Sunday, April 13, 2014

PABA to discuss Merger with PA United

At this Tuesday's meeting of the Port Angeles Business Association, the subject will be whether the PABA, Downtown Association and Chamber of Commerce should merge with PA United.  There's supposed to be a final decision on April 29th.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an astoundingly dumb idea.

PABA is one of the only "business" groups in town that has any independent thought, and is governed by the will of it's members.

I hope they think this through carefully, and choose to remain independent and member driven.

7:30 PM, April 13, 2014  
Blogger BBC said...

And Cherie Kidd will be at the new bridge today to get her picture taken.

3:51 AM, April 14, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an astoundingly short sited comment. Some might even call it dumb.

What if PAU, influenced by PABA(who started it off in the first place), ends up being more like PABA, and less like the Chamber or PADA?

Independent thinking,
independent of gov't funding and governed by the will of it's private sector membership,
700+ members instead of just 70.

4:52 AM, April 14, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 4/13/14 7:30PM

What an astoundingly short sited comment. Some might say "dumb" comment.

What if PA United could be influenced by the principles of PABA to end up being like PABA?

A larger business organization that is not governed by government or by the hired executive director.

A private sector group that maintains independent thought.

An organization that refuses to be maniplulated by the use and dependence on tax payer dollars passed out by City Hall.

A private sector group of 700+ members (rather than just 70) who choose to remain independent of government.

A group governed by the will of it's members.

This could still happen if people think it through,
push to make it happen,
and refuse to give up on these key principles.

5:07 AM, April 14, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"cyclist hits pavement" great headline PDN, keep it classy!

8:23 AM, April 14, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They might as well vote to have one political party. Same thing.

Worse, when you remember how the Chamber and PADA are run.

9:17 AM, April 14, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a great plan, keep up the momentum.
Wait, all those whiners on the blogs may not having anything to complain about.

11:55 AM, April 14, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Look at what is proposed, and by whom. How stupid do you think we really are?

Who is running the supposed Port Angeles United group right now? Who runs the Chamber? Which group has the larger membership? Who gets over $300,000 from the City, each year?


If the business community falls for this scam, they deserve what they vote for, and what they will get.

4:07 PM, April 14, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With regard to "How stupid (we) think (you) really are?", you just showed us.

And, you're correct, the business community will get exactly what they deserve, democratically based on the majority of votes from their memberships.

Of course, you have to be a member to have a vote.

4:42 PM, April 14, 2014  
Blogger BBC said...

Here's the deal folks, if you don't like how things are, or how they are going, or what they are doing, go to all those meetings so you can make a difference.

You won't make a difference, they don't give a shit about what is right or wrong, just their way.

Carry on, godfuckingdamnit.

5:09 PM, April 14, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank You BBC, the Mayor of Gales Addition!

5:35 PM, April 14, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" the business community will get exactly what they deserve, democratically based on the majority of votes from their memberships."

That's why Port Angeles United leadership has decided to operate in secret, right? No long allow the press to be present at meetings, right?

Obviously, you think a democracy is based upon secret meetings.

But, this isn't the first time Port Angeles has shown what a bunch of chumps they can be. Here is another opportunity to be taken in by the same losers that have brought us the state of affairs Port Angeles finds itself in, today.

Not enough empty sidewalks all day long? Not enough shuttered storefronts yet?

Exactly. "This is a great plan, keep up the momentum." At the rate these guys are going, people will be leaving Port Angeles faster than they already are.

6:45 PM, April 14, 2014  
Blogger BBC said...

Thank You BBC, the Mayor of Gales Addition!

The mayor of Gales Addition? Hey, are you hooked up to that fucking sewer line going by you that can't make a connection to the turd tank?

I'm just east of Gales Addition, due south of bargain furniture, we have a turd line close to us also, but they want something like 30 fucking thousand dollars to hook up to it.

I'm seventy fucking years old, I can't shit enough to justify that kind of an expense, never mind the monthly payments on top of that.

Hell, with this hernia it is pretty hard to me to work a shit at all, let alone a hard on.

You ever try to work up a hard on when your fucking guts are,,,,,

Oh hell, never mind, not many women around here that are that exciting anyway.

7:48 PM, April 14, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have another Icehouse!

8:21 PM, April 14, 2014  
Blogger BBC said...

@ 8:21 PM,...

Hey, friend, I talk like that when I'm not drinking. In fact you may never talk to me when I am drinking, after four or five light beers I gotta go to bed. I'm a fucking lightweight when it comes to drinking anymore. :-)

You want hilarious? By the time I die my property may be in the city limits, and I'm going to will it to them.

They'll form committees and hire consultants and spend hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to figure out what to do with it.

