Friday, January 16, 2015

Nippon vs. FSE Energy: Goliath vs. Goliath

Two Godzillas are suing each other over Nippon's stalled biomass cogeneration plantFactory Sales & Engineering Inc., d/b/a FSE Energy, has filed a $6.2 million breach-of-contract lawsuit against Nippon.

Nippon has filed a $10.85 million countersuit alleging negligence, negligent misrepresentation and breach of contract.  Stay tuned...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Notice that they're saying Nippon used incorrect fuel, and it wrecked the newly installed machinery? Typical Port Angeles.

5:07 PM, January 16, 2015  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fuel probably consisted of wood chips hauled from the rain forests. Nobody could have predicted that it would be wet and unsuitable.

11:01 PM, January 16, 2015  
Blogger BBC said...

"Notice that they're saying Nippon used incorrect fuel,"

Nippon did not tell them what fuel they would be using? Or ask what fuel it required?

2:15 AM, January 17, 2015  
Blogger BBC said...

I swear, the leaders of this city are spreading their mental illness. Now the mill and the county leaders are getting it.

And making everything expensive to do and complicating things with all sorts of demands. It's no wonder no one can get much done here, can't even sell Helen's property dirt cheap cuz it would be too expensive to do anything with it, can't even put a modular on it.

But the good news is that the city wants your shit, and the county is going to help them get it by not allowing new septic systems.

Cuz the city can do a much better job of taking care of your shit. Hahahahahaha

11:25 AM, January 17, 2015  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drive on down to Ediz Hook and see the huge piles of chips sitting out, unprotected, getting rained on. The specifications called for "bone dry" wood as fuel.

But, here in Port Angeles, who bothers to read?

While you're down at Ediz Hook, look at the side of that big building, and notice they removed the name. You can still see the shadow in the paint of where the huge letters used to be.

And, look at the log yards that say they're on Port lands, but for Nippon. Go from the launch ramp at the marina, all the way to the mill. From Marina Drive to the waterfront.

For phone books?

11:27 AM, January 17, 2015  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In today's PDN, about those guys in the fracking business that want to put a brewery out in Forks. (What a stupid idea!)

"For the brewery project, “there is not fracking involved in any way, shape or form other than similarity in equipment put on site to facilitate the existing water in Forks,” Rau added.

Rau told the PDN on Dec. 25 that the beer’s name would be Rain Forest Brew or Rainforest Brew."

8:52 AM, January 18, 2015  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“there is not fracking involved in any way, shape or form other than similarity in equipment put on site to facilitate the existing water in Forks,"

Hunh? They planning on fracking Forks for the water they need?

11:39 AM, January 18, 2015  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

....a bit heavy on the tannins, don't ya think? ...ha.

They are going to drill down and get some mighty clean, mercury free water.

In 10 years they will be selling water to the survivors of the apocalypse. Who will all be filthy rich, and live on Lake Crescent.

1:07 AM, January 19, 2015  

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