Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Lincoln Park Trees

While the City Council and Port of Port Angeles argue about the Lincoln Park trees and how to fund their removal, a letter in today's PDN has it dialed.  The letter reads in part:

Cutting down the majestic stand of trees in Lincoln Park makes sense only to those who would profit from it.  As to the runway issue at William R. Fairchild International Airport:  Well, it's not LAX, is it?...

Maybe the best idea would be to shelve the whole sordid scenario until a less self-interested group of people can take another look at the airport runway situation.  In all probability, those trees now provide a substantial windbreak...

Cut them down and there may be a set of different problems for planes approaching the airport's runway.  The fate of those trees has been placed in the careless hands of those who look upon nature with an adding machine and a never-ending supply of excuses for its ruination.  Soon they will find themselves with not much left to exploit.


(I omitted the letter writer's references to disc golf since I have no opinion one way or the other on that issue.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for quoting from this fine LTE so that those of us who do not subscribe to the printed PDN can know about it. The letter writer's observations are shared by many - perhaps even the majority - in the community.

4:58 PM, July 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately the attacks on the disc golfers were uncalled for and counterproductive. They have been great allies and defenders of the campaign to save the trees.

10:14 PM, July 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Max has a YouTube channel. CHeck it out yall!


8:21 AM, July 24, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

KONP reported (but not the PDN - interesting) that 400 people signed a petition asking Port commissioners to rescind the probably illegal but certainly unwise transfer of Jeff Robb to a hastily created new job that will pay the same as he earned as Port Exec. Now it looks like former good ol' boy insider Jerry Hendricks is in line to step into the interim Exec Director position. Each one of the 4000 people who signed the petition should be picketing or calling the Port offices and then starting a recall campaign.

9:38 AM, July 24, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't sign the petition because it was a stupid petition. It should have been a recall petition from the start.

10:34 AM, July 24, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When people are only quietly outraged as opposed to also speaking out publicly about government corruption, the hooligans who run things think (apparently correctly) that they can get away with almost anything they want and nobody can stop them. The petition may not have been perfect but at least the people who signed it sent a message to the Port Commissioners that they were unhappy. Acquiring the signatures of 400 such unhappy people is a significant accomplishment, and Anon 10:34 it is too bad that you chose not to be counted among that group.

3:34 PM, July 24, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never thought about the increased wind issue. Already a cold, windy part of town, will make our "official" temp. even colder and drive away more tourists, make them plan to NOT come here, at an even higher rate, if the trees are cut down. What they are doing, and the costs...criminal, if you ask me.

Disc golfers are cool. They take care of thousands of small parks in teabagger-land that have been defunded. They said it would be a fad, ten years ago...not.

8:21 - Wow, you are one bored teabagger.

5:41 PM, July 24, 2013  
Blogger BBC said...


7:33 PM, July 24, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BBC - how was your trip? Glad to be back? Was it hot over there?

11:37 PM, July 24, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic from Lincoln Park - but maybe not so off topic when it comes to the twisted priorities of local "leaders" --- the new "web cam"of Port Angeles harbor.
The hype was that the one on top of the Second street hill that had sweeping views of the harbor and Ediz Hook wasn't good enough and so the Chamber of Commerce needed to get its own and put it in a different place. The C of C one is now at street level on Railroad Avenue, and pretty much just shows the west side of the Landing Mall building and the parking lot for the Coho. If the camera is being paid-for only by Blackball and Arrow Launce, then the camera placement is understandable. If it's supposed to be promoting the greater business community and Port Angeles in general, it sure misses the mark.

8:12 AM, July 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Had to laugh at Peter Ripleys' comment about the rise in unemployment numbers in Clallam County. He says it is because tourism is down, and that is a result of high taxes and government regulation.

Sure. I get the connection. People thinking about visiting Port Angeles and Clallam County do their research before planning their vacations. They compare the tax rates and government regulations of different communities they're planning on traveling through, and avoid those with high taxes, and government regulations they don't like.

Sure, Peter. That is how it is.

Has nothing to do with paying $4 a gallon for gas to drive out here, to enjoy the beautiful scenes of log yards and smokestacks and to be woken up by drunk derelicts.

8:21 AM, July 25, 2013  
Blogger BBC said...

I'd never come here for a vacation again, it was much nicer here back in the days when I did come here for them.

I went to Montana last week, that's where to go to enjoy yourself and gas there was cheaper and a few places you can still get a 16 ounce glass of beer for $1.75.

And the damn fishing was good, not all screwed up like it is around here anymore.

11:59 AM, July 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BBC - Thanks, interesting. Glad you had a good time and made it back safely.

2:34 PM, July 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:21 - LOL - I've noticed the teabaggers (moderates) chatting at the PDN have discovered that "derelict drunks" are amongst us. It's like they are steering Ripley towards an "issue", to clean up PA, fix the mess Obama has made in our streets...with the "great decline" of America.

I also saw a report yesterday about how divided moderates are over so many "hot button" issues, while repubs and dems are entrenched more than ever. Those freedom loving moderates, ha, ha.

How the fuck can we expect "moderates" (teabaggers, liars) to solve things? Or even have a coherent opinion about anything?

3:33 PM, July 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of "leadership", I am interested in seeing the city crews planting trees down in the wind tunnel known as the Port Angeles waterfront.

Who else was at the city council meeting back in the Larry Williams/ Rogers era when the topic was planting trees to make Port Angeles a bit more attractive? All was going well until someone asked what would happen in the Fall, when the trees' leaves fall off. That meant people would have to sweep up leaves!

That was it. The discussion turned to how expensive it would be to clean up leaves, so, no trees were to be planted.

See? THAT is true leadership. Why be bothered to find out why so many other cities HAVE trees, and are so much more attractive? (Hear that word: Attract--ive ?) Why be bothered to find out how all these other cities make it work?

Yeah, Peter Ripley was at that meeting.

9:11 AM, July 26, 2013  

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