Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Meeting in Forks over Navy's Electronic Warfare Program

Next Tuesday there will be a meeting in the Forks High School commons from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. to discuss the Navy's proposed electronic warfare program.  The meeting is being organized by the Forks Chamber of Commerce.  Lissy Andros, chamber executive director, said:

“This is a meeting for the Navy, Forest Service and the community.  We asked that the comment period be extended to Oct. 31, and I am hoping that would be the case.”

The Navy admits that exposure to this electromagnetic radiation for fifteen minutes or more could cause damage to the liquid tissue of the eyes, but they are taking measures to make it safe.

Great.  If it's so safe, they don't they just do their electronic warfare program on the Navy base; perhaps at the Officers' Club.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm more concerned, frankly, about the gun toting psychos in this town.

3:14 PM, October 08, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This scheme seems almost tame in comparison to the terrible harm the Navy does to marine mammals and aquatic life during their underwater warfare games and sonar use.
Let's face it - the Navy and Department of Defense view the Olympic Peninsula and surrounding waters as sacrifice zones. We and the environment are merely collateral damage.

11:45 PM, October 08, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The dude they are searching for, the person of interest, the guy who already is wanted for something, and we don't know why of course, the guy who just coincidentally disappeared as his friend mysteriously died of blunt force trauma in Joyce, notice how the press is not reporting him as being considered "dangerous". Of course not, he's not from Guatemala, El Salvador, or Mexico! He's a good guy! Wonder where he's from??? DUUUURRR... If anyone sees him, just give him a heads up, that he's being sought, no biggie! And that warrant? Who cares!? Let Oregon sort it out!

11:45 - Yes, it's a giant bureaucracy, designed to KILL PEOPLE. And this operation is certainly at home here. Step on a puppy, more would protest. Liquefy everyone's eyeballs in La Push, NO PROBLEM.

3:31 AM, October 09, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was thinking the same thing. There was a clip on some military force doing trainings, running huge machines up on beaches somewhere. Stuff flying everywhere.

As was said before, what about the effects of this technology on the unseen wildlife? Why come to a place with lots of diverse wildlife, to test machines like that?

I know, they don't care. Only their goals matter. Short sighted. Who needs nature?

8:05 AM, October 09, 2014  
Blogger BBC said...

Here, hold my beer and watch this.

4:33 PM, October 09, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All those jets from Oak Harbor will be flying over Port Townsend, Sequim, Port Angeles and the entire Olympic National Park. Noise from jets is a great way to ruin the experience of being out in nature. So much for tourism.

9:26 AM, October 16, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Educating medical personnel in appropriate and timely procedures as well as proper disposal of infectious waste seems a more serious threat at this time.

1:54 PM, October 17, 2014  

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