Thursday, February 10, 2011

Downtown Construction to be During Daytime

A new stormwater pipe will be installed under First Street during the daytime instead of overnight.

I would have thought downtown businesses would be less impacted if the construction work was done at night when all the shops are closed.

Supposedly, working during the day will enable the project to be completed sooner. Let's hope.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

this decision was made without the input of the of most of the downtown merchants. most of all the ones that will be affected. It is time to dissolve the downtown associtation or create an association that has our best interests in mind. im sick of the good ol boys and girls club. There is no way this will be done thirty days earlier just because they are working during the day.

5:47 PM, February 10, 2011  
Anonymous Stormy said...

My sympathies to the downtown merchants, and to anyone who might want to shop downtown during the daytime when all of the noise and dirt of construction will be going on.
I also wonder whether the other local bidders on the project were hoodwinked by the City into believing that the bid documents (describing a job that had to be done in the night-time) meant what they said. The low bidder from out of town likely guessed correctly that they could get the city to change the requirements on the hours of construction, and so they submitted a lower bid in anticipation of this.
The City should be forced to re-bid the job using the new criteria for working hours.

7:10 PM, February 10, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This downtown project does fix something that actually needs to be fixed, although I have a hard time believing the Elwha reservation actually produces 500,000 gallons of sewage each day. Did any one question that figure? At 50 gallons for each person, that is 10,000 people. Is the reservation really that big?

I'm totally amazed that so many people are accepting what the city says in describing the needs for the whole "CSO" project, without question. Who has seen any comparative data? Who has seen any proof that what they say is true?

The city plods along towards the most expensive project in the city's history, and who is asking questions?

They say it is because of a "combined sewer", but have they ever shown the public where the sewers are combined?

Who cares.

11:14 PM, February 10, 2011  
Anonymous The Watcher said...

I'm just vaguely insulted by this.

10:50 AM, February 11, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wonder how many more merchants will go under with this obvious tactic to drive them out of business. So, who is it who wants to destroy this town? Who made this decision at the city level?

12:14 PM, February 11, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The whole thing stinks. Barb Frederick looked me right in the eye and told me we'd be informed in plenty of time about the meeting, that our input mattered, that it would "our" decision how it was done -- and that was just more lies. All she ever really cares about is the photo ops.

When are we going to put our foot down and just have that stupid do-nothing organization dissolved? After all, we're paying Barb Frederick $50K a year (way more than most people make) and for WHAT?

12:43 PM, February 11, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon 12:43 p.m., I heard there's a petition going all up and down First Street about the PADA. I haven't seen it but the downtown merchants are super pissed off. Maybe the PADA stabbed downtown shop owners in the back one time too many.

2:02 PM, February 11, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Down with Barb! Down with Barb! Down with Barb! Down with Barb!

3:31 PM, February 11, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what does the PADA have to do with any off this? Do business's have to pay them like union dues or what?

3:35 PM, February 11, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHAT!!! 3:35pm, you poor uninformed person. A business in the so-called "downtown business district" pays monthly -- no matter if you like it or not -- to have the Port Angeles Downtown Association sit on their fat fanny and make up a bunch of platitudes about how great business has been, and tell you how much they are doing, yada yada. This, most recent, downtown construction is only a stones throw (timewise) from the LAST fiasco where the sidewalks were torn up, the downtown was in disarray, which was right after the town was just held hostage by the Gateway construction (which couldn't be done at night..and where you'd come to work to find the street would be closed. NO WARNING at all.)
PADA swore up and down that they would get out word, and help merchants to have a voice in these decisions. But, more lip service.
It's worse than a union or an armed thug...because the leader of the gang is this insipid, ignorant woman who claims she knows all about business because her grandmother owned one, or her parents had one when she was a child. It's insulting....especially when you know she gets a damn paycheck and life is nice and comfy for her. Meanwhile, most of the business owners downtown have been going without for several years, most are barely hanging on by their fingernails, and the rest are foregoing heat at home, and eating beans just to pay for all the fees, permits, and other garbage that a downtown merchant must pay....INCLUDING the PADA.
I hope the chamber and the PADA and the PABA all dissolve, and we get some people who have more than a donated brain and lack the attitude and arrogance of this other lot of thieves and lazy slugs.

