Sunday, April 18, 2010

Funding for Harbor-Works: What Would Tim Eyman Do?

Tim Eyman is probably too busy with the rest of Washington to be aware of the Harbor-Works controversy raging in Port Angeles.

But based on his anti-tax initiatives that have already been passed, and the self-reliance and fiscal responsibility that his supporters are always clamoring for, one can imagine what Tim Eyman would say about public funding for Harbor-Works: Taxpayer funding for Harbor-Works can continue if — and ONLY if — at least two thirds of Port Angeles voters agree to raise their own taxes to pay for Harbor-Works.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to see Eyman initiate a proposition to cut Dept. of Ecology funding by 60%! I bet that would pass!

8:42 PM, April 18, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is an excellent question. There are so many examples of tax subsidies for corporations in the state and he has never said anything about those.
The taxpayers will likely clean up the Georgia-Pacific site in Bellingham (actually the state has already kicked in some 28 million for their harbor)
WalMart works pretty good tax exemptions for themselves, Boeing is a grandprize winner of getting tax breaks out of the state and I would bet that the timber companies do OK by the state as well.
But my guess is that Eyman is more perturbed about social programs where people are helped. Those of his ilk never seem to identify corporate welfare as a problem. They just ignore such things.

12:03 AM, April 19, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, what does the local Republican party do? They spend their time complaining about Obama and all the new taxes he's passed since he took office. Haven't heard a word from them about things like the Incubator or all the overlapping local government organizations or the "internet to nowhere" the museum has. The only thing I've heard from Republicans about Harborworks is how much taxpayer money Norma Turner (?) is wasting, because Harborworks itself isn't wasting any money you know. So what would Tim Eyman do? Nothing. Just like the local Republican party does nothing about local issues. Just stand around complaining about the president and all the local liberals. All bark, no bite.

12:17 PM, April 19, 2010  
Anonymous hopeless said...

Oh my, you liberals are amazing, you all actually believe the crap you type here. God help you all.

1:45 PM, April 19, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous...liberal...whatever: those evil corporations HIRE PEOPLE, as does Walmart...and Boeing...and timber comapnies. Thay all also PAY TAXES.
Social programs SUCK MONEY from the taxpayer. They pay NO TAXES.
Get a brain first, then come back and talk.

9:40 PM, April 19, 2010  
Anonymous Rick said...

This blog reinforces my belief that liberals are just FUBAR.
Obama: One Big Ass Mistake America!

9:43 PM, April 19, 2010  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

OK, Rick, I printed your comment just to show I'm not censoring conservative viewpoints. But maybe your future comments could be related to Port Angeles, or some sort of local issue.

9:46 PM, April 19, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People who believe large corporations pay lots of taxes can easily find the truth on the internet.
According to Business Week, Boeing pays the least US tax - 3.2%, well under the 35% level.
In addition Boeing has recently received concessions from the state that total $4 billion in property tax exemptions and tax paid infrastructure that serves their facilities. Small business does not enjoy such largess.
They are on welfare.
Some large corporations pay no taxes at all.

11:36 PM, April 19, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dino Rossie for Senator! It's time to get rid fof that crazy Patty Murray!

5:25 AM, April 20, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...but they still hire thousands and sign lots of paychecks! Stop drinkin the koolaid Anonymous 11:36!

6:28 AM, April 20, 2010  
Anonymous Capitalist said...

Anon 11:36,

3.2% of of $68 billion in revenue is $2.1 billion. That's possibly more than any company in the world. They also employee over 100,000 employees while paying L & I taxes, and unemployment taxes, etc. Boeing is clearly doing it's fair share.

So please don't embarass yourself by saying large corporations don't pay lots in taxes

7:49 AM, April 20, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a bunch of Socialist spread the wealthers! You people need your heads examined!

12:19 PM, April 20, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As of a decade ago, Boeing constituted the ninth largest economy in the world.
Their tax liability reflects exemptions and deductions pre-tax. This is where they receive generous benefits from the various taxing authorities.
They also receive tax credits, resulting in a ridiculously low tax rate. Two billion is nothing to Boeing.
They are self-insured (no L&I) in the state of WA.

The level of discourse from the "right" on this board is very juvenile. You would be better served by learning about the true power of corporations in this country. It goes like this:

HarborWorks will bail out Rayonier with tax supported cleanup. The current president of Rayonier was president of Georgia-Pacific when they pulled a similar deal in Bellingham. Guess what - you are paying for that cleanup too.

12:41 PM, April 20, 2010  
Anonymous Tea Party member said...

Anon 12:41

Don't be so foolish, $2.1 Billion is a lot of money to you and, yes, even Boeing. Boeing paid more in 2009 taxes ($2.1 Billion) then their net income for 2009 ($1.3 Billion).

Considering the risk they take, and the value they add to our economy, I contest they're doing their fair share.

