Sunday, June 02, 2013

Olympic Composites Corridor and Advanced Composites Center Initiative to be Topic of Chamber Meeting

At tomorrow's Chamber of Commerce luncheon, the guest speakers will be Michael Fancher, senior program manager of the National Center of Manufacturing Sciences; and Bob Lawrence-Markarian, executive director of community and business education at Peninsula College.  They will be discussing the Olympic Composites Corridor and Advanced Composites Center Initiative.

This same meeting will also announce the June Business of the Month and June Beautification Award recipients.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

BBC - One good benefit of increased immigration. Better music! Isn't there an Argentenian restaurant opening in Forks? Will you drive?

1:52 PM, June 02, 2013  
Blogger BBC said...

I trust that they will have a fine meeting.

@ 1:52 PM..... Nothing in Forks I want to see, would like to go camping at Hobuck Beach again though, do some fishing for sea perch.

2:10 PM, June 02, 2013  
Anonymous 1:52 said...

BBC - Thanks, did not know that was there. I've been to Cape Flattery, in the rain, twice. And I've hiked the Cape Alava/Sand Pt. trail, camped for a few days. That's an adventure.

8:24 PM, June 02, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As energy, and seemingly all costs for running a business continue to get more and more expensive, this seems like a perfect time to explore attracting new businesses to locate 120 miles from anywhere!

Pathetic town. No wonder it has the highest suicide rates in the State.

8:24 AM, June 03, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The composite corridor?
A good idea!
Thanks to ACTI for creating the interest and 140 jobs!

5:12 AM, June 04, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clearly, manufacturing businesses look to locate their facilities far from their clients and support services so as to be as competitive as possible.

Just like high-end car dealerships will want to locate on the former Rayonier mill site, with its' multi-million gallon tank-o-crap smack dab in the middle.

It was only a few years ago the local brain trust promoted THAT vision.

Yes, the local leadership really has their finger on the pulse of how to make things happen!

10:16 AM, June 05, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In all of this I smell a scheme to funnel more government money into private hands - a la the Business Incubator idea. The promoters went all around to service clubs and local government meetings drumming up excitement about the prospect of creating local jobs through an Incubator process.
It provided jobs for the inept leader, and left the community holding the bag for hundreds of thousands of dollars of unpaid debt.

10:59 AM, June 05, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least they tried something. Far better than those who just sit back and take potshots!

7:03 AM, June 06, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"At least they tried something. Far better than those who just sit back and take potshots!"

Scheming the public out of hundreds of thousands of dollars is a good thing in your opinion? Better than raising questions and helping people understand how ill-advised these schemes are, have been, and continue to be?

Anon 10:59 is right on target.

9:32 AM, June 06, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob Lawrence is a complete bozo. No real world skills or experience. PERFECT for the PABA and Chamber crowds.

11:01 AM, June 06, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be sure to follow the advanced composites center for updates. Go to Click the Follow Us tab on the bottom left of the landing page and enter your email to subscribe. It's that easy...

3:35 AM, September 28, 2013  

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