It's Morning in Port Angeles
OK, so I stole Vegetable Ronnie's re-election slogan from 1984. Anyway, there's been a bloom of businesses in Port Angeles. Check it out.
Whatever problems there are in Port Angeles and surrounding areas (and there are many), the linked PDN article is a positive counterpoint to the constant “nothing but panhandlers and empty storefronts” rhetoric we keep seeing.
Whatever problems there are in Port Angeles and surrounding areas (and there are many), the linked PDN article is a positive counterpoint to the constant “nothing but panhandlers and empty storefronts” rhetoric we keep seeing.
Putting lipstick on the pig that Port Angeles is, doesn't make it any less of a pig. The PDN has been engaging in trying to paint the picture positive for a while now. Anyone doubting this need only re-read any of the number of stories on the brain-dead effort to buy and restore the Lincoln.
These "keep it positive" efforts by Revitalize and it's supporter, the PDN, may have convinced a number of local businesses to relocate or remodel, but the streets and sidewalks are more empty than they have been. An informal survey of downtown businesses was recently conducted, with all saying business is slow.
Without sufficient patronage, these stores cannot maintain. By late winter, we'll see who has been able to hang on.
If the streets and sidewalks are empty during the summer vacation months, who thinks they will be filled during the winter?
But, folks can keep saying everything is wonderful, if it makes them feel better.
Oh! Salvation Army services, pot stores and coffee shops? Port Angeles is saved.
Oh thank God! We're SAVED!
Never mind that the streets are still empty. Never mind that there's still empty storefronts, "junque" shops and vacant lots all over town. Never mind that a third of the town still can't pay their utility bill. Never mind that this town is in debt for the next 20 years because of mismanaged projects. Never mind that all our festivals, things that are draws in other town, run in the red every year and bring zero to our revenue. Never mind our huge drug, alcohol and suicide rate.
No things are great! Because some businesses moved and there's a few new ones that probably won't last the year. And most of them probably only hire parttime minimum wage jobs so how much actually gets back to the community? You can't afford to live on part time minimum wage let alone downtown's overpriced junk.
At least these made a good photo op! Best ever!
Interesting timing. I see there are a bunch of pictures about this very topic over at Port Angeles Unearthed that were posted yesterday.
What is striking to me are the empty sidewalks. As I walk around town, there are virtually no people in the stores (besides the shop employees and owners). Except for Swains and Walmart. The parking lots of the hotels are practically empty.
A few years ago, I had to go through a few signal light cycles to get through town. There was a LOT more traffic around, a few years back. I've seen the really significant decline.
It seems people got tired of what goes on here, and moved somewhere else.
But that still doesn't answer why people are staying away from Port Angeles. Like those pictures (over at Unearthed) show, taken after the ferry arrived, the people get out of town as fast as possible. No lingering to see what Port Angeles is about. It seems they don't like what they see enough to just jet on outta here.
Businesses there are always coming and dying (going), but you do have a better farmers market there than here in Brownwood, Texas.
Full pubs and restaurants this afternoon with no vacant parking spots along the waterfront. Compared to 10 years ago, town has upgraded significantly.
Anon 2:06, How can you say that? 10 years ago Harmon was running his Victoria Express passenger only ferry boats every hour or so. 10 years ago we had Kenmore Air flying out of the airport every day. There was so much more traffic, with people coming and going.
Now, the ferries are gone. There is no airport service. The streets and sidewalks are empty most of the time.
Now, it is a relative ghost town.
Sure, one pub in town is busy. And everything else is dead.
If you think there is no cause for concern, and everything is wonderful, fine. In my experience, businesses and towns cannot survive on delusion and wishful thinking.
Anonymous 2:06, your comment is much more what I see than the first Anonymous' rant. I live downtown and I'm in a considerably better position than most to judge the trend, and it is definitely UPWARD.
I really hate people who are negative for the sake of being negative, rather than making suggestions that can actually help. What's the point? The more you blather that no one comes downtown, it's dead, etc., the more you disrespect the hard-working people who have made downtown much more vibrant -- and there is much more to come.
As for the Lincoln Theater, very hard-working people are trying to do something good that would greatly improve our downtown and draw people in -- why would you sneer at it and call it brain dead? What the hell are YOU doing to make PA or the world for that matter a better place? Unless you've got wonderful ideas and are making things happen, I don't think you have any call to disrespect other people for their efforts. Just sayin'.