People like you would tax them right out of business so you could get free health care, and keep on spending your food stamps.

Get real.

1:42 PM, April 20, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You libs just want to tax businesses so much that they have to move overseas and employ foreigners. Come on! You just want Americans on the welfare forever!

3:05 PM, April 20, 2010  
Anonymous Capitalist said...

You liberals will tax business until they all leave.

You can't earn it, so you want to take from those who can.

Your ruining our country

3:16 PM, April 20, 2010  
Anonymous Tea Party member said...

Boeing should not have to pay any taxes, and for that matter no business employing over 10 people should have to pay any taxes at all.


3:19 PM, April 20, 2010  
Anonymous The Watcher said...

"Come on! You just want Americans on the welfare forever!"

In an effort to try and raise the level of discussion, and to further understanding between different perspectives, I would like to ask a question:

If we take it as a given that the above quote about "libs" is true - WHY do they want everyone on the dole forever? Seriously - what is their motivation? What is their goal? What do they hope this will accomplish?

If anyone can explain this logically, I'd appreciate it. Because, to me, it sounds as sensible as when people said heavy metal bands put hidden pro-suicide messages on their records. Which would mean their fans would all kill themselves, and they'd be out of a job. That makes no sense to me, and sweeping statements like the one quoted above aren't much better.

So please help me understand.

4:20 PM, April 20, 2010  
Anonymous 4/20 said...

Dude! You posted at 4:20 on 4/20!

6:17 PM, April 20, 2010  
Anonymous Sally said...

Good letter in today's PDN about this very subject, written by Glen Wiggins.

7:11 PM, April 20, 2010  
Anonymous Once Burned said...

The Watcher said:

"If anyone can explain this logically, I'd appreciate it."

There is almost no logic in use today, from either side of any political or philosophical issue. The old saying that "There are three sides to every issue, Your side, My side and then the actual truth" is so true. It is such a shame that what passes for debate, nowadays, is little more than 1st grade name calling. There are times that I have really enjoyed this blog, when actual ideas and differences of opinion were offered without rancor or cynicism, but many other times..., it is just too bad.

8:40 AM, April 21, 2010  
Anonymous Tea Party-Hardy said...

Tea Party on, dudes!

12:49 PM, April 21, 2010  
Anonymous The Watcher said...

Once Burned...I can (mostly) appreciate your cynicism, and totally agree with you that most "debate" today is really no more than taunting.

With that in mind, it seems that no one who is currently drinking the "TEA of Liberty" can offer much by way of support for their slogans and catchphrases.

But my question still stands. WHAT is the actual MOTIVE for (so-called) liberals supposedly wanting to have EVERYONE on the dole? What do they hope to accomplish?

2:49 PM, April 21, 2010  
Anonymous Capitalist said...

The watcher said

WHAT is the actual MOTIVE for (so-called) liberals supposedly wanting to have EVERYONE on the dole?

I'll answer that in one word "VOTES"

5:23 PM, April 21, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It ain't the tea they're drinkin', it's the tea their smokin'!

6:05 PM, April 21, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

What a bunch of Socialist spread the wealthers! You people need your heads examined!

Every shrink needs a shrink.

6:31 PM, April 21, 2010  
Anonymous The Watcher said...

Capitalist...So EVERYONE is on the dole, NO ONE is working and paying taxes...And the "liberals" then win votes so they can preside over a government that...Has NO money because NO ONE is working or paying taxes? Again, I'm trying to understand the reasoning (if any) behind this mindset. Your answer doesn't clear things up at all.

Please clarify.

8:50 PM, April 21, 2010  
Anonymous Capitalist said...

Watcher, who said anything about everyone? Just enough to keep their votes

9:30 PM, April 21, 2010  
Anonymous Capitalist said...

Watcher... the liberals want the majority of American voters dependent on the Government, this way they assure their power. Tax the successful, give to their (the governments) dependents.

Get it,

9:30 PM, April 21, 2010  
Anonymous TEA Partier said...

heh he heh. To celebrate "earth day" I'm gonna cut down a few trees. I'm a logger and that's my job and I plan to keep it. So you socialist liberals can keep the "change" with your muslem Kinyen "president". Happy "earth day"

5:36 AM, April 22, 2010  
Anonymous The Watcher said...

But Capitalist...ALL of us ARE dependent on the government. ALL OF US. No one reading this blog - NO ONE - builds their own roads. NO ONE has their own police force. NO ONE personally regulates their bank, or oversees their own food inspections. NO ONE has their own miltary. NO ONE individually facilitates and regulates all their own utilities.

And on and on and on...

So, to be honest with you, given ALL of that...When I see these TEA Party-types shouting "Lower taxes, less government," it seems - at best - hypocritical. (ESPECIALLY since those older members of the TEA Party are very likely enjoying the "socialized" benefits of various governmental programs.)

