Programs and Positions Eliminated at Peninsula College
This isn't exactly "news" but it finally made it to the PDN. Peninsula College will be eliminating 17 full-time positions, five part-time positions and several programs. Programs on the chopping block include fisheries studies and a massage program.
The college will also be enrolling fifty fewer full-time students.
The college will also be enrolling fifty fewer full-time students.
Hey! This looks like a good story to introduce myself to. I mean it's not a good story meaning or anything but, it's about education and all that, y'know? And I'm all about education. It's like the foundation of our whole educational system, which I support.
Anyway, part of education is good leadership, right? I mean, if your teacher is like the captain of your team then when you, or we, all do better we're all doing well. Right? Of course.
Anyway, don't you think it's about time we had some good captain and leadership here in Port Angeles? Someone who has lived here for more than a year - not that that's like a slam at education or anything because I totally support that, right? But, really, we need new local ideas from someone whose been here awhile. Good local, American ideas that will support us and our economy and our education - which I totally support.
So anyway, if you support good education and economy then you should also be support of new, local leaders who will be coming forward to help support our local economy later this year. Which is not the same as some sort fo buy local thing, which I support except for the parts that people see trouble with. Because its all about the people. And I'm one of them too. Just like you.
Thank's for listening.
Bhodi, cut back on the coffee, pal.
Oh sweet Jesus. Don't tell me that fool is out there thinking about running for City Council again. Please, please, tell me it ain't so!
I swear...the weather in February-March sucks worse than December-January. I need to go to 'Zona!
Hee hee you said "clevins"...
Well, as my pappy always used to say "you might be able to lead a monkey to bananas, but that don't mean you can roll down the window and puke out of an airplane."
Sometimes people don't understand me because they don't know what I'm saying. Hopefully this clears that up.
Anonymous 6:08 AM, March 03, 2011 I'm sorry your monkey is sick.
"Sometimes people don't understand me because they don't know what I'm saying."
Oh, instead of Cody running this time, I think they should back Lonnie.
At least Lonnie is up front for what he is.
Oh I get it... "Bohdi Clevins"... "Cody Blevins". very clever. Better watch out, since he's a puppet of the realtor conspiracy, you might be taken away in the middle of the night by the secret realtor police and tortured by downtown Barb.
At least Cody Blevins has a job. That's more than we can say for the ever-unemployed "Mania". How long has it been? Just about a year? Don't those unemployment bennies ever run out?
Not surprising news. I'm caught between being alarmed by what's going on with education (cutback, high tuition increases) and wondering if education as we knew it has outlived its usefulness.
Okay, massage classes I don't worry that much about. Earlier in the decade we were cranking out massage therapists like crazy. I'm sure the market is way past the point of saturation. But fisheries? I thought that would always be in demand around these parts. That's discouraging.
Actually I thumbed through PC's spring catalog and the whole thing looks discouraging. Maybe I'm misremembering but it looks like there are a LOT less choices and a lot more soft classes.
On the other hand, hey, whatever. Look, if Joe Student has the aptitude for learning, there is nothing that will stop him or her from making learning a life-long experience. You want to learn about the Louisiana Purchase? About quark spins? About English composition? You don't have to listen to a boring lecture on the school's convenience, fire up your computer (or use the library's) and get surfing.
School is becoming increasingly irrelevant. It's good for social interaction, for teamwork building, for hands-on demonstration of subjects like massage therapy and fisheries... But for pure knowledge, if you've got the aptitude and the self-motivation there are a lot easier and cheaper ways to research the subject. I learned nothing about ASP or PHP in school, but I bought a couple books and did a lot of research and I can make programs in both languages now, to varying degrees of success. Total cost to me: a fraction of what it would cost to go to school and at my own schedule, not someone else's. As tuition keeps rising above the point of affordability, we'll start seeing more and more people learning on their own.
It's about time that program was put to rest. Don't like seeing people losing their jobs. Massage therapy is just that; therapy. It is not a job for the unemployed as Ms. Lawson says. One needs to be highly trained and have a feel for working intimately and safely for starters.You might even say one has to have a calling. What we have with these graduates are underskilled, quick buck, insecure bottom feeders giving a bad name to what the profession actually is. How many graduates of this program have criminal records? I'm just saying.
"School is becoming increasingly irrelevant."
I agree with you about the joys of knowledge a computer can provide. I use mine every day, and mostly for research. (I don't have any "social networking" accounts, other than email, and don't play computer games)
But, what about certification? In some cases, "knowing" is not enough. People (rightly) want some form of certification to know you have covered certain topics with a determined degree of competency.
Ya know?
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