11:36 PM, February 11, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me see if I have this right.
A business owner MUST "support" this extortionist racket nonsense?

And these same strongarm thugs are the very same reichwingers that are the first to scream SOCIALISM is so bad?

9:53 AM, February 12, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The PADA is saying it's the city's fault, the city scheduled that meeting and didn't tell the PADA about it until the previous afternoon.

10:17 AM, February 12, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If a business doesn't pay the PADA then the certification of occupancy is pulled (meaning the business cannot operate legally, and your insurance, and other things are at risk) The city will also threaten to turn off your lights, and cease garbage service. The PADA fees are collected by the city, with a statement that looks very much like a utility bill.
PADA are such limp-wristed ineffective losers that the city can pull crap like that and get away with it -- what are they going to do? If PADA makes too much of a fuss, the city will just not pay them. (boo hoo) Howe effective is any organization if they have been so stupid as to let the city control them. Heck, even the parking lot fees (that used to fund the PADA) are now city controlled.
It's a joke. A big fat joke. The PADA only looks out for their selfish interests, and the merchants can go screw themselves.
You should read the "newsletters" from this group!! Actually worse than the PDN. It's like a 6th grade English class wrote it. Totally faxed in. No thought behind it at all. It's all "oh we are so great, and this is so fantastic, and that is just unbelievable, and our next event will be something that will draw out everyone in town, so be ready". Nothing they do works. It's like they try and attract flies with water. If they were paid for every person they brought downtown for the "shop until you drop" "girls night out" or any of the other stupid ideas....the director would be a skinny woman, skeletal. I don't think she could keep her girth if she were paid $5 bucks per person who showed up to the events.
It's all a huge, huge joke on the downtown merchants.

1:08 PM, February 12, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Edna has Barb in her pocket. This a huge, huge plot originating from that overpriced trinket store on Laurel and Railroad (ha, what a joke!) to drive out merchants from downtown.

Once the merchants are gone those realtors sharks like Brooke nelson and Dick Piling will move in and snap up all the properties for dirt cheap and then Kaj Ahlburg will bring in all his investment goons from Wall Street to buy those properties up. Karen Rogers and Exeltech are involves omehow, too.

I have the proof in black and white and will reveal the details at a more appropriate time!

2:07 PM, February 12, 2011  
Anonymous Stormy said...

Wow. No wonder downtown merchants resent the PADA. Mandatory dues paid up or the City turn off the utilities? What geographic area is included in the PADA membership area? Does it include the Red Lion? The businesses in the Landing Mall? The new doctors' clinic at the west end of Front St? Pen Ply?
Seriously - I'd like to learn more about this.

5:39 PM, February 12, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Edna has Barb in her pocket."

That one damn big pocket, Boss!

6:47 PM, February 12, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And, ever more shops close up. Empty stores stay empty. People move away for a better community.

10:49 PM, February 12, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stormy, to find out these details go out and open a business downtown. Use all your savings, get a few loans, re-mortgage your house and use all your hope and dreams.
Open some kind of shop, and first you'll find out from the city if you are IN the "downtown area". Then you'll see the monthly bills rolling in LONG before you ever see a "Barb". (The mastermind and dominatrix of the PADA.) You will get emails, and emails and emails asking you to stay open, participate, to donate something, regularly. If you go to any of the meetings you'll either be a.) ignored completely, or b.) ignored slightly. If you come up with any ideas you'll get the same reply: we tried that, once. Expect to get cold shoulders, and total attitude, and a lot of "we're doing so great". And, actually, you will start to question your sanity when you see that NOT ONE PERSON came in during any one of their fantastic promotions (seriously, you'll wonder why you bought this scam and wonder why you didn't go home and watch American Idol, instead). But, worse, when you get the next missive it will extol the fantastic response, the unbelievable success, and how great the event was.
In this kingdom you never say a discouraging's insanity.

11:45 PM, February 12, 2011  
Anonymous Used to believe... said...