There are lots of other places you could live -- if this place is so awful, why don't you relocate?
@ Anon 7:12
Who are you trying to convince? The reality is there for anyone to see.
You can say you think the trend is "upward". Good luck with that. You can say that we all need to be positive. That doesn't put money in my pocket. My business will be closing soon enough, thank you very much.
The Lincoln? Really? Have you ever run a business? Do you know what it takes, these days? After all the publicity and meetings, they haven't been able to get enough local support to even buy the building, and are looking for grants to do that. What about the renovation costs, which will be more than the purchase price? What about employees, wages, insurance, utilities, advertising and all the other on-going expenses?
This isn't about relocating because people disagree with fantasies proposed as fixes. This is about putting your big girl panties on, and facing reality.
"I really hate people who are negative..."
This blog could become the rantedote to Unearthed's ceaseless and repetitive vindictiveness. I moved to Port Angeles from a wood products town in decline which managed to reinvent itself. A key player in the renewal process happened to be a foundation formed by heirs of a wealthy deceased resident there. Has anyone got the names of monied former or current residents seeking a legacy? There's a downtown property owner based in Newport Beach that comes to mind.
What a sad commentary. The community can't do anything to "re-invent itself", so we need a rich heir to make the town viable?
Anon 3:43
This blog used to be fairly active, until Port Angeles Unearthed appeared. It seems most interested in what is going on in Port Angeles took to posting there. Not to speak for Tom, but it seems his interests and time are put into other things, these days. Days go by with no activity. But Unearthed has new posts and threads every day. I don't know.
I am curious about your " Unearthed's ceaseless and repetitive vindictiveness". Why that description? Am I missing something? Seems to be a lot of different topics, and comments.
CK at Unearthed is a joke. His little group of followers are a joke. CK refuses to post positive comments or truthful comments. Same old same old blah blah. CK must have gotten spanked when he lived here and is hell bent on spreading his ill will. The old saying misery loves company. That explains Unearthed and their little followings. None of these jokers have ever raised a finger to make the community better, but sit on their asses to tear it down. Don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave CK followers......ha!
@ Anon 4:43
Well, any one can go over to Port Angeles Unearthed, and see the conversations, themselves. Obviously Anon 4:43 doesn't like what is pointed out and discussed there, but I will challenge them to point to another Port Angeles and Clallam County specific blog that is more active, and more interesting. (Sorry Tom, no offense intended)
I don't think it is fair or accurate to say things like "None of these jokers have ever raised a finger to make the community better, but sit on their asses to tear it down", given most of the people are posting anonymously, and you don't know who they are. In fact, in reading, I've seen where people say they work for the City, County and Courts, and need to post as "Anonymous" to prevent retribution.
Also to correct another thing you say. "CK must have gotten spanked when he lived here and is hell bent on spreading his ill will." If you had read the posts there, you would know that "CK" is not a "he", but two couples who work together to maintain that blog. See what you can learn by reading?!
But the more important part of all this, I think, is just what your posts does, and shows. The "Don't say anything negative" mindset that we see here.(Overlooking the reality that the entire post itself is nothing but negative!) As if not speaking about the problems Port Angeles has, will somehow make things better? That we shouldn't criticize and point out obviously bad ideas (as we see in this very thread about the Lincoln).
We've done this here over and over. Somebody who is personally going to make money on it comes up with some obviously questionable scheme to bring prosperity to Port Angeles. The City and all the civic organizations all promote it, and people get paid to head it, until it falls apart. But, here we see people saying that we shouldn't point out bad ideas? We shouldn't be critical of the Navy's idea to turn the Park into a weapons testing ground? Thinking that is going to be detrimental to the area's economy is "tearing things down"?
Anyone who looks around, honestly, can see there are big problems here. "Working hard" on bad ideas isn't going to help anything, and will just end up with more well intentioned people becoming burnt out and disillusioned.
Really? "...the constant “nothing but panhandlers and empty storefronts” rhetoric we keep seeing." Really?
I seem to remember this blog as being one of the originators of the "empty storefronts rhetoric". Constant, never ending posts of "downtown is nothing but empty storefronts and 'junque' shops." Anyone passing through downtown could see that wasn't true, but no, that was what this blog wanted to present. Anyone arguing the point would be shouted down quickly. I remember getting into an argument with someone who was convinced downtown would be--I believe the figure was 60% empty--by February. Several Februaries have passed and it never did reach 60% empty. Not in real life anyway, I'm sure there are plenty of PAOnline commenters who are convinced it did.
