Sunday, April 27, 2014

Port Angeles Sustainable Business Association

Howard Sprouse of the Port Angeles Sustainable Business Association will be the guest speaker at Tuesday's meeting of the Port Angeles Business Association.  He'll be introducing his plan for repurposing the former Peninsula Plywood site.

Howard Sprouse is or was (I can't tell if this website information is current or not) the President and CEO of The Remediators, which offers on-site cleanup of contaminated property using the natural ability of micro-organisms to dissolve organic compounds.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, as the name implies, there is a "Port Angeles Business Association", this is a proposal for the use of the Pen Ply site that was put together by members of that Association, and Howard Sprouse is doing a spiel about it at this Tuesdays' PABA.

2:13 PM, April 27, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Incorrect, this is actually a hair brained idea promoted by the PORT O' CRAP tabloid newspaper publisher/editor Dale Wilson.
It is a preposterous proposal for the development of an actual "Maggot Farm" and "garbage decomposition" Factory adjacent to and just up wind from downtown Port Angeles, and the Family Medicine Clinic.
Smells fishy to me.
Actually, IT STINKS.
Just like Port O' CRAP.

3:53 PM, April 27, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@Anon 3:53

Amazing! You know what it is all about! Wrong!

Maybe you should go to the PABA meeting Tuesday morning, and learn something.

You might not look so dumb if you did, but no guarantees there.

4:53 PM, April 27, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous #2 WRONG as Anonymous #1 said it is a proposal from the Port Angeles Sustainable Business Association.
The smell downtown is so nice right now, saw dust and poop smell from the mill. Doesn't get any better than that.
So Anonymous #2 what's your great idea? Maybe wait for some pie from the I-5 corridor? Widgets for Boeing? With our vast amounts of aerospace engineers?
Its an IDEA which is supposed to instill a dialog not a rabid all cap hater spiel. Looks like you have a problem with a news paper printing some truth?
And why not maggots? What's wrong with maggots?

5:08 PM, April 27, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Maggot Farm"?

I did a quick google search, and found this.

If this is the kind of thing the Sustainable Business folks are talking about, it makes a LOT more sense than trucking all our organic wastes to Oregon.

Looks clean, neat. Employing people. Jobs. Using stuff we're now paying to get rid of.

"Hair brained"? Doesn't look like it to me.

7:12 PM, April 27, 2014  
Blogger BBC said...

In 200 years (or less) nature isn't going to give a shit, she'll do what she wants to do with the place.

Meanwhile, I ran into Jackson today at the Safeway west fuel island. Swell guy, Jackson.

7:32 PM, April 27, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maggot Farming?
Please, please lets not be talking about actually breeding maggots.

In the news: Port Angeles, WA the Maggot Capital of the Pacific Northwest.

This will really make tourists will "fly" in!

7:37 AM, April 28, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a minute.
Why on earth would we even be talking about doing this on the waterfront harbor we're supposed to be planning to clean up?
That's just CRAZY!
The infrastructure, food supply and "breeding stock" is already in place at the west end of 18th Street!
It's called the LANDFILL!

7:41 AM, April 28, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saw this in Port of call newspaper, hmmmm
Anything promoted by Port Of Call should be regarded with suspicion.
The editor is so weird. Port call seems to try and spread suspicion and hatred toward any who do not agree with Mr. Wilsons little view of his little world.
Weird is being kind.

7:53 AM, April 28, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In looking at the article in the Port O Call that the previous poster referenced, I see a distillery, a bunch of greehouses, shellfish and fish growing facilities, a cannery, and more.

Wow! If they can get this going in downtown Port Angeles, that would be really great. I'd love to be able to go get booze and fresh food, made locally. It would be a vast improvement over what is going on there, now.

8:21 AM, April 28, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remediators is proven to be a successful process and serious business that has real potential.

To bad they have gotten themselves mixed up with uncredible promoters like Port Of Call.