No matter what happens it is NEVER the PADA's fault. They always blame the city, or the weather, or some gosh darn thing. They never take the blame, and they always make excuses. It's seriously like dealing with a bunch of children. "Who broke the cookie jar?" "The wind!" "The city didn't tell us." "We didn't know." "What is a cookie jar?"
It is infuriating. It is the culture of the place. Even though the hired administrator stays through cycle after cycle of fed up board member the culture never changes. I see no hope for it. I'd just as soon see the downtown become 100% vacant (instead of its 50%?) and blow the place up. A big crater where downtown is standing would be an improvement than the negative energy hole that is there now.
Yes, I blame the PADA.

11:54 PM, February 12, 2011  
Anonymous NeverAGAIN said...

I heard it was a different geographic area than the "pocket" but yes, some people get all the attention from the PADA, the new merchants, and the ones that are critical of the whole shebang are marginalized.

The designation of "downtown":
The downtown business area extends from Valley Street on the west to a line two hundred feet east of Lincoln Street and from the waterfront on the north to the bluff on the south and any additional area covered by the P.B.I.A. established by the City of Port Angeles
Here is their website:

Go read their bogus b.s. for yourself.

12:05 AM, February 13, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I am happy to see Barb Frederick getting her fair share of abuse and blame here (after all, she IS highly underqualified, overpaid and totally ineffective), I'd like to remind folks that this particular problem can be chalked up to Glenn Cutler. His bait-and-switch plan was the start of all this hubbub. Until fools like Frederick and Cutler are shown the door, it will be difficult for this town to make any sort of progress.

9:22 AM, February 13, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I'd just as soon see the downtown become 100% vacant (instead of its 50%?) and blow the place up. A big crater where downtown is standing would be an improvement"

Maybe the city can pull eminent domain, buy all the surviving businesses except DSHS and the Lee Hotel (think of the needy!) and turn downtown into one big parking lot. It's got enough vacant lots in it anyway.

9:43 AM, February 13, 2011  
Anonymous P.A.D.A. said...

Now, now, cherubs! Why all this negative nattering about our beautiful Downtown Construction Project? And now i hear tell that some Pessimistic Patsy is circulating a petition against the construction in our delightful Downtown!

let's turn those frowns upside down and put a smile on our faces and get behind this wonderful project and show everyone what we can do downtown with a little positive attitude!

I am pleased as punch to announce that we will be holding Downtown Construction Days concurrently with the downtown construction project. Now before you all start becoming Whining Wendys, let's think positively about this and all participate!

Be creative! Why not have construction themed items in your shop windows? Encourage your employees and you, too shop owners, to dress up like construction workers! We will be holding a "Guess How Many Tons of Dirt Have Been Removed From First Street" contest. The winner will recieve $25.00 in lovely Downtown Dollars!

Take this opportunity to show off your store! Sure it may be noisy, dusty, inconvenient and congested. But your attitude is what you make of it, so smile, smile, smile!People like to see construction projects in action. At least that's what Glen tells me!

Toodles, cherubs!


9:53 AM, February 13, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Positive attitude? Serisouly? That is by far the most rediculous thing that I think I have ever heard. dress up like construction workers? How about not! Get your perched butt off your high horse and realize what this will do to downtown. I may only be an employee but having to listen to my boss when we are slow on a sunday is old. I can't immagine what it will be like when this construction begins. As said before instead of ripping up one side of the street just make downtown a parking lot for DSHS.

2:58 PM, February 13, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.a.d.a....I think I peed my pants I just laughed so hard. Wow. You must have read a few of the Barbie missive. Totally ON TARGET.

3:10 PM, February 13, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

p'ssst ... 2:58 PM. It's a joke post done in the style of Barb's happy-happy blather.

6:54 PM, February 13, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

annon may not get the joke unless you've been on the receiving end of a PADA newsletter that is just dripping with fake sweet and with lame-O ideas (she'll probably copy the ideas in that PADA letter on here...I kid you not!)
A few years back she wanted all the merchants to dress up to greet the cruise ship that was docking for a few hours. The half dozen old fogies who disembarked literally looked around like "WTF?" and then tottered down the street. (No businesses had any sort of bump-up in business.) It was obviously only a toe-tap, and return to the boat -- not the windfall we were told to expect from the PADA newsletters.
In fact, nothing that PADA ever said would happened happened. Sales just kept falling and falling. Doesn't matter how bad business gets, Fat Barbie just keeps spewing out the happy-talk. Never gives any real facts, does any research, etc. Everything is always wonderful and happy in the PADA world.
The joke of the joke, is that it isn't really much of a joke.