"Has anyone got the names of monied former or current residents seeking a legacy?"
Dear God, no... Been there, done that, that's mostly why we're in the mess we're in now. Unless you think the Turd Tank, the Incubator, Harborworks, the empty lots, the absentee landowners and all the others are the "legacy" we need...
It's not so sad Anon 6:36 when one sees the results of that philantropic foundation's vision when the withering wood product town's leaders and staff could not muster a vision for the future-an arboetum, a natural history museum, hiking and biking trails linking open spaces, scholarships for lical youth, a world reknowned architect's work for all to enjoy. That's some sad.
That once destitute city eventually turned the corner despite its initial protests to the foundation about taking over the planning functions through land purchases, sharp attorneys and its own economist's work. Eventually that city got it and embraced its rich uncle.
Once upon a time in PA, Charles and Esther Webster left a bit of their wealth and legacy here in the form of the Fine Arts Center.Maybe there are others who would like to give back to the town which was good to them.
It is just one way to kickstart an evolution here. I'd like to hear your not-so-sad ideas that have worked for other dying towns.
Why not take inventory of successes and learn something in this forum?
I don't think a community's structure, make up, vision or direction should be the result of one person. It reminds me of those that support Trump. He is rich and powerful, he can buy his own campaign, he doesn't need a political party, he knows how to get what he wants, etc. That doesn't sound like a democracy. That doesn't sound like "community".
I think it is a sad commentary that, out of a town of 18,000 (and dropping), we can't come up with ideas and approaches to make our community work. That we have degenerated to suggestions like yours (and I'm not trying to be insulting), where we continue to look for some White Knight in Shining Armor that will come to town and save us all. This is what the town HAS been doing for years now. Spending millions of tax dollars to attract (you might say "identify") somebody or some business that will come to the area.
I agree with you about taking an inventory. But I also think it is not as simple as applying in Port Angeles what a community found that worked for them. We see that here, also, in the form of those that promote buying the Lincoln.
Looking at other communities that fixed up old movie theaters is interesting, but each community is different. You reference the Webster Fine Arts Center. Which struggles to survive because of such limited public support. Nice idea in concept, but in real life, not an overflow of community interest and support for it. So, if the community barely supports one arts center, is there room for another? Given the proponents can't raise the purchase money, much less renovation and on-going costs, it would seem glowing references to "other communities" that restored old theaters might not be relevant.
What will be helpful will be understanding why Port Angeles cannot get any significant value from the millions of people that pass through town every year.
How many people have opened businesses thinking things were getting better in Port Angeles based on stories like the ones in the PDN, and then have gone out of business?
I understand the idea that putting a positive spin on everything seems nice. But, it has cost people a lot of time and money, on false hopes.
Anonymous 8:53 says;
I don't think a communities structure, make up, vision or direction should be the result of one person. It reminds me of those who support Hillary Clinton. She is rich and powerful, she can buy her own campaign, she doesn't need a political party, she knows how to get what she wants, etc. That doesn't sound like a democracy. That doesn't sound like a "community".
You're spot on!
Maybe if they displayed the Shroud of Turin downtown, more people would come to town.
A Trader Joes in the vacant building on the NW corner of Front and Race would catch those enroute to Hurricane Ridge and locals.
Anon 8:27
The city and other local governmental entities, along with the area business groups formed that Public Development Agency they called HarborWorks a few years ago. They spent over a million dollars approaching developers of residential, retail, commercial and industrial projects, to get them interested in doing something in Port Angeles.
They all said " Not interested".
And, you remember when NOAA was looking to build new West Coast facilities, and had Port Angeles on it's list of communities to consider. After looking into it, they too said, "Not interested".
Big corporate chain stores like Trader Joes have site scouts who look for profitable locations. They don't really care about the politics, or much else, other than one fact: can they make a profit there. They have professionals that do market analysis to determine if there is enough of a population, their income levels, etc to support a new store.
With our elected officials and staff happy to have structured our community to be reliant on grants, and content with Port Angeles and Clallam County's "distressed" designation, few professional market analyses will see the area as an attractive location.
In case that wasn't clear enough, I'll put that another way. Port Angeles and Clallam County is designated as "distressed" because they have a lot of recognized economic and social problems. As "distressed", local government via it's staff go to any one who will listen with their hands out, begging for money. Grants.
