Monday, June 03, 2013

Port Angeles and Port Townsend Honored by Main Street Program

Washington State's Main Street Program has given awards to the Port Angeles Downtown Association and the Port Townsend Main Street Program.  The Port Angeles Downtown Association received an organizational excellence award for its youth volunteer program.  This program allows people between the ages of ten and eighteen to help plan community events and, in the process, learn how businesses operate.

The Port Townsend Main Street Program received an economic vitality award for its communication plan to help shoppers find their way through last year's downtown street construction.


Blogger BBC said...


4:38 PM, June 03, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the Farm to School program gets a heads up from Michelle Obama, huge news for a small area, and a school prank in Chimicum, involving fifty cents worth of spray paint, and one misspelled word gets headlines in the PDN....sigh.....Oh, so heartwarming, those kiddos...nice to see what the youngin's are up to! ...VOMIT.

2:27 AM, June 04, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's some news that the PDN probably will not report on, but that should be of interest to at least some people: the PT and PA paper mills are needing renewals of their permits to pollute the water with their industrial effluents. There will be meetings coming up in both cities to explain the proposed permit conditions and accept public comments. Two big smelly polluting industries - one in each town - undoubtedly impacting the "Main Streets" - but the townspeople soldier-on in the face of juggernaut big corporations, and probably deserve to get some awards for doing so.

1:12 PM, June 04, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barb Frederick is a HUGE joke. As is the PADA. Typical Port ANGELES.

2:47 PM, June 04, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What have you got againste juggernaut big corporations? They're people too, you know!

4:27 PM, June 04, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The City of Port Angeles and businesses owned by "those inclined to partake in tea" in Port Angeles to 1:12: THAT'S AMERICA!

49% of the voters in Clallam: THAT'S AMERICA!

30% of the voters in Clallam: I'm not political.

4:57 PM, June 04, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:27 - Yup, they are people. We should stop feeding them, they would go away.

4:59 PM, June 04, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dominos(tm) Pizza is using drones to deliver pizza now. BBC, please don't shoot down my pizza!

Seriously, will solve the problem of "delivery only" medical herb outlets, and the new DUI requirements/crackdown.

New term! ODWI

If you are baked, and flying a drone around, will be hard to prove that. Could be automated though. Lightweight cargo too. Beer, that would be nice to have delivered to a remote campsite, but too heavy I guess.

Oh, great, I can see it, little drone highways, delivering beer and cigarettes. And dry socks. Ruining it for everyone, driving up the cost of drone deliveries here.

2:48 AM, June 05, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 4:57 says: "The City of Port Angeles and businesses owned by "those inclined to partake in tea" in Port Angeles to 1:12."

So, you're saying the vast majority of businesses and the City of Port Angeles would rather be served tea, instead of.. what?

Not sure what you're trying to say.

9:18 AM, June 05, 2013  
Blogger BBC said...

Hum, a drone delivering beer will somehow need proof of age, and maybe a credit/debit card swipe slot.

Well, maybe not the outlaws will have drones also and not care who they sell to.

9:56 AM, June 05, 2013  
Blogger BBC said...

Do you need to Tip a Drone? Can you shoot them down for free pizzas?

1:07 PM, June 05, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure the FOM (Friends of Max) would prefer local businesses serve Fair Traded coffee or mineral water from the mountains of Bhutan (in BPA-free bottles, of course)!

4:53 PM, June 05, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The $100,000+ the City authorizes to PADA every year is woeful and speaks loudly to the lack of vision and leadership of our City leaders. Three Council positions will run unopposed this fall. Does anyone believe that citizens are happy with the direction of where Port Angeles is headed and therefore, we need to allow three people to run unopposed because they're going a good job? Apathy and cynicism are the likely reasons why few people want to participate. As someone noted in a recent PDN article, the same people get "recycled" in leadership positions in Port Angeles - like dying and going to the same place. I get the concept of no bitching if you aren't willing to get involved - well, lots of people have gotten involved and run into brick walls. There's something fundamentally wrong with our public discourse and political process in Port Angeles.