I don't hear a rational position being advocated. I hear a call, essentially, for anarchy. If we are going to make do with "less," (less roadwork, less police, less safety inspections, less teachers, etc.) I have yet to hear exactly how we as a society are going to make up for all these holes that would be blown in our social compact.

6:52 AM, April 22, 2010  
Anonymous Crabkiller said...

What would Tim Eyman do? (The question the simple minded repugnican posters here continue to avoid)
Well, considering this is a local issue, not much. See Tim needs to get his initiatives on state wide ballots. Thats what his phony corporation is about. He doesn't need to get them passed,or even for them to to make sense, he just needs to get them on the ballot to cash in. So no help from Tim on this one.
As for what citizens in PA would do - What difference does that make to the scammers running the Harborworks show?

7:41 AM, April 22, 2010  
Anonymous Crabkiller said...

Additionally inherent in the original question is: “What would the citizens of Port Angeles do if Haborworks funding were placed on the ballot?” THEY WOULD VOTE IT DOWN. Overwhelmingly. And that’s why this consortium of land pimps and crooked politicians enacted it under the cover of darkness and rammed it down our throats.

10:50 AM, April 22, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

No one minds a little socialism as long as it's directed at them. I would settle for more responsible government.

11:21 AM, April 22, 2010  
Anonymous Capitalist said...

Watcher, i agree that everyone is dependent on the government for one reason or another. But the bars keeps getting raised, and even when we do not need dependence we get it shoved down our throats like we are stupid. Our founding fathers wanted the Federal government to be responsible for the 3 branches (Legislative, Executive, and Judicial) everything else should be handled by the state.

For instance, Social Security, the Federal govenment thinks we are all too stupid to save for our retirement, granted some are, but it's turned into and under-funded welfare program. Medicare same thing underfunded welfare program, Obamacare will be no different.

They created more people dependent on them, and their voter base is rising.

I hope I'm making some sense, it's the seed to total socialism.

11:35 AM, April 22, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Capitalist just needs to read Karl Marx and smoke a doobie and get over it.

3:07 PM, April 22, 2010  
Anonymous Tea Party member said...

Nice Tom, anon 3:07 is adding value to the conversation

4:37 PM, April 22, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure Capitalist can take care of himself, especially as he spouts the GOP party line to perfection. But I notice you said nothing about what "Tea Partier" (at 5:36 am) had to say. Talk about talk about adding value to the conversation!

How typical. You people talk about "freedom" and "liberty" but it's "freedom" and "liberty" for you and you only. Everyone that doesn't agree with you is an "idiot", a "communist" or a "traitor". Ultimately, you tea partiers are nothing better than Hitler's Stormtroopers and your conspiracy theories and propaganda aren't much better than the ravings of Dr. Goebbels.

6:35 PM, April 22, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With the tea partiers, I figure lynchings are only a matter of time.

7:39 PM, April 22, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

How typical. You people talk about "freedom" and "liberty" but it's "freedom" and "liberty" for you and you only.

That's why I'm not above stealing a few of the kings fish. :-)

8:57 PM, April 22, 2010  
Anonymous Crabkiller said...

Capitalist 11:35

What a've been bragging about your "education" (an MBA and 3 undergrad- right?) yet you can't even articulate your own argument...

Your 5th grade grasp of US history and politics proves only that a little information is a dangerous thing.

“Our founding fathers wanted the Federal government to be responsible for the 3 branches (Legislative, Executive, and Judicial) everything else should be handled by the state.”

This statement doesn’t even make sense. You see, the federal government IS the legislative, executive and judicial branches. The “everything else “ part is everything not covered by the constitution. Now read the damn constitution and its preamble. Nothing there to support your point, dude. ( but I’m sure you‘re a big hit with the rest of the hillbillies!)

While you’re gassing on about the founding fathers, be sure to ask them about , oh , I don’t know, how about Microsoft, a population of 350,000,000, or how about nuclear weapons? Ask them if they’re pissed about us abolishing slavery and allowing women to vote.

What ? None of that existed during the time of the founders? Go figure.

Ultimately I have to conclude that you’re just another self righteous blowhard. You have no clue what it is you’re trying to say, yet you can criticize others for their lack of education, and condemn therir positions without a shred of evidence or credibility for your own. YOU, SIR, are what’s wrong with this country.

8:31 AM, April 23, 2010  
Anonymous Capitalist said...

Crabkiller, like it or not your liberal buddies need me and the 7 digits I pay in taxes. I have earned the right to my opinion, you have earned the right to beg for more.

8:31 PM, April 23, 2010  
Anonymous Crabkiller said...

Capatalist, nobody said you didn't have a right to your opinion...

What I said was "you're a self rightous blowhard."

I stand by that.