Most of us know about credit checks and other background checks that are done if you want to buy or rent a house, or do much of anything that involves significant money. If you have a history of problems, most companies won't have anything to do with you.
So, most responsible companies look at the area, and their financial officers tell their CEOs "Not interested".
3:43 August 10
Westrem died, and his adopted son is selling off everything as fast as he can, and won't be here much longer. Who are YOU talking bout?
Tom, I thought you and readers here would find these comments (posted at Unearthed) relevant:
"So I saw the Outside Magazine "write up" on Port Angeles today...It's a curious mix of hogwash ("the local culture is built on an appreciation of the outdoors") and revealing code words and phrases ("healthy population of retirees," "industries infuse the town with a grittier feel") that tell more of the true story. But nothing in it says to me that it will cause new hordes of enthusiastic tourists to flock to town. Oh, and needless to say, the photos used are all (with one exception) from places outside of Port Angeles, which lends itself to that "I've been cheated" feeling many visitors have after their first - and last - trip to town.
Anonymous August 15, 2015 at 7:53 PM
CK, you hit the nail right on the head!
This is the exact problem people like the Revitalize folks and other rah-rahs don't understand. They see anything critical as "tearing down", instead of seeing the value in negative things, ideas and efforts being pointed out.
They clearly don't understand the feeling on "Bait and switch" that so many first time visitors to Port Angeles have been experiencing for years now. Years ago I talked to one of my friends in one of the local business associations who owns a motel in Port Angeles. They told me how people made reservations for a 3 day weekend visit, or longer, but after getting here and spending one day, they canceled the rest of the reservation and left. Repeatedly,
They don't understand that it isn't about getting more tourists to come to Port Angeles. It is about getting Port Angeles worth coming to.
All the vote rigging and stuffing Revitalize was so proud of to get attention to Port Angeles will result in even more people going home and telling everyone they know what a dump Port Angeles really is.
A good reputation is hard to get, but a bad reputation is hard to lose."
Doesn't it seem like now that Westport has purchased the old Walmart building the Port will now have plenty of empty space to carry out their composite recycling scheme and therefore the County can put that $1 million back in the county piggy bank. Isn't the emergency spending scheme over now?
If a Trader Joe's was interested in coming to the area they'd be looking at Sequim, where the growth is, and not PA, where the growth ain't.
So, the Port of Port Angeles is going to lose $225,000 a year with an existing business moving to a new location (the old Walmart) outside the city limits.
Sure, I can see how the boosters at the PDN see that as a good thing for Port Angeles!
@1:56 just wait they'll call these "new jobs" or a "new business" so they can all talk about how Port Angeles is "blossomign"
Hagiwara has to feel pretty good about himself for what must be considered a major victory over the Port.
@Anon 8:47
Let's see. The local tax payers get screwed by a private business making luxury yachts for the super rich, and this is a "victory" for locals?
Won't Westport actually be paying county taxes with their new facility? Won't the Port get the "needed" finished space to build their toxic new composite business without wasting money on the unfinished building? Won't the County get to put the $1 million back in their coffers to be used for the Carlsborg sewer that it was intended for? Win-win-win!
That one super rich person's yacht is providing work for how many folks at Westport and how many crew members to shuttle it around? How many jobs have you sustained lately?
@ Anon 9:07
Let's spell this out for the folks that are a little slow on the uptake, shall we?
Westport has been building yachts for the super rich for years now. That isn't new.
Westport has had a cabinet shop to supply cabinets for the yachts for the super rich, and has been making those cabinets for those yachts for years now. That isn't new.
Westport's facilities for making cabinets for the yachts for the super rich were located within Port Angeles, on Port of Port Angeles lands, for years now. That isn't new.
Westport recently purchased the old Walmart, located outside of Port Angeles city limits, to move it's existing cabinetry operation to. That is new.
Westport's actions to move it's operations out of the city limits and off Port of Port Angeles lands is reported to result in a loss of around $225,000 each year to the Port of Port Angeles, and an as of yet undisclosed loss in taxes to the city of Port Angeles and it's residents.
The services that residents receive from the City of Port Angeles are paid for by taxes. The less taxes the City receives, the less services the residents receive.
Westport continues to make yachts for the super rich, as they have been for years.
Westport continues to employ people to make the yachts for the super rich, as they have for years now.
Crews continue to shuttle the yachts around, as they have for years now.
Now, can we understand what is new, and what isn't?
Can we see what is the same, and what is different in this picture?
