Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Sequim School Bond Measure Defeated

Voters have rejected a request for a $154 million bond for renovation of Sequim schools.  School Board president John Bridge said:

“That's shocking. That's a disappointing number.  What are we going to do now with these needs that aren't going away?” 

According to Tuesday's first ballot count, the measure was losing, 56.5% to 43.5%.  It needed a 60% majority in order to pass.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

no surprise there

11:19 AM, April 23, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought this was Port Angeles Online, not Sequim. And how come you're always cribbing topics from Port Angeles Unearthed? They hit the schools and bonds thing before 7am this morning.

12:08 PM, April 23, 2014  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

Anon. @ 12:08 p.m.: In order to "crib topics from Port Angeles Unearthed," I'd have to know what that pitiful anonymous coward is writing about, and that would require actually going over to that retarded site and looking at that garbage. If I ever get bored enough to do that, I think watching paint dry would be more interesting.

"7 a.m. this morning" -- as opposed to what, 7 a.m. this evening? 7 p.m. this morning? Buy yourself a grammar textbook, if you can afford one.

3:37 PM, April 23, 2014  
Blogger BBC said...

$154 million is a lot of bucks. We may not mind spending it so much if administrators didn't think they was worth so frigging much.

Why do people that are suppose to be serving the greater need think they are worth so much?

Fuck them, they wouldn't make a pimple on Helen's ass.

6:48 PM, April 23, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was talking about this ever increasing debt load thing, this morning with a friend. It seems this is happening everywhere.

Seems that the staff that write these reports that result in motions by one entity of government or another to increrase taxes, don't take ALL the other existing taxes into consideration.

Sure, of course, there are always things that need upgrading, or replacement. There is no end to things we need, or need to do. The issue is, can we afford to pay for everything we want, all at once?

This "fractured" and isolated approach to public services management just cannot continue. The debt load is getting to be way too much.

7:38 PM, April 23, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you have a family, I wouldn't move to Sequim! Move to PA, we have better school infrastructure, and are building more soon!

Cranky old farts in Sequim! I forget if it was in the comment section or the article, but I love the quote about taxes going up $350 on the $800,000 house. Too much! Suffer the consequences kiddos!

10:57 PM, April 23, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Selfish fat old Republicans whining about helping the next generations, making up excuses not to give away any of their precious loot -- that's what's behind this vote.

Some of those poor over-taxed selfish old farts regularly bloviate here. Sad.

1:50 AM, April 24, 2014  
Blogger BBC said...

@1:50 AM,

I hope that you are not jumping to conclusions and referring to me. I paid my share of school taxes during all my working years without complaint.

Now I am retired and live on a retirement income of 1001 bucks a month, without government assistance, I'd like to see you do that.

So I'm thrifty, sue me.

11:50 AM, April 24, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

somebody always wants my money, fuck all of you, it's mine!

1:54 PM, April 24, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, we would rather give a private corporation millions in tax breaks, subsidies, and more, and give 75 billion a month in "tapering" funds to bail out the Wall Street whiz kids, than properly fund our own childrens' education, or future.

It isn't that we are not already taxed enough. Even over taxed. I saw it posted that the US spends over $600 billion a year on "defense", while the next biggest global spender, China, with a population 4 times the size of the US, spends $144 billion a year.

And, how many billions a year in "foriegn aid" to countries all over the world?

It isn't that we don't pay enough in taxes, it is what that tax money gets spent on. Obviously, our children, and our citizens' needs are pretty low on that list!

2:50 PM, April 24, 2014  
Blogger BBC said...

Also keep in mind the gambling was suppose to support the schools, I wonder just how much of the profits actually go to the schools.

I own property, but it isn't worth much so another bond passing wouldn't cost me much and I could get an exemption because of my income. I've never bothered filing for one cuz I don't mind still trying to help.

It is those in their 30's, 40's and 50's that an increase would hurt most.

3:56 PM, April 24, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon 2:50pm,
you are dead right, our governments priorities are fucked up for sure

6:18 AM, April 25, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A total myth - that Republicans regularly bloviate on this blog! Not true! Hmmm, wonder how that myth got started? If they do come here in the future, and say hateful, stupid things, they know they will have to deal with my potty mouth!

9:21 PM, April 25, 2014  
Anonymous Gilda said...

The Sequim Bond failing should be a wake up call for Port Angeles. Some of our public schools are in rough shape: a stadium where the playing field is better for mosquito breeding than for soccer; water pipes so corroded that they had to close off the drinking fountains and a sad feeling of drab ugliness at the high school that helps make high school a downer.

The PA district is planning to run a levy soon for re-building some of our schools. I very much hope that Port Angeles can make an investment in the school infrastructure but it needs to be smart and well thought out so we don't waste a bunch of money that we don't have on something that doesn't really meet the need.
Anyone interested in the future of Port Angeles should get involved in the planning and design for re-building our schools.

12:31 PM, April 27, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, I believe we all know who the "Crypt Kicker" is and the motivation behind the PAU blog.

9:26 AM, May 01, 2014  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

You're right, there's no doubt. I thought he had left town a long time ago. Or maybe he did and he's doing all his trolling and libeling from his new location. Either way, it can only be this one (unnamed) sick individual.

10:01 AM, May 01, 2014  
Blogger BBC said...

I have no idea who the "Crypt Kicker" is, I only looked at that blog about two times.

10:05 AM, May 01, 2014  

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