Sunday, January 04, 2015

“Property Rights” Group will File Suit against Dungeness Water Rule

The Olympic Resource Protection Council, a property rights organization made up of real estate and development interests, has filed a lawsuit against the water management rule in the Dungeness Valley.  The Dungeness Water Rule restricts water use in the Dungeness Valley, particularly for new homes and businesses.

There's only X amount of water, and the state Department of Ecology is putting a high priority on restoring optimum water flows for salmon and marine life.  These water restrictions could mean that a developer might not get what he wants when he wants it; hence the lawsuit.

Doug McCarry, president of the Olympic Resource Protection Council, said:

“It shouldn't be a burden on people who just come in now and want to use water.”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not quite right, Tom. A "Water Bank" was established as part of the new regulations. New developments have to buy into it, in order to be able to build in water scarce areas of the Dungeness watershed.

And, planners are not working for ".. optimum water flows for salmon and marine life", but trying to ensure a MINIMUM level for their continued existense.

Of course, these completely selfish and stupid people care only about having unfettered access to as much as they want, when ever they want.

Interested folks should google "Public Trust laws", and start reminding ALL our elected representatives of the foundational laws of this country, that have been upheld time and time again.

Time to take back our country from the special interests that have lobbied so successfully to get so many favors at the taxpayers expense. Starting locally.

7:38 PM, January 04, 2015  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Doug McCarry, president of the Olympic Resource Protection Council, said:

“It shouldn't be a burden on people who just come in now and want to use water.”"

That's the most illogical and frankly stupid quote I've heard in a long time, I don't care what the location. We're depleting a resource but that shouldn't be a burden on those who want to exploit it further just because they came a little late to the game?

8:56 AM, January 05, 2015  
Blogger BBC said...



10:30 AM, January 05, 2015  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We DO remember that the area is the driest in Western Washington, and is known as the Desert Northwest.

If it were not for the man made irrigation system (you know, the reason for Sequims' "Irrigation Festival"), the area would look a LOT different.

And where does this irrigation system get it's water from? The Dungeness River.

I hope those lawyers soak the members of that real estate group that is suing to stop the much needed regulatio of that over allocated water system. For every penny they can get from them.

9:32 AM, January 06, 2015  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whiners, deal with it and move on.
should a bought elsewhere

3:41 PM, January 06, 2015  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You thought it was expensive to live here before?

The Clown Council voted to spend another $20 plus million on Cutler's Turd tank project Tuesday night. And, if the school levy passes, add another $100 million on top of that.

That's a lot of more money!

12:00 PM, January 08, 2015  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

1:53 PM, January 08, 2015  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Billy has the right idea. Get out of town before it gets so expensive, you won't be able to sell.

9:45 AM, January 09, 2015  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Figure it out. If something like 36% of people in Port Angeles can't pay their utility bills as it is, I can see how it makes sense to add more taxes onto the list!

And, since such a high percentages can't pay THEIR taxes, that means everyone else has to pay for them.

Makes me wonder if City Hall will ever get the picture, and realize there is not an endless supply of money for the crazy projects they come up with. Like, those fake beaches downtown. Millions spent on THAT critical need?

9:30 AM, January 10, 2015  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The ever increasing tax rates in this city create a situation where people have less money to donate to projects like the restoration of the Lincoln Theater.

Wake up, City Council! No one can donate to the Lincoln Theater restoration because of all the tax hikes! Dan Gase, as a Republican, you - of all people - should be leading the fight to lower our taxes so that we can donate our spare cash to Scott Nagel!

11:11 AM, January 11, 2015  

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