Pretty sure the county and city are splitting tax revenue in the eastern urban growth areas. So the city will still get SOME money out of this, but not what they used to.
"Sustain" had no "new" job implications.
@ Anon 4:46
Let's see some specifics. " Pretty sure.." doesn't cut it, sorry to say.
The local taxpayers get screwed so a business making yachts for the super rich makes money. Where is the "victory"?
All my adult life I've lived in towns that was the county seat and had fairgrounds. But Brownwood, Texas doesn't have a fairground. Like many other towns the old downtown area is pretty much a dead zone and they block off a fair share of it for the so called fair, Brownwood Days.
If you Google "Rubble Trouble Monterey County District Attorney makes landfill sweat about asbestos screening" there's an article about another case of asbestos winding up in a landfill and how things were sorted out. After reading this, I doubt the City of PA will wind up with a penalty for accepting the stuff even though there was a gate with City staff to screen incoming loads, nor will the contractor hoping to be paid for the unexpected asbestos in the PA landfill get paid the disputed amount.
Part of the deal with the city running the sewer line out to Walmart was that the county splits revenue with the city in the eastern urban growth area.
So, the City only loses half as much? Can it afford that, given what impact Nippon's shutting down half it's operations last year had on the Port Angeles operational budget? Remember? Remember the public hearings so that council members could hear from residents which services they could agree to be cut, as a result?
Yeah, fabulous. Thanks, Westport.
Too bad shit like that's not illegal. Westport's little games are going to cost the taxpayers big time, just so some fat one percenters can have their yachts.
When will all you loser socialist commies get the picture that businesses aren't in business to pay taxes and support all the takers of government. Businesses don't owe a damn thing to all of you with your hands out. Jeez you really can't fix all the stupid people out there. Get off your ass and go make something out of your lives instead of relying on all the hard working people you so despise.
@ Anon 10:36
You really want to show the world how stupid you are?
How do you think the roads "business" uses to transport the materials they need, or things they make on, get built? Who pays for the US Highway system? Who pays for the police to protect their businesses?
Who pays for all the health services for employees who are paid minimum wages in this country? Look to see how many government services there are in Port Angeles?
Who paid for the wars the US has engaged in, to get control of the oil "business" now processes and makes billions on?
Who pays the $20 billion a year in agricultural subsidies ?
But, besides the blindingly obvious fact that we all rely on goods and services that are paid for by taxes, there is the issue of what makes society a society. Humans figured out thousands of years ago that by working together, and each using what ever skills and abilities they had, they had better lives than living in a cave alone.
How ARE children from birth to 18 supposed to get there needs met, if the adults in their lives have illnesses that prevent them from working? The elderly? Are we supposed to just kick anyone who can't work out into the streets to die, if they can't work?
Living in society comes with a contract. We all contribute as we can for the good of the whole. Some can contribute more than others. All businesses know the established rules when they start a business.
Do we support criminals who have figured out ways by-pass security systems, and break the rules? Do we support politicians and business owners who pay and accept bribes to have the rules not applied to them? Do we support people who decide traffic signals don't apply to them, and they drive through red lights?
Grow up, and be responsible.
Anon. 9:15
You are a socialist idiot. Go to Russia. I guess I own my home to pay taxes. I guess I own my vehicles to pay taxes. I guess I buy food to pay taxes. I guess I buy goods and services to pay taxes. Social contract....what a bunch of crap. Obviously you are a prime example of the failure of our education system.
@ 10:11
Really? So, what do you call the $20 billion a year that agri-business gets each year in the form of subsidies? The "free market economy" where you either sink or swim? When you buy your food, how much of it was subsidized buy tax money?
Speaking of our education system, where do you think the money comes from to run the schools?
Are you so dumb as to think that the way of life you enjoy is the sole product of your own efforts? That you are not totally reliant on a whole lot of other people for the life you lead, today?
Are you REALLY that stupid?
Haha. Socialist sponges like you are going to get your free lunch taken away. The country is done with the liberal theft. Your free ride is coming to an end. People will have to go back to basics when our economic bubble bursts. Shameful waste of other peoples earnings will come to an end. The system you describe is not sustainable and good old fashioned personal accountability will be brought back or you will starve. There is no better incentive than hunger. That's when we will see how smart you really are.
You two need to figure it out. The declining tax revenue for the government is a direct result of manufacturing jobs leaving the USA. There is not enough money left to cover our ever increasing government budget.
Westport left the Port because the Port is a shitty landlord.
