal choices that are costing the County big bucks? Or are you only upset when someone calls you on your shit?

2:19 PM, August 20, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, such cynics! (I'm worse - a good time to thank Tom for having this blog) Thanks Tom!

2:19 - They don't care about money. It's about race and differences. They feel that their "group" is "losing". They are fucking up, though, with all the "suspicion". It's getting out of hand, and it's not just on TV, nor in red states.

Republicans/teabaggers do not care, about their own scandals nor inability to even KNOW WHAT A FUCKING BUDGET IS these days. Teabagger politicians, local and national, are the scum of the earth. I wouldn't say that about the average teabagger voter, but I think they see corruption on their own side, and in their minds, it reinforces the "oh, both sides are the same." Remember, they believe the lies about Democrats, or think they "might" be true. Hillary was a murderer...the lies about Obama. Max! All of it. Their own problems are little blips, or just lies that Democrats are stirring up....crap, we are so screwed. I hate seeing it play out on the local level. Going to be much harder to fix. Once a geographical area moves from polarization to being just fucking takes a long time. If we don't get them out some of these positions fast, we are so screwed....just imagine two TOTAL FUCKING MORONS on the Council at once, in an environment in which even realtors are seen as too progressive. Think this generation of 65-something-Rush listening teabaggers are annoying? Just wait ten years. They will still be trying to dismantle Obamacare, and will be DEMANDING free beer. Oh, the irony. They will all have diabetes, and be very very big and very annoying, esp. around here. If not for mobility issues, they will become a very dangerous generation. Dangerous if you call robbing from the average citizen to fund your beer/WWFTV/videogame habits...yes, dangerous. And yes, their death rates are high and will go higher, but wow, there are so many of them. We are so fucking screwed. In ten years, this city will be bankrupt. I just hope there are enough young people here to man (or woman) the volunteer fire station.

7:17 PM, August 20, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When the city was first publicizing the smart meter project they were showing some charts where PA was having way more peak demand events of greater magnitude than other cities served by BPA. I guess now we know why. I wonder how much it's affected our utility rates?

8:43 AM, August 21, 2013  
Blogger BBC said...

Why we don't need to hire as many clerks..... So I looked at the items in my hands, chicken strips, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, personal lubricant, and thought, “That’s an odd looking combination.” So I used the self-check out.

11:23 AM, August 21, 2013  

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