7:48 PM, February 13, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember when the PADA tried a Hawaiian dress up day or something? Made me feel like I was back in high school or something with their lame-ass costume weeks and school spirit ralleys. Rah rah rah whatever.

8:40 PM, February 13, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The root cause of this problem......

Glenn Cutler

When will Kent Myers figure it out?

11:58 PM, February 13, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When Arla ran the PADA she'd leave the office and walk around downtown visiting the merchants, asking questions, seeing what was going on. Barb just stays in her office all day long.

When was the last time she visited your store, downtown merchants?

5:02 AM, February 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cutler, Be GONE!

8:19 AM, February 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't even know what "Barb" looks like....

10:10 AM, February 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The root cause of this problem......

Glenn Cutler

When will Kent Myers figure it out?


Absolutely correct. Cutler has cost this city in SO many ways. Lost revenue to merchants, closed businesses as a result of poor planning, lost taxes to the city, decline in tourism, huge debt obligation for residents, no planning for on-going needed infrastructural maintenance, and much more.

But don't expect Myers to get rid of Cutler. Any more than you'll see Barb go.

10:15 AM, February 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem is Cutler has a military background -- he's always had DEEP pockets to fool around in. He has never had to budget, he's always been able to fuss around with fancy accounting: hide money in general accounting, inflate other accounts (can we say Civic Field?), multiple entries, and overall fiscal monkeyshines. He, obviously, knows how to go for grants (Gateway was a grant, the sewer thing was a grant, this most recent thing was a grant).
He's probably taught the city how to be non-financially accountable. He throws up smokescreens about why this needs to be done, and THAT needs to be done, and can argue a convincing argument. HOWEVER, he pays no mind to the considerations of the merchants, the citizens, or the long term financial health of the city.
Our power rates are higher, and going even higher, because of some of his harebrained schemes and planned work.
He's no mastermind...but, like Osama Bin Laden, he was trained by the federal government. He knows how to mismanage, and how to outsmart the likes of Myers.
Myers is a chump.

1:26 PM, February 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The problem is Cutler has a military background -- he's always had DEEP pockets to fool around in. He has never had to budget, he's always been able to fuss around with fancy accounting: hide money in general accounting, inflate other accounts (can we say Civic Field?), multiple entries, and overall fiscal monkeyshines."

Yep! You sure got THAT right!

5:37 PM, February 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"He knows how to mismanage, and how to outsmart the likes of Myers.
Myers is a chump."

Maybe Myers is a chump, but he gets paid more than most Governors in our country, and more than the Governor of Washington.

Why rock the boat when you're riding the gravy train?

7:18 PM, February 14, 2011  
Anonymous Once Burned said...

Anon 7:18 p.m. said "Maybe Myers is a chump, but he gets paid more than most Governors in our country, and more than the Governor of Washington."

At least take a little time to get your facts straight: Gregoire Salary for 2010 = $166,891; City Manager Myers Salary for 2010 = $157,590.

7:00 AM, February 15, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least take a little time to get your facts straight: Gregoire Salary for 2010 = $166,891; City Manager Myers Salary for 2010 = $157,590.

Actually, I DID look it up before posting. The figures I saw were:

Average salary for Governors in the US: $124, 398

Gregoire: $151,000

Meyers: $157,590

I'm sure he has MUCH greater responsibilities than those Governors.

10:55 AM, February 15, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it that this little dink town can afford such a huge salary for one guy? That's like each and every one of us in the city limits giving the guy $10.00 a year!! Even your kids!

11:27 AM, February 15, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Why is it that this little dink town can afford such a huge salary for one guy? "

Ha! Remember, the city council recently reviewed Myers' job performance, and think he is just wonderful! Didn't they give him a raise, or wanted to?

7:25 PM, February 15, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

guess we are the chumps :-(
Cutler, Myers and everyone else who keeps fleecing us. So, why do they have us all over a barrel, and we keep taking it up the bung hole?
I don't give a crap about Republican or Liberal (assuming that means Democrat). It's about moral and not moral, crooks or not crooks, and greedy or not greedy.
Seems our hired and elected officials are not moral, are crooks and are greedy. What difference does it make what label they wear?