8:49 PM, April 23, 2010  
Anonymous Crabkiller said...

Capatalist, nobody said you didn't have a right to your opinion...

What I said was "you're a self rightous blowhard."

I stand by that.

8:49 PM, April 23, 2010  
Anonymous Capitalism said...

Crabkiller, if you knew me you would never say that....insults are so intelligent

6:31 AM, April 24, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Seven digits you pay in taxes"?? As in, you pay a million dollars in taxes? Sorry, I'm calling shenanigans on that one. Even if you meant seven digits of taxable income, who the hell has that kind of money around here?

8:03 AM, April 24, 2010  
Anonymous Capitalist said...

When your taxable income is over $2 million a year, that's what you get from our Government.

Now you know why i hate paying taxes!

10:16 AM, April 24, 2010  
Anonymous Crabkiller said...

Capitalist :

You make us educated folks sick

Your ruining our country

You can't earn it, so you want to take from those who can.

I have earned the right to my opinion, you have earned the right to beg for more.

....insults are so intelligent

So, a self rightous HYPOCRITE as well as a blowhard.

Your main theme seems to be "I'm rich, and that makes me right"

Actually, it only means you're rich. You know, like Paris Hilton.

By the way, are youy ever going to address the topic of this thread, or do you just stop in to spout slogans?

3:22 PM, April 24, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, so there really are millionaires around here. Well, that pretty much disproves the "trickle down" theory.

7:02 PM, April 24, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Capitalist, if you're paying that much in taxes you're an utter idiot. People with the income you claim have accountants who would be puting the bulk of that income away in a variety of tax free shelters.

Also, with that kind of income there's no way on Earth you'd be living around here. No. Way.

So stop the pretense to great wealth cos it ain't you, baby.

7:12 PM, April 27, 2010  
Anonymous Capitalist said...

Tax shelters are disappearing and almost gone, deductions no longer exist at this level, there are limits on deferred income, the only way to avoid taxes at this level is to cheat and my accountants don't cheat. You see, none of you "low income, tax the rich" people have a clue. Over half of working Americans pay no taxes, that's what's wrong with America. You will tax us all out of the country.

11:05 AM, April 28, 2010  
Anonymous JezusShaves said...

Considering MBAs have done more damage to this country than all the terrorists combined, I would love to see you and every other greedy bastard taxed out of the country...

11:56 AM, April 28, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still have a hard time believing there's a $2 million a year job in Port Angeles. Hell, lately I doubt there's a job that pays a livable wage around this dump.

12:19 PM, April 28, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, baby, it ain't you. Quit pretending, Capitalist, cos, like I said, it ain't you.

Anyways, take your ever-complainin' a$$ outta here, cos bull$hit runs the marathon. You ain't nothing but the problem.

12:22 PM, April 28, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, poor you, Capitalist. When are you leaving?

2:44 PM, April 28, 2010  
Anonymous JezusShaves said...

East of here in Gales Addition

Nearly fifty years ago

When they breathed the mill’s emissions every time the wind would blow

Where the men out there grew sickly

And the women like the men

And the children like their parents, except every now and then

When a Miracle so ghastly

Or a monster so divine

Would be born to some kid mother

In a trailer in the rain.

Down the road there was a grocery

Out on Highway 101

Right behind it was a trailer where the white trash had their fun

Magazines and dirty movies

They had everything you need

Big strange rubbery devices

Satisfaction guaranteed

But the thing that kept ‘em coming

Brought ‘em in from near and far

Was the shelf display of monstrous pickled punks in Mason jars

Seven eyes and fourteen elbows

Step in close so you can see

The crop that grows in Gales Addition

Courtesy of ITT

Well the mill just kept on spewing

Poison air and PCBs

And the folks just kept on breeding with mutated ovaries

Till the whole town was infected

Zombie children in their schools

And the town’s folk all elected

Damn Republicans and fools

When the mill packed up and left there

And Refused to clean the site

All the mutant politicians said that’s perfectly all right

We’ll just lie about the poison

We’ll maintain it isn’t there

Ronnie RayGun killed the EPA

So we don’t have to care

We’ll develop Gales Addition

They’re be profits all around

If we all can keep the secret of what’s buried in the ground

And we’ll kick out all the poor folks

Tow away their rusty cars

And we’ll get rid of that trailer

with those awful things in jars

So they passed themselves an ordinance

And set themselves to work

But they didn’t clean the sight up they just covered it with dirt

Then they threw the pickled punks in

They were using them for fill

Then went home to count their cash and

Send Port Angeles the bill

Now the new folks who bought homes there

Feeling safe behind locked doors

Have no knowledge of the horrors hiding just beneath their floors

No idea of the pickled punks

Or where the danger lurks

Or the fact that they’re the victims

Of the curse of HarborWorks.

4:32 PM, April 28, 2010  

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