The pot intentionally hid the Westport departure so they could secure taxpayers money to finish their building, they could careless if anyone ever creates a job there.
Business is avoiding ever increasing taxes out of survival
Anon 7:17
You say "Business is avoiding ever increasing taxes out of survival."
Look to countries around the world that have higher quality of life than in the US. And, the businesses within them are highly successful. The US ranks low on many lists.
Because no other country has military presence in 150 countries around the world. The other countries put their focus on their own people, rather than trying to institute "regime change" and pay for and arm opposition groups in countries to destabilize them.
The money has to come from somewhere!
Locally, over half of the jobs are with government/public sector in some form. Even with that, unemployment is at 8%.
The money has to come from somewhere, to pay for all those services, projects and crony-ism.
Anon 10:39
You're blaming the lack of government revenue on the DoD? I agree being the world police is a role we should try to shed, but imagine what things would be like if we didn't protect human rights?
Over 1/2 of government spending is on health care and government pensions, add in welfare programs and you're and you up to 72%?
What parts of this should the taxpayers be responsible for?
Anon 2:21
The United States are not the only functioning government and society on the planet. In fact, any object analysis will reveal there are a lot of other countries around the world that handle business, taxes, pensions, health care, public infrastructure, education, etc a lot better than we do, and have high citizen satisfaction rates. Maybe we could learn a thing or two?
I thought downtown was doing so much better now that there was a change in the PADA's leadership?
@ Anon 9:46
So, you think a record breaking storm, on top of a record breaking drought, is something to see as a positive? Over a million people were out of power from that storm to the east of us. Many millions in damages done by that one storm, on top of the billions in damages done by this year's drought. The millions of salmon and other fish that died throughout the region because of record setting low waters and high temperatures.
Did you forget that the Morse Creek water system DID dry up, and the PUD had to spend big money to patch together pipes and pumps to keep water to over 500 households?
And, as of today, forecasters say warm and dry weather will continue through until winter. That the winter is expected to be warmer than normal, will less than normal snow accumulations. They are already warning the ski resorts, and other snow dependent businesses, who had huge losses last year.
Never mind that these big storms, much like what we saw last year, dump alot of rain in a very short period of time, and the bulk of it runs out in the rivers in a matter of a few days. As you probably know, the flows in the Elwha and Dungeness are dropping, now a third of what they were 3 days ago. Where will it be by the end of the month? End of October?
Yes, statistically, we got a "normal" amount of rainfall last year. But not a normal amount of ground water recharge. If the forecasts and computer modeling is correct, we will have a similar winter as last. If they are right, we will have a less than normal snow pack, again. Next summer will be interesting.
You seem to miss the point. By the numbers, water is increasingly getting to be a problem here. Do we wait until we literally run out of water, before we do something about it?
Few people and businesses like that kind of uncertainty.
Last I saw, the Big E was in the 600's (completely average this time of year)
Millions of people without power? Yeah maybe for 12 hours, within a day almost ALL Of the power was restored to the larger metropolitan areas. Clean up is already complete, quit living in the past and turning mole hills into mountains.
I do agree that water is an issue, but the FACT is we had one of the wettest August's on record with reports of an insanely wet and cold winter upon us. So before you slam the trolls with your "pulled from thin air theories" get the facts...
No rain for 3 more months? Look at the damn forecasts!!!!! Jesus H!
@ "Realist"..
Who are you trying to convince? You really think unusual and record setting weather like this is anything positive? Billions in damages from this years' drought, alone. You want to guess what the dollar amount of damages caused by Augusts storm will be?
And, how about impacts to agriculture? You think these storms are good for producing food?
And forecast? Here, from Accuweather: " Fire Danger to Worsen in California, Northwest
High heat going into the fall and increasingly dry conditions will allow an already brutal wildfire season to worsen across much of California and the Northwest.
"The problem with the Northwest is they're getting these weak systems that produce spotty storms and they're kicking off more fires than they're helping [to extinguish]," Pastelok said.
Into October, the region could also get some late-season 90-degree days.
However, in California, Santa Ana winds will be at fault through September and October. This will bolster the fire threat, in what has already been a deadly and destructive season.
Some rain is possible for the drought-stricken state from October to November, though it will hardly make up for the existing deficit.
The greatest chance for denting or eliminating the long-term drought will be in winter and early spring with the help of a strong El Niño."
We have serious problems, and freak storms are not a good thing, in most cases.
