Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Mark Nichols: the Washington, D.C. Connection

Mark Nichols, candidate for Clallam County Prosecuting Attorney, has raised more campaign cash from the Washington, D.C. area than from Clallam County.  Out of Nichols' top 55 donors, 53 of them are from outside the Olympic Peninsula.  Mark Nichols said:

“I’ll take support from any source that does not create a conflict of interest.” 

It may not be a conflict of interest, but who in Washington, D.C. could possibly care about a local election 3,000 miles away?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Starts with a T, rhymes with flea-naggers! Just kidding. I'd vote for him. Seems professional. A breath of fresh air! Probably some shadowy group of collectivists, giving to him. The horror! Whomever his helping him with his media, should help Kilmer. Not that he needs it, but wow, what a bad commercial, Kilmer's.

1:22 PM, October 22, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i voted for him

3:14 PM, October 22, 2014  
Anonymous Screamin' Mimi said...

I have actually met this person, and I was NOT impressed. Of all the great Supreme Court judges there have ever been, when asked to name the one he most admires, he chose Clarence Thomas.


When asked, he couldn't say why -- he tried to tell us the context of the question, who asked the question -- anything except why he gave that answer.

The opposite of professional.

The out-of-town (worse, DC) donations are a HUGE red flag. Any time an election is funded by a different jurisdiction, you can bet there's a reason and one that isn't going to help any local people (except perhaps the candidate).

It's disingenuous to claim that this is not a conflict of interest.

Hope you all keep this in mind when you cast your ballots.

4:58 PM, October 22, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 4:58
Can you say "paranoid"?

7:17 AM, October 23, 2014  
Anonymous 1:22 said...

4:58 - YIKES! Shows what I know. Thanks.

11:51 AM, October 23, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG. Seriously? Nichols said he admires Clarence Thomas more than all other Supreme Court Justices that there have ever been?!
Not only should he not be elected prosecutor, he also should not be acting as the county hearing examiner.
Thanks for the insight into this candidate.

3:10 PM, October 23, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nichols said this during an interview with Port O Call. I don't know if the interview is still there at the Port O Call site, or maybe Nichols got it deleted. But he did tell Dale Wilson that Thomas and Scalia are the 2 Supreme Court justices that he admires most, and the question included all past and present justices, not just the current ones.

It's too bad this information isn't better known, so people will know who they're voting for.

3:15 PM, October 23, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course none of that answers if he's better or worse than Payne.

4:46 PM, October 23, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. Thomas is so lame, he never even speaks on the bench. For decades. Nothing. NOTHING! Ok, maybe once. Made big news, someone even thought he was having a stroke, and called an ambulance. His opinions are extremely reactionary, plus, he's completely socially inept. Gee, I wonder why.

His favorite. Wow. This is tragic, no one even knows. Or cares. Not the local paper, that's for sure. Just a few of us, and two blogs. Afraid to speak up, because these criminals are BAT ASS CRAZY and FUCKING UP the world - SCARY AND UNREASONABLE PEOPLE - who are trying to fuck up the world, just because companies are people now. Hello! Anyone there?

It's like when Bremmer disbanded the republican guard, they scattered like roaches and now we have isis.

The Bushies had to go home, and they scattered like roaches - taking their Liberty University Law degrees with them. Coming to a small town near you, if they weren't there already. Cough, cough.

Rural America, and the rest of it, by default probably, is so screwed, they have been doing this all over the country, fucking with local elections. They started with the state houses, now it's the little towns. This town will be bankrupt like Detroit, and the timber, shipping, and CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM/CRIMINAL interests will own it and it will be over. Scary shit. Been there, done that, have fun. It won't be THAT bad, we'll probably get more Russian tourists on the peninsula, once they figure out we're a right wing fascist wasteland, just like they are.

On a lighter note, so is this a trend putting barefoot hillbillies on the cover of the PDN?

I see that Mick Dodge is also on the cover!

6:07 PM, October 23, 2014  
Blogger BBC said...

Well, I just returned from a trip to Texas and I could give a shit less, it is just fucking politics.

6:11 AM, October 24, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon 3:15 is lying

2:16 PM, October 24, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@2.16. No it's true! I read it from some anonymous commenter on a blog!

4:48 PM, October 24, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, let's assume it is a lie, whomever started it, must have, for good reason! Saying such things, is like yelling FIRE in a theatre. Clarence Thomas, for those in the know, is a tool. I try not to care, I do. I get it, nothing matters, move on, next. But when you have presidents appointing tool like that. Just so sad. :(

BBC, glad you're back safe and sound.

5:14 PM, October 24, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"23. Who is your most admired Supreme Court Justice over the past 100 years?

Justice Scalia. I recently read an article in the New York Times where he was described as a “Court of One.” After reading his opinions, I can understand why. Likewise, Clarence Thomas, including his heroic struggle from a very humble and challenging environment. His story is awe inspiring."

10:21 PM, October 24, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I find really sad is that elections and voting gets to be about lies. Lies about positions taken, lies about the other candidate. Lies about what happened. All kinds of lies.

Why not try to win by steadfastly sticking to the truth?

Why not stick to telling people all the great things you intend to do, to solve some of the many problems our community faces?

THAT would make best use of the democratic processes. That would address why so many don't bother to vote, anymore.

9:09 AM, October 25, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How often have people here accused other commentators of being local politicians? And yet no one is accusing Payne of commenting here! Why not? It's so obvious.

I'm disappointed in you all. Really.

Yours most sincerely,
Madeline Albright

1:16 PM, October 25, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Priceless comments at the new pot shop article on the PDN website!

I get it now, the new biz model in Clallam, LOTS and LOTS of security.

You fucking fools.

11:24 AM, October 26, 2014  
Blogger BBC said...

That new pot shop will just be three blocks from me, not that I give a shit, I'll still buy it on our well established black market where it will be cheaper.

I don't use it other than a friendly hit with other users at times, just to be social, but just took an eight to friends in Texas and they loved it. Said it is much better and cheaper than the shit they can find down there.

5:21 PM, October 26, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I admire Clarence Thomas, I think he is doing a wonderful job. If you disagree, that makes you a racist!

6:50 PM, October 26, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trying to find a story or dirt where there really isn't one. If you look at the PDC website you can see where each candidates donations come from. The DC ones look to be from relatives of his, with the same last name, which makes sense and is normal.

8:38 AM, October 27, 2014  
Anonymous Mustapha X Mustapha said...

In the name of Allah, the most wise, and His Prophet Mohammad!

O ye of the Ummah, it little matters who these judges are for they uphold no law which Allah acknowledges, that which He acknowledges is Sharia Law and there is no other.

5:35 AM, October 28, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess this guy thinks he is funny?

1:59 PM, October 28, 2014  

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