Sunday, March 11, 2012

Guest Speaker from Ecology Department at PABA meeting

Rebecca Lawson, toxics cleanup manager from the state Department of Ecology, will be the guest at this Tuesday's meeting of the Port Angeles Business Association.  She'll be discussing the cleanup of the Rayonier property and Port Angeles Harbor.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, that's gonna be a tough crowd.

7:52 PM, March 11, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like, PABA is worth driving from Olympia for a 7 AM meeting for? What a waste of time.

10:15 PM, March 11, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A bit off topic, but, WHEN did paid city staff become information manipulating advocates for a specific project, instead of being the support staff for the citizen elected representatives such as the City Council, Board of County Commissioners, etc?

These days, the staff run the city more than our elected reps do! What is with THAT??!!

The staff meet with consultants, and decide what should be done, and the City Council just rubber stamps what staff "suggests" with little discussion.

We don't get to elect "staff".

Who really runs our local government?


10:42 PM, March 11, 2012  
Blogger BBC said...

That's been being discussed for over ten years....

4:03 AM, March 12, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's an idea: give "Max" a shovel, a rake and wheelbarrow and have him clean up the "mess" at the Rayonier site.

Oh, wait. That would be work and "work" is something "Max" is adverse to.

Still on unemployment "Max"?

5:20 AM, March 12, 2012  
Blogger BBC said...

I'm thinking you couldn't do a deep clean at the old mill site cuz you'd unearth old native remains and that gets them upset cuz they think da spirits hang out in those old bones.

That's backwards thinking if you ask me cuz no self respecting spirit gives a crap about old bones, but it's not likely they are going to change their minds about that and get with this century.

3:16 PM, March 12, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Who really runs our local government?"

"That's been being discussed for over ten years...."

As if anybody really cares. A few like to bitch and moan, but that is about as much as ya get.

Just the way staff likes it.

11:18 PM, March 12, 2012  

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