6:31 PM, June 05, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"There's something fundamentally wrong with our public discourse and political process in Port Angeles."

Yes. To say the least.

8:53 PM, June 05, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bainbridge Island has an incredible "main street" on Winslow Way. Tons of people walking around visiting all the shops. Something Port Angeles could only dream of.

9:24 PM, June 05, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can generally count the number of people walking around downtown Port Angeles on the finger of one finger.

No trees, no benches, empty storefronts, and Barb Frederick. Not exactly a recipe for success.

6:14 AM, June 06, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many hundreds of thousands (if mot millions) of people live within a half hours' drive to Bainbridge? Or Tacoma? Or Poulsbo?

The ENTIRE Clallam County has around 80,000 people, from Forks east. Factor in how many of those are kids, who are in school or home. Factor in how many are in retirement homes, or are elderly and mostly stay home.

Then factor in how many are on unemployment, disability, etc.

Out of that 80,000 how many people are actually available to do much of ANYTHING in Port Angeles? And, given it is 120 miles to the I-5, and those populations, what do we offer that they can't do closer?

250 miles in the car, round trip, to do what? Go skiing? Many ski resorts closer to the I-5 corridor. Hike in the mountains? Lots of beautiful parks closer than Port Angeles. Go kayaking? Lots of coastline and boat ramps closer than Port Angeles.

People do think about how much time they spend driving to and from a place, these days.

Maybe, some day, the so-called leadership in this town will look at the realities of what is Port Angeles, instead of pursuing pipe dreams.

9:27 AM, June 06, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen to all the excuses for why Port Angeles struggles . . . especially downtown. There's only 80,000 in the county . . we're miles away from a major metropolitan area . . we're unemployed . . we're on disability . . and so on and so on!! Stinkin Thinkin. Well friends, just look down the road at Port Townsend. They have a booming downtown. The business owners and Main Street program actually have their shit together. They made a DECISON to be SUCCESSFUL - that is the difference. Their downtown is welcoming, its a destination, there's substance. They have an active Main Street program where business owners participate and feel that they are a vital part of the community. You can't say that about Port Angeles. What you can say is that a small isolated group of self serving downtown business owners(some of which have been PADA board members forever) are taking advantage of a already broken downtown . . taking City money . . and not really doing much to either bring people together or promote downtown Port Angeles in an effective way. And the sad part of all this . . . goes back to our elected City leaders, who essentially are enablers . . . allowing the PADA to operate in a vacuum, yet continue to fund them with City tax money. And our City leaders are full of excuses as well. No wonder three City Council races will run unopposed this fall . . . and there was almost a fourth. Leadership is needed, not excuses.

10:11 AM, June 06, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Go kayaking? Lots of coastline and boat ramps closer than Port Angeles."

Oh come on, lots of people come up for the kayak fest. Why the attendance rates for this year alone are... oh. Wait, it got canceled this year didn't it? Nevermind...

12:15 PM, June 06, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obviously trying to have a thriving main street that depends on tourists is going to fail here.

We need a main street (or several spread throughout the city, even) that meets the needs of the people who actually live here.

Step 1 should be abandoning the downtown area which is in a flood and tsunami zone. 5th or 8th street would be a much better location.

2:00 PM, June 06, 2013  
Blogger BBC said...


3:02 PM, June 06, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it just me or do I feel it's best to stay off the roads around the times of the George Burns tribute concert?

In other breaking news...Esther Williams died. Didn't know she was so old.

5:41 PM, June 06, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One in three, a year...

Not a rural area, either. So much for that theory, local mental health officials...pfffftt...

It's the teabaggers, I think, making everyone want to slit their wrists. At a higher rate...

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

2:47 AM, June 07, 2013  
Blogger BBC said...

Have a great weekend? Damn right, I'm going fishing, it's free fishing weekend.

4:21 PM, June 07, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Step 1 should be abandoning the downtown area"

Many of us already have.

9:25 PM, June 09, 2013  

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