Where have all the glaciers gone?
When will we ever learn?
negative trolls go away
One warm winter, one windstorm, one long hot dry summer. But not much worse than '02-'03, and we have had far drier years. The records go back less than 150 years. It's silly to assume none of these things ever happened in the millennia before that; equally silly to assume that this is how it will always be, forever after.
This year, the little snow in the Elwha Basin was practically all gone by May. There was no real rain after mid-March. Total precip has been below normal for the year. Yet even last week the City likely was never drawing more than 2% of the Elwha's flow.
What this record hot, dry year has proven is that finding water is not an issue for this city. It's got problems, but this ain't one.
Where have all the glaciers gone? The question is more like where did they come from when they originated in the Olympic mountains about 2500 years ago? See
@ Anon 11:47
Yes, no problem. Then why did all the professional water managers for the cities of Port Angeles, Sequim and Port Townsend, the County, the Tribes, the PUD, the State and the Feds get together to brainstorm on how to address the increasing threats to continuing water supplies? On how to keep water flowing for residents. Specifically about the changing climate. Specifically for Clallam and Jefferson counties.
Because all the professionals are dumb, but you have it figured out.
Typical Port Angeles.
Isn't it time for a new post??
BBC: Nah. But thanks for asking.
This blog served a purpose when I first started it -- October 2006. There weren't any other local political blogs or forums at the time. None of the local newspapers had websites, and you had to do 2 weeks of jumping through hoops if you wanted the PDN to print your letter (and often they still didn't).
I was a member of the Downtown Association at the time (my wife was on the Board), and they used to complain about how closed off everything was, no way for anyone to express themselves public, etc. I thought they'd like the idea of a local blog where everybody could rant about whatever local topic they wanted. It turned out they hated the forum and wanted nothing to do with it (or me), and that's when I knew I was on to something.
But with local papers all having websites with comment sections, Facebook pages, other blogs, etc. -- this site has pretty much fallen off the radar. This has been obvious for the last few years, but the number of page views (as shown on the Blogger Dashboard) keeps going steadily downward.
For 2 or 3 weeks I kept trying to think of something to do a post about, and I just wasn't into it; so I finally figured it was time to let it go. I probably won't take the blog down, but I can't see myself doing any more posts.
I'll still see you over at Demeur's site, and the blogs of a few other diehards who haven't thrown in the towel yet.
Thanks for stopping by.
Too Bad. Sorry to hear this, Tom.
I've been a staunch supporter of your blog since I first came across it. Yes, the trolls were a drag to endure, but that is one of the many prices of "freedom". You know the saw:"I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll fight for your ability to say it."
I do hope you will reconsider. Maybe it involves more time to maintain than you have to give. In that case, thank you for all the time you have given the community in keeping this forum going all these years.
It can't be about whether others approve of what you do. You do what you think is right.
Either way, thanks.
I think the number of comments on local paper's web sites are way down- due to pay walls and a requirement to post using a facebook account which some people are not comfortable with.
The PT leader frequently posts articles with more rules about commenting than comments actually posted.
BBC, hi! Brownwood... Interesting. I will miss you and my borderline creepy infatuation with you. Hope you're happy.
Tom, wow. I moved but occasionally lurk. Wow. And thanks for the blog.
Signed, the crazy, sarcastic, former PA lover, troll to the masters of the obvious, person
(Now that you're throwing in the towel, no more lurking or second guessing my move far away, twice a year or so, as CK's site always SUCKED as does the PDN which I'm done reading.....PA closure).
CK must be such a DICK in person. People like him everywhere, sadly. I said it from the beginning he's talking to himself. Thought maybe one or two were hashing it out with him but reading the comments here tonight I'd say he's alone there wallowing in the negativity.
Seriously though, thanks Tom.
Anon 11:37
I really don't understand the "CK" comments. They really sound weird. Strange. Makes me wonder what kind of person thinks like that, much less puts it in writing.
Sure, I know "Port Angeles Unearthed". Anybody who has looked for forums where issues about Port Angeles can be discussed has found it.
You're not the first to make comments like these. As if comments on a blog are some kind of competition? As I said, it is weird. Strange.
It is that "Garbage in, Garbage out" thing, again. The three people who are "Unearthed" work together to maintain the blog, and keep the topics new and updated. Many people post there, because of that.
Tom (if I may speak for you) maintains this site by himself, and didn't try to focus the conversations as aggressively as they do at "Unearthed".
