Sunday, February 13, 2011

Fifty-Three Downtown Merchants Sign Petition Against Daytime Construction

Fifty-three downtown business owners have signed a petition urging the city to have the First Street construction work done at night instead of during the day.

Last Wednesday a meeting was called, with no notice, to discuss the construction schedule. Out of the ten business owners who were able to attend, only one objected to having the construction done during daytime business hours.

The Downtown Association has requested another meeting with the city, so that more downtown merchants will have a chance to voice their objections. Glen Cutler said he will try to get another meeting scheduled later this week.


Anonymous Stormy said...

Hooray for the petition signers! That's the spirit!!

10:17 AM, February 13, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't is "funny" that a third rate country like Egypt can recognize the BS they are being told, and DO something about it.

Here in the US, we just fight each other, instead of the government.

We're WAY smarter than those people over there.

9:58 PM, February 13, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cutler will "try" to reschedule a meeting, but you can bet he won't try very hard and that nothing will come of it.

Barb, is your "Mubarak Moment" about to happen?

5:07 AM, February 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aha! Maybe what's needed is a peaceful demonstration at the Gateway bus stop with demonstrators demanding that Cutler and the PADA must go!?
Hope it wouldn't take 18 days of occupying the Gateway for the City to get the message and free us from the oppressors.

8:17 AM, February 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Egypt is a "third rate country"?

And here I always thought it was basically the "cradle of civilization"!

Who knew!

9:32 AM, February 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we aren't way smarter....we're fat, lazy, uneducated, addicted to our television programming, and Walmart. We're too stupid to think outside of the parroting barked at us by the likes of Rush and Foxnews, and all the other b.s.
We are fast becoming one of the dumbest 3rd world countries in the existence.

9:38 AM, February 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Egypt is a "third rate country"?

And here I always thought it was basically the "cradle of civilization"!


Most Americans know very little about ANY country, and therefore assume they all are "third rate", compared to the great, free and wonderful US.

And, don't expect things to change in Port Angeles, or the US. People are WAY smarter than that!

10:09 AM, February 14, 2011  
Anonymous realist said...

key word in the article "cutler will TRY" what this means is, it's a done deal, no one is going to do shit for the merchants, and the construction will go on day AND night. Period. Suck it up merchants.

10:13 AM, February 14, 2011  
Blogger Randall C. Page said...

Hey,your downtown is already on "life-support"! Let them do the work and get it over with. At least you will have some construction workers buying lunch downtown.

10:23 AM, February 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, talk about a bananna republic.

Welcome to the "United Fruit Company of Amerikkka"

10:58 AM, February 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The PADA office is dark today. Barb probably doesn't want to run into any of the angry downtown peasants!

12:44 PM, February 14, 2011  
Blogger Randall C. Page said...

Oh, and one more thing...what is with all this "Anonymous" stuff. Tom Harper has the fortitude to post under his name. Do him the courtesy of posting who you are. Where would this country be if Washington and Jefferson and Adams had signed "Anonymous"?

1:05 PM, February 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Randall, you are so full of it. Bull that construction workers eat downtown. They BRING their lunches. They did for the sewer repairs (previously) for the sidewalk nonsense, and for the entire GATEWAY project.
Downtown is even MORE on life support when people can't get down there, and this town has such tard flagmen that they hold up traffic much longer than ever needed.
You must be a shill for Cutler

1:17 PM, February 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PADA office is dark every day. I don't think she shows up at work except to eat lunch.

1:18 PM, February 14, 2011  
Anonymous Cupid's Caper said...

Barb isn't in the office because Glen Cutler and the downtown sewer contracting firm bought her a Valentine's Day gift of a day of pampering at an out of town spa.

1:19 PM, February 14, 2011  
Blogger Randall C. Page said...

Who is Cutler? I never met him or anyone else from this city's government. I am not a shill for anyone.
To elaborate on my post "Anonymous", the same people who will bad-mouth someone here and sign it Anomymous will run into that person on the street and say "Hey how's it going? Let's get coffee sometime". Being 2-faced has become normal here in America. The folks in Egypt stopped hiding behind "Anonymous"...will you?

1:45 PM, February 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Randall, few of us will post under our names because of the GRIEF you get from the small minded folk in town. It's a small town, and there are revenge things that happen, especially if you are a downtown merchant.
The paranoid often DO have someone after them.

1:53 PM, February 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously? You guys are advocating armed revolution against the City of Port Angeles?

Yeah, good luck with that.

1:54 PM, February 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

two things.
First, I cannot get my "google account" set up right. It keeps trying to snag my gmail account name, which I don't want.
Next, annon is the easiest. I don't really give a rats ass who knows what I write. Part of the joy of the internet is to speak your mind, openly.
As for being nice to anyone. I am rarely nice to anyone, so rest assured I'm not two faced.

1:56 PM, February 14, 2011  
Blogger Randall C. Page said...

Well alright then you Anon's; I understand the situation a little better now. I wish nothing but success and prosperity for Port Angeles! But, there is the middle ground where you speak for yourself with courtesy and dignity and not snide remarks behind a facade. If the "tard flagmen" are a problem take them a coffee and talk to them. Tell them what you need. If the workers bring their lunches maybe offer them 1 free each week. Work with them and they will work with you. Good Luck!

3:09 PM, February 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously? You guys are advocating armed revolution against the City of Port Angeles?

