Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Port Angeles School Levy Passes

The Port Angeles School District property tax levy has been approved, 58.98% to 41.02%.

There are about 800 ballots that still need to be counted, but Clallam County Auditor Patty Rosand said:

I don't expect it to change by more than 1 percent in either direction."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh good! The cost of living in Port Angeles just went up again.

9:21 PM, February 09, 2011  
Anonymous Tim said...

More hard-earned tax dollars for underachieving schools...ugh.
...and it'll never change if we keep feeding it.

9:34 PM, February 09, 2011  
Blogger WTF? said...

Not only am I amazed the levy passed, I’m completely blown away by the percentages. 59% to 41% is a rout. If these percentages were for an elective office, they would be considered a landslide. As Tax weary as the citizens of the region are, they still understand the importance of public education, and came out in spades to support the levy. The results of the Edna/Max election, the elimination of Karen Rogers, the passage of the Pool Bond, etc., all indicate to me that, when given the chance to participate in the democratic process, the citizens of PA usually do the right thing. The powers that be are also aware of this fact, which is why stuff like Harborworks is done in secret, why fluoridation will never see a ballot, and why the Bio-Mass project will be shoved down our throats.

9:04 AM, February 10, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

shool levy?
Perhaps SCHOOL

10:28 AM, February 10, 2011  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

OOPS. How'd I miss that?

12:49 PM, February 10, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now Port Angeles, AND Obama get to pay for our 40% graduation rate!

4:51 PM, February 10, 2011  
Anonymous Trish said...

We had our chance to starve the monster.
BTW, why are kids allowed to attend class in their jammies???

10:35 PM, February 11, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

easier to get pregnant if you're already dressed for bed...

9:58 AM, February 12, 2011  
Anonymous Trish said...

WTF, you are so clueless. First of all, if a vote were taken, the citizens of this county would vote overwhelmingly for school vouchers. It is high time we get the government and teachers' unions (who protect under-performing teachers) away from educating our children; why do think we have such a high percentage of home-schooled kids, all of whom go on to do better in college (and life) than their counterparts? We cannot be proud of the ~40% graduation rate, nor how many can't even put a sentence together like a neighbor kid I know who regularly post on Facebook...and he's a senior! How is he going to fare in college...or get a job?
We would be far better off if all education were privatized...the best schools would survive and attract more parents to send their kids there, and would produce a better well-educated citizenry to compete in the real world. They would offer a curriculum devoted to math, science and written and oral communication skills; no more "feel-good" junk courses.

10:54 AM, February 12, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enlightenment for WTF:

1:44 PM, February 12, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Statewide school ratings. Most of local schools are rated "fair" including PA High. "Fair" is only one step up from the bottom -"struggling."
Kudos to Stevens Middle, which is "Exemplary."
No more money should be granted via levies until improvement is shown!

2:24 PM, February 12, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops: I think I forgot the link:

2:27 PM, February 12, 2011  
Blogger WTF? said...

Trish, Tim, Edna, etc.
I’ve noticed the use of e 40% graduation rate in your rants a couple of times; when I look this info up, I‘m finding 60(ish) to 70(ish) percent. Where are you getting your numbers? Are you just making them up? As far as vouchers and this county’s overwhelming support for same, why on earth would you believe that? Have you seen a lot of support for republican scams around here lately? I think the rest of us have noticed the opposite. PUBLIC education means EVERYBODY. So examples about home schooling or private schools have no real place in the discussion. Face it, your beef is publicly funded education, and the fact you have to pay for your share of it. That’s ALWAYS your beef. Doesn’t matter what the issue, your taxes are too high. Pretending you give a shit about education or civic improvement just makes you look dishonest as well as stupid. Kind of like posting under a bunch of different names to make it seem as though someone agrees with you.

4:10 PM, February 12, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Kind of like posting under a bunch of different names to make it seem as though someone agrees with you."

This person has been doing this, here, for many months if not over a year now.

Remember that phrase, "Doing the same thing day after day, and expecting different results"?

10:53 PM, February 12, 2011  
Anonymous Tim said...

Clueless indeed!

10:01 AM, February 13, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is where WTF is wrong, the grad rate is closer to 40-45%, liberal statistics you read don't include students who have dropped out.

For example, class of 2010 had 440 incoming freshman, a shy under 250 graduated. Do the math...

9:01 PM, February 13, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ADD- from my comment before.

The senior class may have only had 300 some students by 2010, but the school mysteriously does not count the kids who didn't make it all four years.

9:04 PM, February 13, 2011  
Blogger WTF? said...

This is where WTF is wrong, the grad rate is closer to 40-45%, liberal statistics you read don't include students who have dropped out.
I’m sure a genius like yourself can direct me to a web site that “proves” the president is foreign born, or that homosexuality can be cured, or that Hillary Clinton murdered Vince Foster, or any of the other wacky things you people believe. When I’m looking at things like this, I look at half a dozen sources and try to decide for myself. NO WHERE could I find a credible source that supports your figures. In any case, unfortunately for you and yours, we still live in a democracy, so the only numbers that matter are 58.98% to 41.02%. And that, dear friend, means you pay the tax. Of course you can always make up silly shit to tell your teabag buddies and post here (freedom of speech for dummies)…

7:31 AM, February 14, 2011  
Anonymous Trish said...