12:14 AM, February 16, 2011  
Anonymous Once Burned said...

Anon said: "Actually, I DID look it up before posting. The figures I saw were:

Average salary for Governors in the US: $124, 398

Gregoire: $151,000

Meyers: $157,590

This info was taken from a survey of Governor salaries in 2007, and compared with Mr. Myers 2010 (and now 2011) salary. Governore Gregoire was being paid $166,891 for 2010.

8:00 AM, February 16, 2011  
Blogger WTF? said...

I don't give a crap about Republican or Liberal (assuming that means Democrat). It's about moral and not moral, crooks or not crooks, and greedy or not greedy.

In Port Angeles, your breakdown IS the difference between Dems and Pubs. Again, I have no great love for the Dems... But I do fear the morally bankrupt, utterly corrupt, Klallam Kounty Republicans. Your “fair and balanced” approach only plays into their hands. Do a little local research, and then tell me they’re the same. In fact, locally, other than County Commissioner Chapman, (who already has been chastised by his party for not being sleazy and dishonest enough) you cannot name one prominent republican who isn’t a total piece of shit. Not one. Harbrworks, Graving Yard, etc… all Republicans. Karen Rogers , who ran as a dem has some pretty darn close ties to the slime at Carol Realty which is the functional wing of the local pubs. Naw, forget it. Any time you vote against Local Republicans, you have a 99% chance you’re doing the right thing. I can’t argue with those odds.

8:06 AM, February 16, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

guess we are the chumps :-(
Cutler, Myers and everyone else who keeps fleecing us. So, why do they have us all over a barrel, and we keep taking it up the bung hole?

So, we gunna learn from those Egyptians, or what?

8:33 AM, February 16, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Governore Gregoire was being paid $166,891 for 2010."

And the city manager for a town of 18,000 makes $9,000 less per year than the Governor of the entire State? You're okay with that?

11:46 AM, February 16, 2011  
Anonymous Once Burned said...

"And the city manager for a town of 18,000 makes $9,000 less per year than the Governor of the entire State? You're okay with that?"

I didn't say that. All I said was the data was wrong. It seems to me that the proper comparison should be: What do other City Managers, in Washington State cities between 18,000 and 20,000 population make? Then if his pay is out of line, it should be challenged. Not with the governor's salary.

4:23 PM, February 16, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I didn't say that. All I said was the data was wrong. It seems to me that the proper comparison should be: What do other City Managers, in Washington State cities between 18,000 and 20,000 population make? Then if his pay is out of line, it should be challenged. Not with the governor's salary."

And, you're waiting for a formal invitation, or what?

9:20 PM, February 16, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I said was the data was wrong.


Really? Okay. And the original point was what? That Myers gets paid more than most Governors of entire States in the US.

You want to talk about the point, or get lost in details? We LIVE with the reality of what salaries we are paying our city manager.

10:07 PM, February 16, 2011  
Anonymous Craig said...

Does anyone know exactly what the City Manager DOES...other than go to meetings???
Perhaps we don't NEED one.
I think perhaps all governments state, city, county) across the country need to baseline to the 1950s...then let's talk about what we really need the taxpayer to be taxed for.
Maybe I'll run for City Council on that platform....

10:44 PM, February 17, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does the City Manager do?
From what I've observed, he seems to mostly walk on eggshells so as not to interfere with how Glenn Cutler and the old guard want to run the City.

11:36 PM, February 17, 2011  
Blogger WTF? said...

Does anyone know exactly what the City Manager DOES...other than go to meetings???

What does the City Manager do?

Theoretically, ours is a Weak Mayor system. The City Manager supposedly handles the day to day operation of the city, while the Mayor and City Council handle “policy”. Now, if we can’t figure out what our manager does, it stands to reason our council is doing even less. This in turn allows fake political groups like PADA and PABA to wield an amazing amount of undue influence. Look at the leadership flowchart of these phony groups. Compare it to the “leadership” of the Harborworks board, the outfit looking to “manage” the Gottschalk’s bldg.., the fools in the Graving Yard mess, etc. Now look at the employee list for the “new” Coldwell Banker group. Same sleazy republican weasels who have been attempting to profit from the region’s misery for years. Decent newspapers report these kinds of relationships. Our newspaper reports on branding incidents and garbage can babies.