Both blogs are valuable, despite what some say. Un-moderated blogs like this one reveal an uncensored truth I value. Yeah, there are trolls and stupid comments. Those are facets in our real life. They reveal, like the post above, what people are thinking, and how they construct their realities. Not everyone is a polished movie star beauty, and more than a great orator. Not everyone can express what they are thinking in beautiful words.
I hope both continue. They are both needed. Port Angeles needs all the help it can get.
Given the importance of the topic, I thought this was worth re-posting here.
We see County Commissioner Jim McEntire pandering to the "climate change is a UN Environut conspiracy" types at the recent candidates forum held by the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce.
" He questioned the motivation of United Nations policymakers who make recommendations based on scientific reports.
“Policymakers always have an agenda,” he is quoted saying, but is he really talking about himself and his agendas?
He goes on to say: “So in plain English that means the surface temperature models don't work as far as their predictive ability as against observed climate information, observed temperature data, over the last 10, 15 years or so.
“So how can we plan with any certainty if the scientists say that their models don't work about the central issue with this thing called climate change, or global warming, whichever you prefer?”
Gee, Mr. McEntire, how about the observable physical reality of the disappearing glaciers in the mountains above Sequim, Port Angeles and the rest of the Olympic Peninsula? The glaciers provide much needed water during the summer and fall to area streams and rivers, and recharge the groundwater and aquifers wells rely upon.
These glaciers have been disappearing over the last 100 years, more rapidly in the last 30. Some are virtually gone, others a mere fraction of what they were when the area was first settled and developed. A resource we built around, is now all but gone. This is not computer modeling, Mr. McEntire.
You can see comparative photos of Olympic Mountain glaciers here:
But, that is not the only observable physical reality of how the climate is changing to a hotter and drier one. 10 of the hottest years on record have been in the last 15 years. This is not computer modeling, Mr. McEntire.
As a champion of the timber industry, Mr. McEntire might have heard of this thing called the Mountain Pine Beetle. A natural resident of forests, it has been kept south by what used to be cold winters. But, starting in 1995, the winters are no longer cold enough to kill off the beetles, and they have been decimating North America's forests since. Billions in damages, mills closed down, jobs lost. This is not computer modeling, Mr. McEntire.
As Mark pointed out, area shellfish farmers have lost millions because of the increased acidification of the regions oceans. No longer able to raise larval shellfish here, they have set up hatcheries in Hawaii. Lost jobs. This is not computer modeling, Mr. McEntire.
It is embarrassing to see Jim McEntire's comments in print. It is one thing to be a know-nothing rightwing crackpot who seeks out selected data to quote to convince themselves of some conspiracy, but Mr. McEntire is supposed to be representing the interests and future of the whole community.
Refusing to see the growing problems associated with our decreasing water supplies is just outrageous. Yes, Mr. McEntire, YOU are supposed to be a policymaker, using all information available to you, to look out for OUR best interests. Not use your elected position to impose your personal views on us, especially for an issue so critical for our future.
Who can vote for this guy when you see him either so ignorant about what is supposed to be his main focus (the timber industry), or that we see him blatantly manipulating the people he is asking to vote for him?
It is one thing to be a conservative, and or a Republican. But how does either being ignorant of such billion dollar impacts to businesses, or refusing to ensure the most essential infrastructure required for economic development support either a conservative, or Republican viewpoint?
As said, who could vote for someone like Jim McEntire, after he makes comments like were quoted in the paper? We don't need people like that to help our community out of the mess it is in.
Another re-post, hoping leadership in Port Angeles will wake up, and see this problem!
Now, here is a REALLY spooky video.
It is dated Sept. 10th of this year, so, about 2 weeks or so. It is 8 mins of a guy with a drone video camera flying around Port Angeles. I'm guessing it is supposed to show off Port Angeles and surrounds. A beautiful day.
But, it looks like one of those sci-fi movies of after some event that wipes out all life on earth! Yeah, there are a few people to be seen, but in 8 minutes of video, flying above downtown, the courthouse, Peninsula College, the waterfront, you see virtually no one.
The clock at the courthouse shows noon, but nobody is to be seen. The camera repeatedly swings around to show the streets of Port Angeles.
Virtually no cars, No people. No boats in harbor.
It really has the feel of one of those old Sci-Fi movies! You expect to hear the church bells ring, and see the zombies walkout!
The boosters say everything is just booming in Port Angeles. Doesn't look like it here!
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