Yeah, good luck with that.


Did I miss something? Where is someone advocating armed revolution against the city?

Where do I sign up?

5:33 PM, February 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cuttler got meeting with Barb and PA DA. Wednesday - at 7:30 a.m. at City Hall. So be there

6:41 PM, February 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

pffffftt! "armed revolution against the city" we can't even figure out how to meet to have coffee...

7:24 PM, February 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Randall C. page" you're so full of it yourself with your "profile not available"

Piss off?

7:41 PM, February 14, 2011  
Blogger Randall C. Page said...

7:58 PM, February 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
pffffftt! "armed revolution against the city" we can't even figure out how to meet to have coffee...

No kidding!

The Egyptians swept the streets the "day after". Here in Port Angeles, well, we just are stupid. We can't even get started, much less do anything.

8:57 PM, February 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Toggery is up for sale, the Itty Bitty Buzz is in financial difficulties, Country Aire is moving to Race Street. It's going to be a difficult summer for downtown!

5:40 AM, February 15, 2011  
Blogger WTF? said...

In all the disagreement and contentiousness usually associated with this site, one fact remains. NOBODY has a word of defense for Mr. Cutler. That fact alone should be telling. Even the AWFUL Karen Rogers had her defenders. But talk to anyone you know out in the Westside annexation area. Ooooh they hate him. Talk to the Downtown about the last construction fiasco there- Ooooh they hate him. I haven’t talked to his mom, or his dog, but that don’t look good either.

As far as “those construction workers don’t eat downtown”, well DUH. If my choice was flab on toast at the Corner House, or truly awful bowel churning Chinese, or a tasty tidbit from the converted Denny’s Crab House, I’d bring a sack lunch too. The guy who built the burger joint between the bridges did alright during THAT construction. Of course, he was serving a quality product, which sets him apart from most downtown businesses. First St. Haven and Cock a Doodle are serving up some pretty good stuff, but “Man cannot live on soup and donuts alone”. Construction or no construction, Downtown is a bleak pit of a place, populated by and large by businesses I wouldn’t patronize if THEY were paying ME.

10:01 AM, February 15, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

even when there WAS a quality product downtown (great sandwiches) right next to a construction site, the workers didn't come in.
Even the fast food shop on Railroad complained that there was ZERO bump up. I suspect the workers are getting part-time hours and/or minimum wage, at best, and erratic hours. Most of them carpool to the job sites, too. (Never a sign that they're paid well.)
Everyone, and their stinking brother gets screwed in these deals.

11:08 AM, February 15, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice art Randall

11:09 AM, February 15, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry I called you a shill for Cutler, Randall. Now that I think about it he probably has none.
WTF is right. (*as usual*)

11:10 AM, February 15, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, there sure are alot of optimistic people on this page! But then again I guess liberals always do have that cowardly bent-over posture and scowl on their faces when you see 'em.
Thay seem to actually root for the downtown to fail, because then there would be more people to join 'em in their miserable minimalist lives.

11:12 AM, February 15, 2011  
Blogger WTF? said...

Thay seem to actually root for the downtown to fail, because then there would be more people to join 'em in their miserable minimalist lives.

If by minimalist you mean that we can do without Harborworks scammers, Graving Yard failures, dirty attempts to steal local elections, the entire crooked PABA (all Republicans) you’re right.

2:41 PM, February 15, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Everyone, and their stinking brother gets screwed in these deals."

Well, not everyone. Excelteck seems to make a lot. Some consulting firms seem to get alot. Some of the city folks seem to be getting alot.

7:10 PM, February 15, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"But then again I guess liberals always do have that cowardly bent-over posture and scowl on their faces when you see 'em.
Thay seem to actually root for the downtown to fail, because then there would be more people to join 'em in their miserable minimalist lives."

Do I really have to do this AGAIN? You mean those "miserable minimalists" liberals like Sir Richard Branson, U2s' Bono, or CNN founder Ted Turner? These guys can buy entire countries, and do so much for others.

Unlike the sour sad fools like you.

7:19 PM, February 15, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I guess liberals always do have that cowardly bent-over posture and scowl on their faces when you see 'em."

Yeah, that sounds like all the "Liberals" that said " Yes WE CAN!" with joy. And the people who were trying to move America forward, the Republicans, with their strategy of "Just say NO to everything"?

As credible as that ole lead balloon. As always. Stupid is as stupid does.

8:44 PM, February 15, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Even the fast food shop on Railroad complained that there was ZERO bump up."

What, Dairy Queen? Have you ever eaten there? Then you'd know why they aren't getting customers.

10:58 PM, February 15, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah DQ it's cheap, it's dirty--but even cheap dirty food wasn't on the construction workers lunch menu. Nor the great deli, that died from not enough business. Why'd that happen? Someone tried to do something really cool with good food, spices, happy faces serving you. Couldn't turn the corner.
Place closed down. Every time I walk by it brings a tear to my eye.
Tom, you used to go there, too, right?

12:11 AM, February 16, 2011  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

Yup, Spicer's Deli; great place. I hated to see them go under.

12:44 PM, February 16, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DQ, Edna's favorite place to eat!

1:25 PM, February 16, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DQ: Great burgers!

9:09 PM, February 16, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DQ is owned by the India Oven people, they also own the Arco station up Lincoln....

12:25 AM, February 17, 2011  

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