Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Debate over Pleasant Harbor Resort in Brinnon

The was an open house in Brinnon today to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the Pleasant Harbor Resort, which was first proposed in 2006.  The proposed resort would be located about two miles south of Brinnon.  Some guests at the open house were in favor of the resort because of the economic benefits; others were concerned about the resort's impact on the environment and the small-town quality of life in Brinnon.  One person said:

“This community doesn't have any industry left except for tourism and shellfish. Forestry is gone.  What troubles me is that it has taken so long. We don't have any family-wage jobs, our school enrollment is down and our food bank use is up.   We have become a destitute community.”

Someone else said:

“It's a beautiful project. I know it will change things here.  My mother-in-law has lived here for years and said as soon as she can smell french fries, she's moving out.”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It probably will do well, given it is so much closer to the I-5 corridor, at the foothills of the ONP, and right in there along the water.

The West End is getting such bad press about the military wanting to turn the area into a weapons testing zone, I'm sure people will be looking for some place quieter to go for vacations.

8:43 AM, December 04, 2014  

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