WTF is a real piece of work who most likely is one of those who dropped
One can tell by his "name" alone that his vocabulary is very limited.

10:58 AM, February 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


But, again you ignored what I wrote?

It IS a true statement that PAHS only takes percentages from the current senior class.

Like I said, if there were orginally 400 students in a class as freshman, but only 330 make it be a senior. The school does not count the 70 students who did not make it all four years.

Im not dissapointed in the tax, but answer this why do Private schools in Seattle, with MORE students than PAHS, have graduation rates of 100%???

7:56 PM, February 15, 2011  
Blogger WTF? said...

Im not dissapointed in the tax, but answer this why do Private schools in Seattle, with MORE students than PAHS, have graduation rates of 100%???

You can’t be serious. Private schools don’t have to admit anyone they don’t want to. They don’t have to deal with discipline, or behavioral problems, don’t have special ed, and can expel anyone for whatever offense they determine. The children attending private schools come from economically advantaged households, with scholarships awarded for academic achievement. Public schools have a much different mandate and serve a much broader population. Comparing graduation rates is a ridiculous exercise, and a smokescreen argument.

Like I said, if there were orginally 400 students in a class as freshman, but only 330 make it be a senior. The school does not count the 70 students who did not make it all four years.

How many moved? How many died? How many got pregnant? How many became seriously ill? Has the population in the county been declining? It's pretty rare for a kid to graduate out of the same school district he started kindergarten in. The farther you go back, the longer the odds will grow on ultimate graduation rates. Basically you're using cooked books from teabag sources and wondering why their being ignored.

9:47 PM, February 15, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Im not dissapointed in the tax, but answer this why do Private schools in Seattle, with MORE students than PAHS, have graduation rates of 100%???"

First, it is hard for me to believe there are schools with any substantial numbers of students that have a 100% grad rate. Families move, etc.

And, second, if PAHS had 400 freshman, and 330 made it to be Seniors, and 250 graduated, those are pretty good numbers. Certainly not the 40-45% that dweeb was ranting on about. (50% of 500 is 250)"Do the math". Yep!

10:34 PM, February 15, 2011  
Blogger Unknown said...

I don't understand why anyone would complain about an education levy passing. How can you expect to improve our public education if you aren't offering your support? Yes, Port Angeles School District needs a complete overhaul, but it needs our support (and our tax dollars) to make this possible. The fact that Stevens Middle School received an "Exemplary" rating by the state and Port Angeles High School has a "Fair" rating proves that the District is failing and needs our help: students lose their passion for education as they reach high school and see what a hellhole PAHS has become.They become depressed and many turn to drugs, alcohol, and chemical abuse to temporarily solve their problems. The community has a major role in the success of its students. The parents and teachers of the students need to take on the responsibility to care and provide for them, but "It takes a village to raise a child." I recently moved away from Port Angeles into Spokane, Washington, where I attend a public high school with a 96% graduation rate and is in the top 5% of public schools in the nation (Mount Spokane High School). So, what is the difference? I've lived in the best and worst school districts and it is easy to see why some (such as PASD) fail. It is a lack of community support.

3:43 PM, February 19, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, what is the difference? I've lived in the best and worst school districts and it is easy to see why some (such as PASD) fail. It is a lack of community support.


There are a couple things I'd like to suggest,in response to your post.

You say : "They become depressed and many turn to drugs, alcohol, and chemical abuse to temporarily solve their problems." Few young folks (or others) see drugs and alcohol as anything other than having "fun". It is driven as much by peer pressure, too. You are called derogatory terms if you don't take a swig, or a toke.

Most folks drink and do drugs in the company of others. It has a very strong social component to it.

About no "community support"? This community has a hard time doing much of anything, except fight amongst itself. People have become disillusioned about the "powers-that-be", after so many examples of perceived corruption, self interest, and crony-ism. "How can you trust them " is a common refrain.

Glad that you escaped this pathetic excuse for a community. Good luck!

9:38 AM, February 26, 2011  
Blogger Unknown said...

I agree. Most kids do drugs/get high for fun or to fit in. Its just sad how easy it is for teenagers to obtain them.

You said: "This community has a hard time doing much of anything, except fight amongst itself. People have become disillusioned about the "powers-that-be", after so many examples of perceived corruption, self interest, and crony-ism. "How can you trust them " is a common refrain."

There I DEFINITELY agree. My father resigned as city manager in 2008 because of the illegal activity and conflict among city officials. Anyone who would be a good leader for the city doesn't want to interact with the corrupt "leaders" currently in position.

Its hard to see a city with so much potential for good go to waste in the hands of the wrong people. The citizens of Port Angeles need to realize that they can take control and change their town for the better.

11:17 AM, February 26, 2011  

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