8:38 AM, February 18, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Craig said: "Does anyone know exactly what the City Manager DOES...other than go to meetings???
Perhaps we don't NEED one."

Anybody who supports this reasoning is completely off base! The same folks can be heard over and over saying WHY DON'T WE RUN CITY GOVERNMENT LIKE A BUSINESS! Well...EVERY business has a CEO, a President, or a Manager who often reports to a Board of Directors, but who is responsible for the day to day operations as well as the long term planning for that business. That is exactly what the City Manager does for us at the City. He reports to the (part-time) City Council, and directly supervises all the Department Heads. Of course he has to go to a LOT of meetings. Another thing, if you look at ANY of the heads of any local business with over 300 employees and a budget of more than $100,000,000, you would find they all make CONSIDERABLY more money than Mr. Myers makes. Do you really want our City to be managed by whoever is willing to present the lowest bid, regardless of their qualifications or ability to do this job. I beleive we are being very well served by Kent Myers, and his services are worth every penny he is being paid.

9:04 AM, February 18, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I beleive we are being very well served by Kent Myers, and his services are worth every penny he is being paid."

I see from the posts above that Myers is paid about what the Governor for the State of Washington is. Are you telling me that he sould be paid the same amount for "managing" the daily affairs of a city of 18,000, as the "manager" of the entire State that very same city is located in??


8:56 PM, February 18, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 8:56 said "Are you telling me that he sould be paid the same amount for "managing" the daily affairs of a city of 18,000, as the "manager" of the entire State that very same city is located in?? "

Yes. Our governor's pay seems to be at around the mid point of governor salaries for states our size, and Mr. Myers salary seems to be at around the mid point for cities of our size, in our state. He is an experienced professional, meeting all the necessary requirements for the job, and we are competing with other cities for his services. This is the "going rate" for those services. I state again, we are lucky to have him, I hope we can keep him.

10:30 AM, February 22, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I state again, we are lucky to have him, I hope we can keep him.


Yes, I can see that the city of Port Angeles has flourished since he has taken control. Through his skills and abilities, he has been able to really turn things around. Things downtown are really different since he got involved. Well worth every penny!

7:33 PM, February 22, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I can see that the city of Port Angeles has flourished since he has taken control. Through his skills and abilities, he has been able to really turn things around. Things downtown are really different since he got involved. Well worth every penny.

Right on!

8:15 AM, February 23, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Yes, I can see that the city of Port Angeles has flourished since he has taken control. Through his skills and abilities, he has been able to really turn things around. Things downtown are really different since he got involved. Well worth every penny.

Right on!

8:15 AM, February 23, 2011


Ya wanna start on a list of how many homes were vacated, how many people left Port Angeles, and how many business closed their doors under Myers' leadership?

Probably are publicly available records.

You want to start, or should I?

10:59 PM, February 23, 2011  
Anonymous Storm Watcher said...

My, my. Doesn't Mr. Myers have a loyal fan club.
I suspect that few in Port Angeles would agree that any City Manager is worth what we are paying Mr. Myers.
Just a few short years ago the manager's salary was in the $120,000 range. Then former manager Mark Madsen & then-mayor KR manipulated things so that Madsen was suddenly given a whopping raise to $144,000 a year. They did this at a hastily-called special meeting of the lame duck city council on a December Sunday in 2007 --- so that the out-going council members would supply enough votes to give this parting gift to their crony.
Kent Myers inadvertently benefited from this gambit to inflate Madsen's salary. The reasoning during the hiring process: the new City Manager should be paid more than the outgoing one, right?
Well, no. I bet there were competent local candidates who would have been willing to accept much less salary than what was offered to Myers. And, the City would have saved paying Myers $17,000 in moving expenses, too.

10:57 AM, February 24, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stormwatcher: tsk-tsk. How dare you point out specifics here? Don't you know only unsubstantiated rhetoric is needed?

Yes, I agree with you. Few in Port Angeles would support paying Meyers what he gets now.

12:20 AM, February 26, 2011  

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