Then they'll figure out some asinine project to stick on it that the rest of you have to pay for. All that for a piece of property that is worth about 25K.

Don't tell me I don't have a sense of humor. :-)

4:02 AM, April 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PA united is the best idea in decades. Saving taxpayers money!
exactly what every wants, but there are still bloggers bitching? i wonder why?

7:01 AM, April 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city should declare a three year moratorium on spending public money to fund any economic organization. Cut off all of the money to the Chamber, PADA, EDC and the rest cold turkey, telling them to come back no sooner than three years from now with a business plan and organizational structure designed to measure results.
Take away the public money from these organizations and see whether the usual suspects are still interested in "Uniting" PA.

8:41 AM, April 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I see the troll is back, continuing to say stupid stuff to get people to respond.

I wonder why?

9:19 AM, April 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@Anon 8:41

Great idea! That would reveal the realities of what is going on. You think Russ and Barb would continue to "help" Port Angeles, if they weren't getting the money and bennies they are?

After all the literally millions of taxpayers dollars spent so far, with things worse now then before all that money was given to PADA, Chanber, etc, it is clear how effective that crew has been.

Let them have their groups, and do what ever they want. Just don't give them the publics' money.

9:25 AM, April 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon 8:41 that's exactly what PA United is proposing, and several of their followers have written letter to the City Manager expressing the same thing

10:21 AM, April 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@Anon 10:21

So, PA United is saying it will not ask for ANY public funding? I'd love to see that in print. Direct me to where I can see that said by PA United leadership. Thanks.

12:15 PM, April 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If PA United does want any public money, and never plans to ask for any, then who cares! Let all these business groups join together, and stop wasting public funds like they have.

The Chamber alone has gotten over $3 million from the City over the last 1o years or so. PADA another??

If they want to stop feeding off the public, then that is a good thing.

5:04 PM, April 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My choice IS to see the merger HAPPEN, and to see the political upheaval it releases!!!!!!!!!!!!

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6:08 PM, April 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PA United
Thank you for saying NO MORE TAX PAYER MONEY TOWARD ineffective, inefficacious STATUS QUO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT bureaucracies.
Hope your next target will be the Clallam County EDC!
They just spend tax payer money, and that's ALL they do!

6:51 PM, April 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As farfetched as pa united seems, maybe their on to something that makes sense. Something sure needs to happen soon, hope they make a change or we might as well leave town for Forks or Port Townsend. Maybe even Quilcene.

7:08 PM, April 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This web site is an offense to me, and to the community I live in and raise my children in.
SHAME on you Mr Harper.
Criticism is fair play but vulgarity is repugnant.

7:11 PM, April 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The City MUST cut off all tax payer dough to all the "status quo groups" that have produced even less than City Hall itself produces?

7:26 PM, April 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What if Port Angeles did unite?
Just said NO to wasting tax payers money and stormed City Council meetings, Co and Port commissioner meetings, EDC meetings, Chamber meetings, PABA meetings and so on.
Maybe that's exactly what Port Angeles needs to do.
Unite, and STORM ALL the CASTLES.

Of course, we could alsways put it off till next week.

7:34 PM, April 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to be a member of PABA. I liked it well enough, except nothing came of all the time spent. Fair enough.

But, one of the good things PABA showed Port Angeles is that a business group can function very well without taxpayers money.

So, if they all want to merge, and do what ever they want without taxpayer money, go for it. But, we will need to keep a close eye on the city, and see that they don't work out yet another scam to funnel money to those so used to living on the publics' money.

AND, I agree, the rest of Port Angeles should "unite", and "storm the castles". But I don't see that happening any time soon.

11:06 PM, April 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the EDC has to join PA United, they are the one organization that has been the least effective.
The EDC is broken

5:48 AM, April 16, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If, big if, Port Angeles United turns out to be truly independent, more like PABA has always been and less like the Downtown or Chamber, and doesn't try cashing in on tax $'s, then I might consider joining (assuming that membership $ is reasonable and I can see exactly how becoming a member supports my business). I used to pay dues to all three but quit them all years ago when the economy went down.
PABA has actually been OK, never really did cost much and at least they get in governments face. If it was bigger (always been a tiny group), it certainly could have more political pull with City Hall.

7:23 AM, April 16, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People like to point fingers and complain, but in Port Angeles, most are too lazy to do anything about it.

9:08 AM, April 16, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon 5:48am
I agree 100%, I've been involved with the EDC for 2 decades. It's BOD is way to big to accomplish anything, it's run by public entities who fight for control based on the size of their contribution.
it needs to be disassembled and rebuilt.

2:52 PM, April 16, 2014  

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