Saturday, November 16, 2013

Deb Kelly to Resign

Deborah Kelly, Clallam County's elected Prosecuting Attorney, has announced that she will resign at the end of the year.  Her term would have expired at the end of 2014.  She stated:

“It has been an honor and privilege to serve this community as Prosecuting Attorney for the past 11 years but it is time for me to step down.” 


Anonymous Anonymous said...

She can spend her time volunteering, going from elementary school to elementary school reading from "The Tortoise and the Hare".

Republican obstructionism times a million-zillion. Scares the shit out of me, the next one will be worse. This is a job we should be able to fill with someone from out of state, like NY.

12:10 PM, November 16, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again she is wrong; it's long PAST time for her to resign.

A total incompetent.

1:40 PM, November 16, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She's a teabagger obstructionist.

3:41 PM, November 16, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every time "Baba Louie" and/or Zac Garripoli open their mouths on the PDN website, I am ashamed to be a fellow progressive. These guys are morons. Absolute morons. "Besmirching" Sheila Roark Miller's "good name"? Are you fucking kidding me? She is one of the rottenest, most vengeful pieces of poison in the whole county. Bashing Colleen McAleer...Then congratulating her for her election. On and on. Drivel from dopes. No wonder things are in such sorry shape...

9:34 AM, November 17, 2013  
Blogger BBC said...

I damn sure won't miss her.

I could almost be a TEA PARTY member but I abhor joining any organization that would have me as a member.

But I would certainly approve if Sarah Palin wanted to give me a blow job. :-)

12:41 PM, November 17, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said, Billy!

1:22 PM, November 17, 2013  
Blogger BBC said...

I’m going camping until Thursday, the rest of you monkeys are in charge while I’m gone. Drop by Lake Leland for a beer and some bullshit at a campfire, I might even have a fish for you. *poof*

7:19 AM, November 18, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there a particular event that triggered her resignation?

8:02 AM, November 18, 2013  
Blogger WTF? said...

Our Little Debbie was nothing but a semi-competent hack, elected solely on the basis that she carried an R after her name on the ballot during a period of rethuglican hegemony in her district.
This quirky rule that the Nazis pick her successor is completely asinine.
I'm sure she was done at the end of this term anyway, and This Way, the local Dick Heads get to run an incumbent.

8:37 AM, November 19, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, it was pretty obvious Deb was a marginally competent hack. And, I don't follow the local political scene that closely (why bother). I was just wondering if Deb did something in particular that caused her to resign. Why not just run out her term, and not run for re-election.

Did she do something to offend the local thugs?

9:32 AM, November 19, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you even read the article?? Her husband has cancer, her own health is troubling. She said she would have left last year if it hadn't been for the Stenson trial.

2:36 PM, November 19, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@Anon 2:36

No, I didn't. Thanks for letting me know.

I don't subscribe to the PDN because it is SUCH a waste of time. Have been involved in a lot of civic issues in town over the years, and the coverage in the PDN is SOO bad, I just quit reading.

And, after years of trying to help make things better in Port Angeles, I gave that up, too.

Hope her familys' health issues have the best possible outcomes.

6:42 PM, November 19, 2013  

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