Friday, December 19, 2014

Washington State Tax on Capital Gains

Today's Peninsula Poll Question is:

Do you agree or disagree with Gov. Jay Inslee that Washington state should have a tax on capital gains?

Number of votes cast: 660


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As if people will ever knowingly approve a new tax.

That's why the city council does it. They know no one cares enough to do anything about it.

11:22 AM, December 19, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fiscal note on legislation to create a capital gains tax could show that it might take years before the tax revenue could exceed the costs of starting to collect it. There would need to be a huge new tax collection bureaucracy, with modern computers and equipment, a building to house all of this, etc.

6:45 PM, December 19, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anyone here's cost of maintaining their house gone up as much as the Govenrment says their's has?
My cost has gone up a small percentage, but the State of Washington's has ballooned already over 25% and this tax will increase their revenue 15%??
Beleive me, even if this is approved they still wont have enough money because all they do is spend, spend, spend!!!! I'm pissed

7:28 AM, December 20, 2014  
Blogger BBC said...

I have no idea....

9:06 AM, December 20, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@7:28 am

If only things were as simple as it seems like you want it to be.

Okay, I'll date myself and say I remember when cigarettes were 25 cents a pack. Now they are around $8 a pack.

Cost of living goes up every year, for everyone. Here in Port Angeles, over half of people working, work for the government. They want to be able to live like everyone else, and they spend their wages pretty much like everyone else. Buy stuff at Swains, Safeway and Costco.

The is another side to this "government spends, spends, spends " thing. You'll notice that they spend big bucks on consultants to tell them how to do pretty much everything. Why?

Because of "liability". They're covering their asses in case anybody gets hurt, or their property gets destroyed. They just point to the consultants and say " You can't sue me, I did the best I could by hiring experts who told me what to do."

And, there are a LOT of companies whose sole business and revenue comes from supplying government with the latest stuff. Next time the Association of Police Chiefs have a conference near you, go check out the Trade Show that goes with it. The hundreds of vendors with the latest gizmo your police CANNOT do their jobs properly, without. And, none of it is cheap.

Same for public works, etc.

Everybody is making money, and you're paying for it.

1:14 PM, December 20, 2014  
Blogger BBC said...

And our PUD rates are going up. Meanwhile the administrator got a nice raise cuz he is such a smart fucker that is concerned about saving us money cuz he loves us.

Na, I'm not shitting anyone, he actually thinks he is worth 180K a year.

4:36 PM, December 20, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Billy, try not paying your bill for a month or two, and see what happens. You think that administrator will show up at your door to tell you how much he loves you?

Yeah. "Bend over".

9:23 PM, December 20, 2014  

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