What's all this about maggot farming and organic garbage recycling?
Sounds like a terrible health department/health risk issue.

Why even try to grow food on the bitterly cold harbor waterfront?

Hope someone comes to their senses and pushes this outside the City limits, maybe Sequim where its warmer, but certainly away from rotting garbage and any notion of purposeful fly larva breeding.

Hope Remediators can help more with cleaning up the harbor lands. And, that they stir clear of any interests in sifting through garbage for the rotten food we all through out because it was already spoiled. Yuckey.

9:41 AM, April 28, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, ignorance is a wonderful thing.

Must be the same types that would have said "If people were meant to fly, they would have wings".

10:29 AM, April 28, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We used to push our garbage right over the cliff, and into the Strait. Why would we want to do anything different?

Things are going SO well in Port Angeles, no need to change anything. Let's just keep doing what we're doing.

No need for the Port O Call. Our paper gives us the happy happy news we only need to hear. We don't need to hear any other points of view.

Wur happy here, go way.

10:49 AM, April 28, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i heard ACTI is leaving town? anyone in the know?

12:00 PM, April 28, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with anonymous above who said no need for Port O Crap.

Port O Crap's only accomplishment is that it's actually worse than the daily rag.

Proof, that just because something is free, it's not necessary worth it.

5:30 PM, April 28, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, yes. The classic "Divide and Conquer" tactic. Try to undermine support for those that are questioning all the reasons why Port Angeles is in the trouble that it is.

Too stoooopid to recognize sarcasm, the poster agrees with a position that wants everything to remain the same. Doesn't care that the policies and actions of the past and current local government and it's suppoters have raised the debt load on average Port Angeles residents soo high, that many a choosing to leave. Stores are closing shop, leaving numerous empty spaces downtown. As shops close, and people leave, taxing revenues to the City are reduced, and less services are provided.

This creates a situation where businesses and industries looking to move to Port Angeles see a city with high taxes, and excessive debt. They move elsewhere.

But, the poster above doesn't care. They don't even want to investigate what is going on, or who is doing it. They don't care about our children's future.

Fortunately for the rest of us, this poster is a distinct minority. They can rant and rave, until they fade away.

Every town has got one.

9:36 AM, April 29, 2014  
Blogger WTF? said... is a cool site. Thanks to 7:12 PM, April 27, 2014

Thats all I know about maggots. I have no details re: Mr. Sprouse's plan. I would say if he's on the level, and is proposing a facility like the one in Vancouver, let's rock.

If on the other hand, if this is just another log peeler guy looking for a score, then shoo, fly, go away.

I think at this point, we should allow Mr. Sprouse a chance to explain his proposal to as many people as possible, particularly owing to the credibility problems of papers like PDN or poc, and organizations like PABA, PADA, the Port and the Chamber. I just don't want to Poo Poo this guy's proposal because of some of the people he has to associate with in order to get it off the ground.

10:39 AM, April 30, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the clarity, WTF?.

As one of the members of the Port Angeles Sustainable Business Association, I can assure readers of a couple things.

First, as pointed out above, Mr. Sprouse is also a member, who contributed to the creation of the proposal. It is not "his"; he is a spokesperson for the group that created it.

Second, as pointed out above, the proposal envisions a number of different businesses.

More later.

1:17 PM, April 30, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is a link that describes more fully the various businesses the Port Angeles Sustaianable Business Association currently is working with. Obviously, more will evolve.

2:11 PM, April 30, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's call the maggot farm what it really is ..Black Soldier fly farming...Visit the Enterra Company website out of BC. Dr David Suzuki is a partner/advisor of this very innovative new sustainable business. Sure wish people would get informed before revealing their ignorance!

8:09 PM, May 04, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:09 - Thanks! Wow, that's interesting. An hour gone from my life, reading up on these things, and worth it. Who knew? I didn't.

10:48 PM, May 04, 2014  

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